ITEM 3.2A 3.11.2013 Minutes1T'M 3..^ OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER March 11jr 2013 7:00 P Call to Order. Mayor Jessica St ckamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM11 Roll Lalli Mayer Jessica St c annp; C it a er t Vern Heidner,, Jason war lune, Doing Schroeder and Tangy Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Brad B lair, Street Maintenance Supervisor and Tami Lof , City Clerk. f Pledge of Alle%: Mayor St cl an p led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. 1.1 RobyanDenBergs [dew River Hospital District Representative for the Cis Rob van enBerg, New River Hospital District Representative for Otsego gave a Hospital District update. The hospital is looking for a resolution of support for the reissuance of bonds, Mr. ar DenBerg said he feels it is the best interest for the city to get out of the District because he feels they are only looking out for the Hospital not the hospital District as a hole. City Attorney MacArthur said the City Council would reed to pass a Resolution for petition of detachment. Mr, van enBerg said the board will be meeting March 14, 2013 at 6:80 PM and he would life something for that .meeting. CM Heidner motioned to have City Planner Dan Licht attend the March , 2013 Hospital District Board meeting. Seconded by CM Schroeder* All in favor, Motion carried. CM Held er motioned to approve calling a Special Meeting on Thursday,, March 14', 2013 at 10:30 AM at City Hall. Seconded by CM. Schroeder. All in favor* Motion carried,. M Dari enwald said he will not be able to attend. . Consider agenda aporoval. Mayr Stockamp requested to add item 7.1 setting a Special Meeting with the Parks and recreation Commissioners regarding remodeling of Prairie Center} CM Heidner motioned to approve as amended, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. �. Consent Agenda. Non -controversial items 3,1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. February 2, 2013 Special Meeting. B. February 2, 2018 fleeting. 3.3 Approve Motion to call the Board of Equalization meeting on April 2, 2013 at 5:30 PNM. 3.4 Pay Estimates/ Requests: AR Approve Pay Estimate to Erickson Builders in the amount of $43,246.37 for Repair of various Buildings and Change Order #3 for WWTE Buildings in the mount of $23,.131.00. a. Motion to direct the City Attorney to initiate legal action against Stante . 3,5 Approve Special hunting Season for PID .18-500-271300* 3,6 Approve Facilities HVAC Service Agreement. CM Schroeder motioned to approve as presented. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Community Development. 4.1 Hamlet. A. Zoning Mapm dr nt rezoning from -A-1 District and -C District t - District. B. Conditional use permit t allow lot Jar -ger than 2.5 acres within an A- District. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. The applicant was present and had no comments. CM Heidner motioned to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning charier and Teresa Hamlet property to A-2 District,. Seconded by CM Dar en raid, All in favor,, Lotion carried, CM #eidner motioned to approve a conditional Use Permit for a lot less than 20 acres within an A-2 District subject to the three conditions Misted in the findings of fact dated March 5,, 2013. Seconded by CM Schroeder All in favor, Motion carried, 4,2 llcnt rrr: A# Z ninci Map amendment rezoninci from A-1 District to A-2 District, B. Conditional use r)rmit for a lot less than 20 acres within the A-2 District. City Planner Licht presented the staff report. The applicant was present and had no comments. CM eidnar motioned to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning property to A-2 District. Seconded by CM Dari en ald. All in favor Motion carried. CM Heidner motioned to approve a Conditional Use Permit for a lot less than 20 acres within ars A -*2 District subject to the seven 7 conditions listed in the findings of fact dated Larch 5,, 2013. Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carried,, s. Public H arin .1 Stormwater Immove ent of Needham Avenue- South of 85th Street NE A. Cily Clerk attests to.legal notice. B. _ i_ Attorney rnmentst C. Project Presentation from the City Engineer. . Public Comments. E. Close the Public Hearing., City Clerk Leff attested that all the proper noticing,, posting and publishing has been completed, City Clerk Leff received one phone call from a resident and inserted for the records the following: Tera Hudson, 8387 Needham venue, cannot attend the meeting tonight but said he is in favor of the project. City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the public hearing process. City Engineer Magner presented the staff report. Layer Stkap opened the Public Hearing at 7:34 P. Kenneth Crosbie, 8331 Oakwood Avenue NE, stated he doesn't feel the reap presented is right; he doesn't believe his water is running into that area shown on the reap. He said the water ponds on the property to the north and is asking for someone to come out and inspect and make the drainage neap is correct. City Engineer Wagner r said the contour