ITEM 3.11 Approve Quote from HTG ArchitectsRequest for OtI k 'I' ( I I City Council Action .-.:;4 ri I N N rr- S 0'1 C DEPARTMENT INFORMATION ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR. MEETING DATE: Parks and Recreation Ross Demant, Parks and March 25, 2013 Recreation Manager PRE SENTER( s): REViEWED BY: ITEM 9: Consent Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.11 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend the approval of the HTC Architect's quote of $3,800 to assist the Prairie Center Sub - Committee in developing a master plan for Prairie Center. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? I IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUND/JUSTW(CATION: At the February Prairie Center Sub -Committee meeting the Committee determined that using a consulting firth would be the most efficient way in developing a master plan for Prairie Center. City Staff contacted Kinghorn Construction which is the company that was involved with the City Hall construction. Kignhorn suggested using HT G Architects to assist the Sub -Committee and provided City Staff with a proposal. SUPPORTI'NG DOCUMENTS, X ATTACHED L-1 NONE List: Proposal from ATG Architects MOTION: (Please word plotion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) $3,800 for consulting services assisting the Prairie Motion to approve the quote from HT Architects for . , Center SA-Cornrnittee with developing a master plan for the building. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: X YES NO Community Facilities Fund #206 ACTION TAKEN ii APPROVED AS REQUESTED n DENIED ci TABLED D OTHER (List changes COMMENTS: : 06March ZO13 H..TG architects John JohnStuder ' Nnghorn[onstruc'inn Re: ]nNdon'A/ hitectUndSerNcesPropos | Proposed Remodel Former City Hall Building Otsego,, Minnesota Dear John: It was great tohear the City ofOtsego |splanning toremodel there former City Hall building. VVelook forward to working with the City's team and Kinghorn Construction to develop a space designed specifically around your city's needs. It is clear that the City of Otsego is expecting continued growth and that they want to be prepared to meat the needs of the community. We are pleased to present this proposal for our !nV<m(oo Consulting Services. This proposal will describe the two phase InVision process which includes both the Programming and the Feasibility Study. We understand that City of Otsego Is planning for the future of its former [1\y Hall building. It Is our understanding that they wish to update the 8,000 sf office building. The |nVisionprocess will help gather the correct information sothat aninformed decision can bemade onsize, scale and costs ufthe remodeled facility. We believe our expertise will go beyond problem solving and help to facilitate the creative process. Growth can be real challenge for communities, but with preparation and careful thought a plan can be developed that gathers consensus and provides a road map Into the future. HTG has extensive experience helping our clients work through current issues while also developing a plan to meet future needs. Our � ob|tkein,h[sprocesx|stoaskque�/onsandUmencare�Uy. YVetake the |nforma�ongmhe�dand from b w - will develop several options that are presented back toyou and the client for your consideration. InVision: The \nVs(onprocess will guide you through the early planning and conceptual design stages. InVbionwill allow you to learn some of the current trends and technologies. With |nNs(or, we will take your 'vision' and meld it with our experience to design a facility which will fit the city's needs. |nVidon starts with Programming, which establishes the 'pieces of the puzzle' orawants and needs list. The Feasibility Study bthe conceptual, design of the site and floor plans to see how the programmed spaces will fit vW'h|n the context of the proposed space, This process allows you to answer questions, before you move forward with the architectural and engineering drawings, about whether it IsTeasible'to do the design you like, In your budget and within your schedule. 1. 0nghornConstruction has already provided HTGwith apd[files ofthe original construction documents. VVe will work with Kinghorn to verify key dimensions and layout. 2.HTG will then meet with representatives whom you feel most appropriate to discuss and establish the program goals and objectives. Over the years, HTGhas developed a'Master Program' which Includes many of the possible, typical and non~typ(o*|, features that can go Into this type of facility. The Programming Session usually lasts Z-3hours and will lay the groundwork for asuccessful project. Items *ewill discuss include: Existing Facilities — Pros and [ons Areas of the building to remain "as -is" Timelines/Schedules Effilc1endes/Ad]acpndes Budgets Meeting Spaces/ Conference Rooms [odes Flexibility mGARCmTECTSs300 Hennepin Town Road, mmneapol|nMw55347 (952) 278-e880 MINNEAPOLIS pHoEmm TAMPA Page |nN»bmPmpos i-RemuddoffonnerOtsegoO,yHaU HITG 00March 2013 architects !0V!S!ON-Programming Session 3. HTG will develop the Preliminary Program, based on the information collected from the programming session. You will have an opportunity to review, make changes and approve the preliminary program. The program will be used as our'road map'during the Feasibility Study and all future phases. 