ITEM 3.10 Prairie Park ComplexRequest for �tCITY OF Se X0 City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR. MEETING DATE: Parks and Recreation Ross Demant., Parks and March 25, 2013 Recreation Manager PRESENTER(()' Consent AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Lori Johnson, City Administrator Ron Wagner, City Engineer 3.10 City Staff recommends approval for Hakanson Anderson to provide survey and design work on the proposed Prairie Park Soccer Complex for $4,SOO. This work will then be used for the grading plans and specifications for the grading bid. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? 1 15 A PUBLIC H FAR I NG REQUIRED? No No BACKG ROU N D/J U STI F ICAT 10 N: City Staff has been working to put together a comprehensive plan for the construction of the Prairie Park Soccer Complex. The goal of this comprehensive plan was to list, in detail., the different phases of the soccer field construction with timelines and cost associated with each phase. Currently the project is in the planning and design phase. A survey needs to be done to have accurate elevations to create grading plans for contractors to bid on. Construction staking during the grading phase will be needed for the grading contractor. This cost is not included with this Request for Action and would be dependent upon the contractor's requirements. Many contractors have GPS systerns so only a few reference points would be required verSLIs non -GPS contractors would need quite a bit more staking. Thegrading is planned to take place in late June and will then allow for time for irrigation installation, and turf establishment for fall. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS; X ATTACHED o NONE List: Memo for Ron Wagner, City Engineer MOTION: (Please v.,ofd motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to approve contracting with Hakanson Anderson to provide survey and design work on the proposed Prairie Park Soccer Complex. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING- BUDGETED., x YES Fund #208 uNO ACTION TAKEN_____ L3 APPROVED AS REQUESTED n DENIED o TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Phase 1 Early June Grading of the Soccer Fields Estimated Cost Item Quantity Units Unit Cost Cost Mobilization 1 LS $2,,000.00 $2,000.00 Silt Fence 3500 LF $2,00 $7,000.00 Strip Topsoil 18000 CY $2.00 $35,000.0[0 Grading 8500 CY $1.50 $12.,750-00 Respread Topsoil 18000 CY $2.75 $49,500.00 Tree Removal 1 LS $1,500-00 $1,500.00« $10%750.00 Phase 2 Late June installation of Power Estimated Cost Item Quantity Units Unit Cost Cost Installation of Transformer 1 LS $2)125.00 $2,x.25.00 $2,125.00 Cl 5 Parking Lot, Pond Lining,, Wet Well Phase 3 Late June and Piping Estimated Cost Item Quantity Units Unit Cost Cost Mobilization 1 LS $21500.00 $2,500-00 CL 5 Parking Lot 800 TON $15.00 $12,,000.00 Pond Lining 500 CY $30.00 $15,000.00 Wet Well 1 LS $21500.00 $2.,500.00 Piping from PW Building to MH 1 LS $17,500.00 $17,543.00 Gates 2 Each $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $49,500,00 Phase 4 July Installation of Lighting for Parking Lot Estimated Cost Item Quantity Units Unit Cost Cost Street Lights (7) 1 LS $13,825.00 $13,825-00 $13,825.00 Phase 5 July Installation of VF D and Appurtenances Estimated Cost Item Quantity Units Unit Cost Cost VFD other Control Item s LS $37,500-00 $37,500.00 $,O.00 Phase 6 Estimated Cost Item Irriagation System Booster Station Phase 7 Estimated Cost Item Seeding Denudation - (round -up) 2x Turf Establishment (1st Year) Phase 8 Estimated Cost Item Contingency Construction and Design As -Built Survey, Design,, Admin. & Construction SW Summary Estimated Cost Item Phase I - Grading Phase 2 -Electric Service Phase 3 - Piping/Wet Well/Pond Lining /Parking Lot Phase 4 - Street Lights Phase 5 - Well Controls Phase 6 - Booster Station / Irrigation System Phase 7 - Turf Phase 8 - Design/ Admin/ and Contingency CIP AmOUnt July Quantity August Installation of Booster Station end Irrigation System Units Unit Cost Cost LS $45,,000.00 $45,,000.00 LS $20,,000.00 $20;000,00 $65,v000.00 Turf Quantity Units 10 Acre 2 LS 1 LS Unit Cost Cost $1..250.00 $12,500.00 $1,250.00 $20500.00 $10,000-00 $10,000.00 $25,000.00 Design, Admin and Contigency of 10% Quantity Units Unit Cost Cost I LS $301000.00 $30,000.00 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 LS $18,300.00 $18,300-00 $53.300.00 Summer 2013 Soccer Fields Cost $108,750.00 $2,125.00 $49,500.00 $13,825.00 $37..500.00 $65,000.00 $25,000.00 $301,700.00 $53p300.00 $35,5,000.00 $342,300.00 $12,700.00 Over 3.7% MEMORANDUM TO Honoi-able Mayor and City Council 9 BY@ Ronald J. Wagner, P.E., City Engineer CC: Lot Johnson, City Administi-atm- Tami Loff, City Clef -k Dan Licht, City Plannei-, Gar -y Gmen, City Finance Director, Ross Deinant, Pai-1 and Recreation Managet- DATE: March 14, 2013 RE, : Conipi,ehensive Project Costs - Soccer Fields A more comprehensive project analysis than was provided in the 2013 CIP was requested by Parks and Recreation Manager Ross Demant. to present to City staff and the City Council to gain authorization to begin design of plan and specifications for the Otsego Soccer Fields project. The project is placid to be split into several components as to have expert contractors in charge of each element rather than have one general contractor with many subs. Each phase of the project will have definitive time lines. Currently the only issue with the timeline is convIeting a survey of the property to determine the actual atuount of soil that needs to be moved. The survey needs to be completed while the ground is still frozen. April and May can be challenging to survey an open fields due to muddy conditions. The construction of project is plamied to be split into 7 smaller phases: 1) Grading of the soccer fields — Early June 2) Installation of power by Wright Hennepin — Late June 3) Pond lining, grading of parking lots and installation of