ITEM 3.4 Accept Certificates of commendation West/East WWTFRA. CITY of 0 Ot fAg INNE OT DEPAI T FNT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action I 1 11 1 111111 111111111 lip' Rd- II�AT-I DEPAI . T - M E T: I2E UE T f : 'ME&ING DATE: Water r ars Serer City Clerk Luff i""March 25,.2013 P E E{ TEf s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM M Consent Agenda City Administrator Johnson .4 -Celt. of Commendation F!TCI =1 0 11111i1itd:Iky1191=1111 IMI RECOMMENDATION: Accept certificates of commendation for the West and East WWTF and staff. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEAR IN REQUIRED' A A BACK R UNDMU TIFICATl 1: The City of Otsego received certificates of commendation from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency recognizing the West and East wastewater trtm nt facility and staff. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED u NONE 1. CertifiGate of Commendation for the West t VV VTF, . Certificate of Commendation for the East WVVTF. MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like It to appear In the minutes.) Motion to accept certificates of commendation for the West and East WWTF and staff. BUDGET INFORMATION FINDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES N/A NO ACTION TAKEN APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ti TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: