ITEM 3.3B OHP 7.12.2016 MinutesITEM 3_3B 7-12-16 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Toni Seroshek, Gail Anderson City Planner Dan Licht, Mayor Jessica Stockamp ( City Council Members Vern Heidner and Jason Warehime briefly) Meeting called to order at 7:40pm and agenda changes were the addition of the Park Signs as a discussion. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Research for 2016 Otsego Fest theme: local Native American history Zonja met with Kim Welter and they discussed the banner Zonja had put together from our research. Kim wanted less print and rearranged the items. The Commission reviewed what could be changed and Zonja will notify Kim of those changes. We decided collectively that we will put the sources of our studies on an accompanying reference or bibliographic sheet and have it available, then attach it to the back of the banner. Chris has gotten some material from Canvas Craft Services which could be used for a miniature tepee she was hoping the Boy Scouts might want to put together. Building was discussed and Zonja will send Chris the height of her three kids and Chris will design the potential tepee. It could be pieced together with sticks or strong twine through circles made with a hole punch. It would be a place for kids to explore and not an authentic tepee. She also brought a jasper knife and stand, an Indian doll, two books on early Native Americans, jingles to be attached to a leather cord or traditionally sewn to a dancing dress, two woven baskets, a Native doll and a banner re: Paleo-Indian banner from the MN History Center. Gail will bring her birch bark basket to add to the materials on display to the next meeting. Chris contacted Debra Blair who is the American Indian Educator for the Elk River schools and she will be at the next meeting. We can share with her our NA materials and entertain any suggestions she might have about what we have put together. Toni will laminate the second poster on Paleo Indians so that we can display both sides at the table along with the pictures from the Wright County History Center of the artifacts the Otsego Lahn .family donated to them of arrowheads, etc. Otsego Prairie Festival Gail requested she and Toni take the first half of the day to cover the booth and Chris and Zonja will take the second half. We discussed having the banner on Native Americans alongside the booth between rebar which holds it at eye level attached by zip strips. Dan will discuss that with Ross. Toni will get craisins and candy corn for our treats to hand out. Gail will look for suitable material on activities for Native American kids we can copy from our research materials for handouts for families and kids. Park Signs Dan handed out edited copies on the following parks: Lily Pond, Kittredge Crossings, Beaudry Meadows, and Frankfort Park along with the pictures given to Kim and Dan to go with each sign. We will proof each write up. He suggested material from the old Schools banner will be used for School Knoll Park. The Prairie Park banner material will be used for that sign. The Commission agreed with his ideas. We need write-ups for Zimmer Park, Carrick Waterfront Landing, Northwood Park and Wilson Preserve. Chris will do a draft for the Wilson Preserve. We also need to get plat maps for each sign to relate locations to the city center. Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm. Next meeting is August 16 at 6 pm at Prairie Hall. Gail Anderson, Recorder