pipe from the Public Works Building to a rnaffliole and installation of wet well — Late June 4) Installation of street lights - July 5) Installation of well VFD and appurtenances - July 6) Installation of booster station and irrigation system - July 7) Turf establislmient — August Phase I -Soccer Field Grading ot720 - memo - soccer fields_TPC.doc Page I of 1 CutTently, we are estimating $108,750 in construction costs for grading of the playfield area. This cost estimate is still a very rough guess without completing a survey and coring for depth of existing topsoil and will be fine-tuned during the grading design, which requires City Council approval to proceed with. Plans and Specifications. Phase 2 - Installation of Electric Service Wright Hennepin has provided the City with a cost estimate of $2,125 for placing a transformer to supply power for the water system, irrigation and parking lot lighting. City staff also directed that Wright Hennepin consider future power needs for lighting of the soccer fields so that the capacity would be 'in place if such improvements are to be made in the future. 10 Phase 3 —Pipe From Well to Pond/Pond Lining/Parking Lot Grading City staff is recom-mending a single contractor perform three elements of the project having an estimated total cost for construction of$49, 00 (including mobilization costs for all three components): Installation of water pipe from the Public Works Building to the existing stormwater drainage manhole adjacent to the salt storage shed and the installation of pipe and wet well adjacent to the existing storm water pond. The piping and wet well is estimated to cost $20,000. This includes removal and replacement of some asphalt from the building to the manhole add acent to the salt storage shed. Lining of the stormwater pond to retain water for storage from elevation 9 10 down to the bottom at elevation 904 is estimated to cost $15,000 to construct. The cost of this project component may change some dependent upon which method of lining is. Our office will be researching the effectiveness and cost of several methods including a PVC liner, bentonite clay or use of existing stockpiled clay. Once we have researched each of these methods and the cost assooiated with them a recommendation will be forwarded to the council for approval as part of the Plans and Specifications. ■ Class 5 installation and grading of the parking lots is estimated to cost $14,000. The design will incorporate the opportunity to add additional parking to the east of the north -south drive aisle as well as pavement, curb and gutter and storm sewer in the future. Two gates will also be installed at the site entrance from 90"' Street and noilh end of the parking area to control access for security purposes. Phase 4 — Installation of Street Lights Street lights areproposed to be located at the entrance froin 90"' Street and within the parking areas primarily for security reasons. Wright Hennepin has provided us with a cost estimate of $13,,825 for seven light fixtures/poles of the same type installed in the parking area east of City Hall. City staff will work with Wright Hennepin to determine if adequate lighting can be provided with fewer fixtures. Phase 5 - Installation of Well VFD and Appurtenances ot720 - nienio - soccer fields—TKAoc Page 2 of 2 The test of the existing Public Works Building well has determined there is an adequate supply of water sand free at a 100 gpm rate but controls, transducers, floats, RPZ and a VFD need to 'be installed to allow dual usage of the well. These costs are very fluid still until more design is completed but will require cutting into the concrete floor of the Public Works Building to gain access to the control roorn based on the system designed by the architect. A rough estimate for construction is $37,500. Phase 6 - Booster Station and Irrigation System The construction costs of supplying and installing the entire irrigation system from the wet well next to the pond to the soccer fields is estimated at $65,000. Plans and specifications for this phase will be provided primarily by the selected irrigation contractor subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. Phase 7 —Turf Establishment Parks and Recreation Manager Demant has been in contact with a set -vice professional who specializes in athletic field turf. This turf specialist has estimated the cost for seeding and initial fertilization during the first year to be $25,000. Phase 8 — Engineering, Adminis traflon and Contingency We estimate fees from our office related to preparation of plans and specifications, surveying, and construction oversight and completing as -built plans to be $23,300. The project estimate included with the CIP included a 20 percent contingency solne of which was to account for engineering and administration costs that have been more specifically defined as separate line items in this current estimate. Having refined the preliminary cost estimates for the project as outlined herein, City staff has reduced the contingency to ten percent or $30,000. Sunimary The current estimate for the cost of project as outlined herein is $355,000, which is an increase of $12,700 from the amount that was presented as part of the CIP. The cost increase is due to the following: Although the existing Public Works Building well does not require additional development to be able to provide water to the soccer field irrigation that was included in the initial estimate, additional work to access the well controls and make a connection to the water system for a dual system that both supplies the Public Works building and the irrigation system are higher than anticipated. ■ Use of the specialized professional for seeding as well as consultation on the development of the turf is estimated to cost $103000. ■ Gates were added to secure the proposed parking lot adding $2,000 to the project cost. ot720 - inemo - soccer fields— .doe Page 3 of 3