08-16-16 PR Agenda0 PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA OtCITY OF Tuesday, August 16, 2016 CITY MINNESOTA Otsego Prairie Center Call to Order Roll Call: 1. Open Forum. 2. Consider Agenda For Approval. 3. Consider the Minutes: 3.1 July 19, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes. 4. Unfinished Business. 5. New Business. 5.1 Review Concept Design Plan for Norin Landing 5.2 Review Concept Design Plan for Lefebrve Creek Greenway 6. Parks and Recreation Director's Update. 7. City Council Reports. 8. Adjourn. NOTES/ACTION 8/16/2016 The next regular Parks and Recreation Meeting will be September20, 2016 at 7:OOPM Otsego Prairie Center