ITEM 3.8 Hiring seasonals............... Ot(TY OF A MINNESOT q9 Request for City Council Action DEPARTMENT INFORMATION 7 2RGINWATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETINO DATE: Parks and Recreation Ross Demant, Parks and March 25, 2013 Streets Department Recreation Manager Brad Belair, Streets Supervisor PRE SEITER (s): REVIEWED BY. ITEM #: Consent Lori Johnson, City Administrator 3.8 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS . . . . . . . . . ....... ....... ....... RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the advertisement of the 2013 Streets and Parks Seasonal positions. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUNDIJUSTIFICATION: The 2013 adopted budget includes $12,000 for streets and $41,,435 for parks seasonal employees pay (excluding FICA). The seasonal employees in streets include employees that assist with snow removal; the remainder of the seasonal budget is part time help from spring through fail. As in the past, the number of employees hired and working at any given time may vary depending upon the number of hours they are available and the staffing needs for specific projects and time periods as determined by the Street Maintenance Supervisor and Parks and Recreation Manager. Under no circumstance can the number of hours and resulting cost exceed the budgeted amount approved by the Council. In addition, a portion of the street seasonal staff budget will be reserved for the upcoming fall/winter snow season. Attached are copies of the 2013 adopted budget relating to seasonal employees for parks and streets along with supporting material from the budget work sessions. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS- X ATTACHED Ej NONE List: MOTION: (Please word mourn as you would like it to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve advertising for the J. Streets and Parks summer seasonal positions. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: 101-45200-104 Pry 101-43100--104 Streets ACTION TAKEN BUDGETED-- X YES o N I Me t APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED TABLED o OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: F�uu-c�w.�k vb Sao 1�.. 2013 PROPOSED PAflKS STAFFING STRUCTURE MOWIN i 1 n 2013tis p rop osl ng to Mr all of t h e boulevards; 12012 this eras contracted for shout $151000t With e wide area mowerthat 1 r o 3 the boulevards can e Moors eMa s of fi I- k[Ya I the ho ar s are trowel rlalr�����e with� estimated , appl,oximately from Apyll to October on a l -weekly bas1s this would come to an estimated 15 boulevard� aart r�t lied by 8 hours of t1me a $13 per hOUHs $1,560o MOW1119 crew t W[do Area inower w TrIm Mowing BALD MAN-Cgl staff 3 1 hours per week x 22 weeks 2, staff 27 hours pet' week each x 14 weeks To Increase the era l I of the maintaining the bell fields (chalkIngbatters boxes, paintitig rout I es,remoV1f19 1 IP froM the omMe Id, draggIn the gill n 9 track) and it adding Frankfort t to mal ntaIn staff Is p ro p Ong to Increase the h ours required t maintaln theallfial sk Ball i 1d Craw; 1. A&IIY mairttenanae 2 staff 12 hours per week each x 14 weeks 2. Lining baf[f[elds I staff 4 hours every other week x 14 weeks TURF M INT N To Imre the current servIce level on both passive and athleflo turfs, a turf management rram sheulf b e t Into p I a � ,rhe proposed management program gill Increase the quality turf at thO . e Park Hells and m llitai the turf qallty a .t a other passive fields, i. r or ti uze wjtjj an 18-0-48.fo rti11 zer at Prairie Park 3X ra e j' yeir (May, J kiI , SO PteI er) 13-13- fe r ti I Izer at Frankfort V [a Id x per year (May, .duly, S eptemb er). 31 per t III e wl t h ars - 0-8 fer II Ve r at the remder of the Irrigated parks Ax perarea', (May)l Contract a broadcastspray forwoods per year In the Spring, ti Aerat in g all turf (Atli le]c turf per yeas`, a I I other Irrigated turf ix per year. r T /�.% . k1.5 Sao k)�,, r r s 4 WI ire current irrigation, staf g for t Lf rf rally (3rr: fir, mayfertIlIzIng Istaff 60 hours , July & September FertIlIzing I staff 16 ho rs 3. Aerating tUrf staff 120 hours TREE& MULCH MAINTEN � lamed at Water treat last, with 25 new s m b s, 'rhe1'e. to catio nj t1l arefore these trews and scru bs gill h a vo to b e watered by handt DependIng on weathier condltlOhS thIS PrOCOSSmayh eto be done for 111)to two years, Afsor -at eath park the CIty has lancers and play8rounds tete planters should weee d a n d raintaI ed o n a b l- re ekly basis a nd th e playgrounds on a weekly basis Ick Plantei- & Tree e I staff 6 hours every other week x 18 weeks 2t Weekly Playgromnd M Intonance I staff 3 h ours evory week x 18 gooks PAD MAINTgNANCEI WEEKLY.GARBAGE +The City has Identified the need to clean tete conerete on the