ITEM 3.3A PSC 2.12.2013 Minutes3.3^ h.. X 01 Otsego Police Commission Minutes February 12, 2013 Present: Dana VanDenBerg (acting Chair in Denise's absence), Rob VanDenBerg, lieghan Anderson (acting Secretary), Sally Dufner, Ross Demant, Mayor nor Jessica Sto kar p, City Councilmen en Jason I arehi a and Jim Breitbach Police Officer: Officer Jason Oltmans Meeting called to order at: 6:3prn Information handouts reviewed- Received eived and reviewed. Agenda: Approved - Motion by Rob, seconded by Meghan. MINUTES from: January 8, 2013 - Approved - Motion by Rob, seconded by Sally. OPEN FORUM Items 6 minute limit): Several incidents involving snowmobllers ruling In non -approved areas, a location on Nashua Street as well as 2 others), city resident's yards and individuals "ditch jumping" were reported to the Snowmobile club President Pat. Vere was also an altercation between a club member and a teenager he confronted that resulted in a verbal altercation and resulted in hire being dragged an unspecified distance. There are concerns regarding public safety as well as having embers of the Snowmobile club confronting these individuals. Officer Oltmans said they can look into these matters and that he would encourage the Snowmobile club as the public to report these instances to the Local Police for action. Law Enforcement Updates & Discussion: There was a fatality of a 26 year old and well as many reports of snowmobile theft or attempted theft. Officer Oltmans stated that this is to be expected during the winter season and encourages residents to properly secure their snowmobiles and to report any suspicious activities or attempted theft. He also stated there has not been any unusual a tivities at the local bairs; Boondox and Cowboy Jacks. The establishments have appeared to be handling most disturbances In-house and have not requested police assistance. Old Business: *2013 Events - the Otsego City Safety Camp will be scheduled for June 11 1 2013. It will be an ail -day event from Gam to 6 m. Ross will market the event and will coordinate event activities and update the Police Commission next month with a progress report, Dana said she has facilitated contact with the local Girl Scouts and that they would be willing to volunteer during the evert. We just need to' let them know hoer many girls and what age ranges would be acceptable. New Business Commission Seats - Update Dana VanDenBeqq has been approved 1 the City Council for another term on the Police Commission. Jim Breitbach has been approved by City Council for a first term on the Police Commission Commission. Berk 13Deoer has been approved by City Council for a first term on the Police Commission. Paul Fields has been approved by City Council to act as an alternate on the Police Commission. Note: Mason Warehire will -be the neer city Council Representative resentative for the Police Commission with Doug Schroeder will act as the Alternate City Council Representative City Council Meeting Updates - Nothing rote worthy City Council Fleeting Assignments: February 25th - Meghan March I Ith - Sally [text Meeting: larch 12, 2013 @ 60.30 pm Meeting Adjourned :30pm