4. The Programming Phase generally takes one to two weeks to complete and includes one interview meeting. Tom MooreeofHTG will bethe facilitator for the Programming session. |NV|S|ON-Phase 2 -Feasibility Study 1. HTG will prepare up to three Conceptual Floor Plan Designs for the project. The conceptual design drawings are not tobeassumed asafinal design solution, but are meant toprovide ageneral understanding ofhow the building could function. Our designs will help facilitate the community needs. I The conceptual designs will be accompanied with a "pros" and "cons" list to aid in the evaluation of each option. 3. No exterior building designs are included atthis time. The assumption will be made, for cost estimating purposes, that any work on the exterior of the building is not part of this project. 4. The Feasibility Study Phase generally takes one tutwo weeks tocomplete and includes one review meeting. We will meet with you to present, review and discuss the proposed designs, potential costs and different options and make recommendations. The |nNskon Process for Programming and a Feasibility Study is the same for all projects no matter what the project size is. Programming and Feasibility Study Is the 'foundation' that affects all other phemma and every aspect ofe project. Because we have completed many studies similar toyours, we are very confident that our experience and knowledge will be a benefit to you and the planning of this project. The fee for our |nV|don Consulting SenWas is $3,800\ plus reimbursable expense. These fees assume that three floor plan diagrams will be developed. Please see the enclosed Reimbursable Expense Schedule. TYPICAL SCHEDULE The dates listed below provide a general idea of the time that could be involved. The schedule can be accelerated or slowed down depending on the Owner's timeline. 22013 :��~d 08 March owner's due diligence 15 March |nVidon -P:xgnonmrning Session 22 March |nNdon-Start Feasibility Study (conceptual design) 8Apd| |nNs/on-Preliminary Feasibility Study Presentation Comments collected and incorporated 22 April |nNsion-Rnal Pees|hU|xy Study Presentation HTG ARCHITECTS 9300 Hennepin Town Road, Minneapolis Mwooa*7 (952) 278-8880 mo-ammtenuzmm Page |nV/skonProposal — Remodel offonne/Otsego City Hall 06 March 2013 TG architects If you have any questions or comments regarding any part of this outline, please feel free to call. If this proposal is acceptable, please sign and return a copy to HTG. This proposal is valid for thirty days. We look forward to working with you on this project. HTG Architects has been providing awide variety of architectural consulting services for over 53 years. HTGb confident that wecan coordinate everything you need for this project. Please use uoasaresource ifyou have anyquemionsnelatirig todesign,increasing effidenc|es, your other buUdings, trends, construction, etc. You only need to make one telephone call to 952.278.8880. If you have any questions or comments regarding any part of this proposal, please feel free to call. If this proposal /s acceptable, please sign and return a copy to HTG. This proposal is valid for thirty days. We look Thomas RMourau Partner FITG Architects HTG ARCHITECTS MINNEAPOLIS Daus Proposal accepted by: 0000 Hennepin Town Road, mmnemnnno IVIw 55347 (952) 278-8880 mo-arcmteou.con 06 March 2013 Re: InVbon'Architectural SerNoesProposa| Proposed Remodel Former City Hall Building Otsego, Minnesota Schedule of Expenses: He.,rbu"sab|eExne.sea: In -House Printing (black and white) $0.24yoquanafoot |n'HousePrinting (cour)...................................................... $Z.00/squarefoot kn -HouseExpenses(pwntin o'fa x,oe|1,bourd0ectcost Mileage Direct cost (current IRS rate) Trave IN dfare/Lo dg1ng................................................... —..Direct cos + 109% Out |dePdndng-- Direct cost+ 10% Postage/De | !very ........................ ........................................... Direct cost +10% HTG Architects HourIv Rates: Panner5...................................................................................... $ 195.80'210,00/hr Project Manageo/PnojectArdh|tects------_--4 110.00 195.00/h/ Job Captains ............................................................................. $ 90-00-120.00/hr [ADyTechnicians-- .'... $ 75I0'100.00/hr nnaAnCmTecTS 9300 Hennepin Town nmau, Minneapolis wm 55347 (952) 278-8880 H, TG architects