ITEM 3.6 Approve lions adopt a streetCITY OF otgo MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 25 March 2013 PRESENTER((): REV] EWE D BY: ITEM #: Consent Agenda P City Administrator Johnson 3.6 — Lions Adopt -A -Street AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of the application of Otsego Lions to adopt 85 th Street /Qua day Avenue/87'h Street as part of the Adopt -A -Street program. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. No. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION- An Otsego Lions club has been formed to provide community service within the City. One of the Otsego Lion's first projects is to apply to adopt 85'h Street/Quaday Avenue/ 87'h Street within the Great River Centre commercial development shown on the attached map. This roadway section was chosen in consultation with City staff based on a need to assist with maintenance of the street cape and also to provide maximum visibility for the Otsego Lions organization. The Otsego Lions have scheduled their first clean up date for the roadway as 14 May 2013 at 5.-30PM. The City will install two signs at the entrances to Great River Centre from Parrish Avenue (C AH 37) at 85 1h Street and 87'h Street. The Police Commission reviewed the Otsego Lions Adopt -A -Street application at their meeting on 12 March 2013 and voted to recommend approval. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ci ATTACHED nONE A. Otsego Lions Adopt -A -Street Application POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to approve the Adopt -A -Street program application for Otsego Lions. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: I BUDGETED: X YES $250.00 for sign and installation. ACTION TAKEN r n NO o APPROVED AS REQUESTED u DENIED u TABLED n OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS. 3601 Thurston Avenue N, SLOite 100 Ajioka, MN 5U3O3 Phone: 763. 1.%840 TF c Facsimile: 763.427.OB20 WanningCo.00n-i IVI LiUI 0 N/1 N D U IVI TO: Otsego Police Commission FROM, Daniel Licht, AICD DATE: 6 March 2013 R F-: Otsego — Adopt- A -Street; Otsego Lions TPG FILE 101.01 An Otsego Lions club has been formed to provide community sewice within the City, One of the Otsego Lion's first projects is to apply to adopt 851�' Street/QLI'aday Avenue/ 871" Street within th e Great River Centre commercial development shown oil the attached mal). This roadway section was chosen in consult tion with City staff base d on a need to assist with maintenance of the streetscape and also to provide maximum visibility for the Otsego Lions organization. A completed ecipplication form for the Otsego Lions to adopt QUaday AvellUe is attached. The application is subject to review by the Police Commission and approval by the City COUncil. The Police Commission will review the application at their meeting oil 12 March 2013 and City staff recornmends approval, 0. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tl Doff, City Clerk Chad Christian, Otsego Lions liltl):fl%v%vw.ci.olsego.iiiii.tis/vei-(ical/sites/(51-,9EA6DA-857D-il088-B... r_I ■"se V 0 14 1 AN t) 1 A A 1 -4 DO PT---A-SrrREST PROPOSAL AND AGRE-14,MENT cont"rict I 11formatlo 11 f0i, Io 11 s 11) lo IM div I d ma I (minhimm 18 yocrues of ago or oldor): Namo: , LZ Ile- Addross: City: State:--- 7.11) Goda � I o -mall; --- - piezino pyovido oparate list of all partlelpanta nahlos, 1.410s E9,11d c011WrOt 1"f0l"'UU011. Utuno to appear on 81611 (MOAM11111 18 charactors 1111CILK11110 Spaces and punctuallon): J- P1,001'am Pipoposi-til Stroot Se gment to be Adopted: OF Scope of Work: C- ke,*i w-, V k2 ---- --- I Termand condit'10116 'I'llis agroomont mBell I)e in effect for two (2) pars from the (late of City (3*0LITIGH "Cjj)j)rov@1 L1111035 torminatod by tiro City. 2 Tho parflicipantshall llola I nd follow an activitY J)rogr' 11-1 Of 010 P"01)OftY III @CGORIMIC will . (o) cove) q the Adoh t-A-Stroot policy of the C"ity of Otsego. 3. Tho participant slic)JI provi(lo a monthly report all program actiVitlos tO tl'() PACO G0111111188101). 4. E:cach ind ividual participating In Ilia Adopt-A-Stroet prog ram must v)lg 11 ca li-fibillty waiver In tho form provided by the City of OtSG90. 6 , . rtiolpantshall follow all i0g(-- jj,f 4 A Itlotla ()Staj)li8jje(j tile city o(jo alid c dhoro to tho Adopt Mas, Street policy. ell Dato: Participt ant: e i I of 1 3/7/2013 10:12 AM ��'c�a' go L.ions ndopi:-n-�q_-i:reo-,( 6-0 T"" I ol 0E I . p (fl 1 4 74� V-A --I- Or, r JjJ'j �`�J11j;#_ p IN, jj 9 F I 101 9 0 I:ff5 L IW j f r, 10, 1 ZI Ir S 1 r )I k HP t.81IN > F *tpp I t4.1 C Ito-] -P dL I I t '$+F .1 1$ i1 , (8-51 0L UJ I Im 14 ri IF AL 1, IN 4 AL IF 9 Ile ep4 or% 7A IF t N NJ irate Cfeated: WPM verview 4, 1, A Legend Roads CAI iCL P O.\1 'I, CTYCL _ a 14F • � rt J.1MUNICL 0 '1 1 L PRIVATECL 'RVPCL iv City/Township Hillits c nt 4 4 4 16 J.. - "'. 0. ; I '. . e 61 IF Ir A I It hri rr I OF 4 p Otsego Lions Adopt-A-Strc:�,.oi r - & 00 1 R N E U) ir 11 IT." Jul lz 1c: w uj lz LU., ll 'Y LU%l R AA Fl 90T � SiTi'l N E 10 Wl W NOW - v < W&TH 19MINE(_ LU Z., ir '4 'ey, 1 "4 L r - & U) ir 'A I 87j_H',t5,,T,iNE87 ;T w uj lz LU., ll 1W > LU%l 3A Wl W NOW - v < W&TH 19MINE(_ LU Z., ir '4 'ey, 4, LLJ CL CL (4 745 ft Date fat d' 317/2013 vervieW MAL Leoend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL MUNICL PRIVATECL TWPCL City/Township Limits Flc t (41