shows the water is flooring through and that a surrey would be needed. CM Heidnor asked Mr. Crosbie where the water flows on his property. Nor. Crosbie said it flogs about 50 feet and then the rest goes behind his garage. Judy F nding land, 8359 Oakwood Avenue NE, stated she feels the city is wrong on the flow of water the water is ponding on lot 118-034-002290. Richard Devitt, 8360 Needham Avenue, said he is the one that initiated the city looking into the project. Every year the water backs up and he loses about a 1 of his yard for the summer. fir. Devitt said he is in favor of the project because if nothing is done it will only get worse. Mr. Devitt also thanked city staff for cleaning out his culverts. Judy Fundingsl nd, 8359 Oakwood Avenue NE, said she doesn't have the extra money to pay for the assessment. CM Darkenwald said $452 assessment would be about a month for ten years just to give an estimate. Nis. Eundingsland asked that city staff come out and look at the drainage. CM arkenwald said he would like to see the City Engineer rook at it. CM Warehime asked els. Fundingsland if she noticed any ponding on her property. She stated not CM Heidner said the final assessment hearing would be in September and that can be looked at that time correct. City Attorney MacArthur said it is not a hearing just a consideration of the final assessment roll. Mayor Stockamp closed the Public Hearing at 8101 PNS. City Engineer Wagner said this will be considered by the City Council on March 25. 6. Public Works. .1 Consider Street Improvement of_LaBeaux Avenue from 75th Street and 80 th' Street. City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. City Engineer Wagner said that staff has reviewed the backyard drainage of the McShane property. A drain the has been installed in the rear of the yard along the low area to collect water; if frozen, the catch basin would provide the emergency overflow. City Engineer Wagner said the drainage before the development was a total of 4.39 acres; the drainage area left is #70 acres. To his knowledge the drain the is working. City Engineer Wagner said the other item brought up at the Public Hearing was the pipe left located at 7514 Laaux Avenue; The subject wire is a wire locating the gas main line for Center Point Energy, Center Point Energy has been contacted and will make the necessary adjustments. City Engineer Wagner said there was also the question of maintenance costs for LaBeaux Avenue; Street Maintenance supervisor Eelair gathered the costs for 2010-2012 for a total of $4,336.80 and the estimated cost of gravel which will be needed is around $7,000-10,000 depending on the amount needed. In 2006 the city paid $5.,000 for gravel. CM warehire asked if the standing water on the edge of the road will cause damage if the road is pared, City Engineer Wagner said the ditch will have some slope that will allow that water to drain to the bottom of ditch. CM »eidner stated this time of year there will be a lot of water ponding in many areas. City Engineer Wagner said yes until the Frost leaves. CM arkenwald asked the City Engineer if there is water on Mr. Mchane's lot during the summer that is standing, does that mean the drain the is not working? City Engineer Wagner said the water will not leave the property immediately; it takes time to drain. City Engineer Wagner said he feels that if the drain the is not functioning, the city should maintain it, CM Warehime asked what is a reasonable time for the water to drain? City Engineer Wagner stated within a timeframe that it doesn't stand long enough to kill the grass. Casey McShane,, 7676 LaBeaux Avenue NE, said he is opposed to the project for purely economic reasons* 3 M w rehime asked if we don't do the street project, will we still do the drainage project? City Planner Licht said this is a unique situation and that the street project and the drainage go together= CM rkenwld said after the plans and specifications are complete we will get a much better estimate of the project. City Engineer Wagner agreed, CM Heidner stated tonight we can authorize t proceed, but the final decision is not until lune 10. City Engineer Wagner said that is correct. CM Schroeder motioned to approve Resolution 2013-14 ordering Plans and Specifications for the Improvement of LaBeaux Avenuefrom 75th Street to 501' Street. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. 6,2 70th street Project: A. ...70th St CSAH 37 Intersection Design, City Engineer Wagner said City staff met with Wright County Highway Department staff to review the configuration of the intersection at 7& Street and CSAH 37. Wright County has jurisdiction for the east and south legs of the intersection and the City has jurisdiction for the west leg. The options include a "T" intersection or a roundabout. City Staff and Wright County staff agreed to recommend a roundabout. City Engineer Wagner said less right-of-way is needed for a roundabout. Mayor Stockrnp asked how many lanes. City Engineer Wagner said one lane. Mayor Stockamp said she has concern once the road is done there will be more traffic use. City Planner Licht said the roundabout would be designed for the ultimate capacity. There was discussion on the speed of the road. CM W rehi e questioned if we know how many commercial trucks or semi's currently use the street. City Engineer Wagner said not too many. CM W rehime has concern with the trucks and the roundabout; Mayor Stockamp agreed that people are not familiar with hoer to use a roundabout. C Darkenwald said he is not sure about a roundabout. City Engineer said Wright County would be responsible for 3 of the cost and the city 13. He stated that the County has the final decision in the intersection design. City Engineer said the County is proposing the city take over the trail from Oakwood Avenue to Odean Avenue. They wild pay the city back the cost of the construction and for 55 feet of right-of-way for the planned roadway improvements, Th it r would fund and additional 10 feet of right-of-way; CM Heidner asked if the real could be shifted to the south, The City Council agreed. City Engineer Wagner said he doesn't see why not and he would propose this to the county. CM Heidner said he thinks we should go with a roundabout with sifting to the south. He would like to see a concept plan before making the decision. Mayor Stockamp said this is quite a change then what was presented to the affected residents in that area; would file to see a letter notifying the effected residents. City Administrator Johnson said it was precipitated by the recent transportation finding received by the County and the need to coordinate the two projects. She indicated City staff will send a fetter this week to notify the affected residents f the changes due to the newly approved County project. City Engineer Wagner said City staff could have concept plans within a month and then hold meeting with those residents to review the plans. CM Darkenwald stated he is hearing that the rest of the council would like to go with the roundabout? CM Warehir a said he would like to look to see the concept plans. City Administrator Johnson restated the Council's direction from the City Council: The City Engineer is to gather plans for a roundabout with curbing and a higher speed then 25 MPH* Second the City staff is to send a lever to the affected residents this week. City Administrator Johnson asked City Engineer Wagner the time frame for getting back to the County. City Engineer Wagner said a couple of weeks. City Planner Licht said City staff could have a concept drawing for the City Council to review at the March 25 meeting and once have ars agreement from the City Council could go back to the County. 4 Mayor Stockamp asked the pros and cons for both options are presented and available on the website. . 70th Street Riciht-ofVay Acquisition, City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the staff report CM Darkenwald asked when the fast time the city has condemned a property. City Engineer Wagner said for the Queens AvenueJro'e t, f Mayor Stomp asked if Nagell will hill us separate for each property or one bill at the end. City Attorney MacArthur said probably in batches, CNS Darkenwald motioned to approve the proposal by Nage« Appraisal & Consulting t complete all necessary appraisals for 70street project, seconded by CM Warehime,, All in favor. Motion carried, 63 onsider State Aid Finance P fie nest -1998 Federally Financed Trail ProiecLCCouBW Park to School Knoll Park.) City Engineer Wagner reviewed the pay request. Cir Heider motioned to approve the payment to State Aid Finance in the amount of $616.21 for 1998 Trail Construction Project; seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor, Motion carried. . , 1-94„Coalition. CM Darkenwald said the 1-94 Coalition is requesting attendance of officials on March 18 at 10 AM for Transportation meeting at the Capitol. CM Darkenwald said he will be there andCity Administrator Johnson said she will he attending. 7. Citv Council Reports and -Updates., 7:1 Settle ectal i eetin ith the Parks rid l ecreation Commissioners regarding remodelin of Prairie Center and Otsecio Prairie Festival and soccer fields. Mayor stoc amp motioned to call a Workshop with the Parks and Recreation on March 20, 2013 at 5:30 Pel to be held at City Hall to revie r the Otsego Praire Center Reuse Otsego Prairie Festival and the soccer fields. seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. . Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson said the Hospital District has scheduled a publicmeeting on March 25 at 7 PM at the Hospital in Board Room A to discuss the recent action taken by the Board. s# Johnson said the Wright County Economic Development Partnership will be holding a state of the cities this Thursday. She gave the City Council an update on intersection flooding that acquired this past weekend; Public Works staff had to clean out culverts at four intersections within the city. . Ad'ourn. CM Dar enwald motioned to adjourn. SecondedbyC Warehime. All i ,� favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 9:59 PMK ATTEST: Mayor Jessica stoc arnp Tauri Lof, , City Clergy