Wash Pad Wel O "Old sI Ipp erspots ala rallut Also,. garb a Il th e p arks need b e e m pt led weell r a at Prat rl e Park will need to b a emptied twl ce a week,, 11 splash Pad Cleaning' n I staff 2 hours every week x 18 weeks t Weekly Garbage 2 staff 4 11ours every week x 18 weeks • §ENERAL NN9 With the agin g i`rarki OtUre gen erg pa rk ahiten ance to I n cluIrrigation, playgro Und maItena, ars equipment installation will Increase, WIth this Increase Having quallfted .. Se aa e mployeas to assl A t he Park Leads essentl 1 wo u Id I Ike to pro posehaving seasonal staff from it I to October 31. General MaIntena weeks 0 r l S7AFFIN0 BREAKDgW I Staff Arlt 1"October 31 (31 weeks) 40hrs/wk ($13) $16,120 1 Staff. Apr lI Z2 -September 20 (22 weefcs) 31hrs/wk ($13) $%$66 1 staff Julie 10 -August 23 (11weeks) 86hrs/wk ($13) $5,x.48 2 Staff May 13 -August 16 (14weeks) 36hrsjwk ($11,50) $11,390 Total (IncludIng FECAL $44,7Q1 t r 2013 Street Department Budget 4310 0 owl 04 Part T1 Mq Employees Budget request-,$12,OOD The 2013 budget r4o q uest for $12, 000 1 n cim d os ars estimate for 120 hours of winter season on ca 1l services to assist wit h snow re movq I and Ice control. Actual dutle s wl It b a based o experience but mar Include shovlln snow and the operation ofvarious vehicles and equipment necessary to perform snow and lee control, Th e bu doatest lr e for the wl titer season a I on calI poslt1on Is based on 15 evens X 8 h OLI rs each =120hours X up to $18.00 per hour = $2,x60, The 2013 part 0 me budget reqo e A aIso Includes a n o sti a e of 824 hours of s U m M er seaso e� help needed to assist In completIng the following routIne maintenance projects In the street Department, -Bltuinlnous patching 288 hours -Slgn and signal maintenance 72 hours -Storm Water maie r e and spall' 144 hours -Roadside mwin 144 hours ho rs -Other duties assIstl n g III weed co ntro 1, street sweep I ng, dead Ima I p1c, sign vio lation remova Is, a n d unknown Incidental vo les relating emorgencles and severe weather even Total 820 hours 2013 Street Department Budget 43100 . •104 Pa rt Tlme employees Budget re U�eS*$ .2, . The -201 t re 0 Ut for $12,000l h cludlam ate for I 20.-hoursfW-hte r sea son, O call - rvice t . is With. w,rem v l ars ice cont.rl�. Actual."trll . e . on erte but r rce sorll s. o oeo val le "and .1a nt- n,e ces sOry.to pierform -snow a n 0 Ice tont r 1. The- N d get. es.t1m ate - o r -the winter seaso..naI on cal.I p s 106 n. Is b a sed'o.n IS events.X. 8 h our - each =120hours X up to $x8.00 per for : $2,160, T i 23art time. a i 'c' a also .l cf .Onol e.l : needed to : ssl t I n completin fell oWl ng roUtIn e MaIt e n an ce p.roje. 10 th 0 Street D e rtm , -43jttim I n ou s patchI ng 288 hour's -Sign and signal M f rr e. : hours' -Sto--on # ter m ainte hano. i .re al 144 how's. - . sl r it airs - k .tor � i�LL(j+F r *[f }j{ *{F fry *kr fir} ` h utl '# 1 in. wee rof,st�T t sweeping, 4i a , t# n, io l n rer �r ls, .a� . w I i r� I i s. l l ng to orn erge nc le.: avid'severe breather eventst 172 hom f i Total 820 ho.0 S 21 CRY of Otsego (3eneral Fund Expendflure BQdget (With Comparadve Aotual I nformat(on for the Year Ended D ecom herr, 31, 2011 and the Budget for the current Year Ended December 31, 2012) 7/1612012 2012-13 2012 2013 % of 2011 YTD Proposed Chan ■ +A 4 + tibn J+ At (661! 13 Streets E+ Dersonal services 1 o 01 I-Time Emp■ �qyeos Reg$340,201— 101.-43 0 -,1 Ful .4E+ ..-4.. -..&+A $357,166-001, F- ....... $163��'j 9.�6t 200.00 + � � H 10 1-431 00-102 Full-TI - Overtl me & $8tqqQ,&00+ �0,()o $Q.00 .$81000.00 t. j&q00,00 H 101-43100-104 Part-time -PT.EMP!qYqe9 101-43100-121 PERA �22tj,76,47t §�2qt.474.0 V3,767.03- + $16,200.00 P + +. H 10 1 -43100-12 2 F I CA and Medicare $36,123-00 M01.61 g�ji w,00 101-43100-123 Health H 10 1-431 0-130 Other [-:m pl oyer Paid Ins L3 Asg§ - 0 0 OJ660.00 101-43100-131 Pq�qll Allopation n- + �q,•00 lOi-43100-140 UnemplOYMent COMP- - I ... —. 1 o1-431 00A 60 Workers Comp9t1sation .§3.08-.49 0001, $1,60640.00'p - �*-o %V% , $44.04 $0,001, , � + ++., $14?475,00 Total Poi nal Services -51 $408 890,00', $209t917.190*$317 76-00 3UPPI[as 01-43100-201 office Sup and Expenses �1 94.08-+ $600,00' . 't- .- $260.60!, -• - . � poo.00 4.L. . + ,p!les 13100-202 Fuel $613t�43.8611. 0 . $01241,60: .-M,00 + 43100-204 Insurance 101-43100-210 Operating Suppiles �21,640.00- P P$19 17 $4,000,00 r 4 101,,.43100-220 Repatr/MaInt uP.P1Y 11 ps,900.00 +pg6 }1000.00 :E 10 1 -4 3100-225 Un1fbrms/G1qth1ng.�11qwan ce 101-4 3100-227 Safety • 41 tqq. 2 8 $6,000,00 $3,000-00 .�11078-081 $3,600-00 -supplies � - 4 , ment 10 1 -43100-.240 8Z Toolg/r�qqlp +�A�� $10,165.78; 100 $1 0,00, 6 $1700830,1 1 $10006", K=00 Total Supplies % + $16328899 $j_561640,001 $64,403.911 $261400.00 Aher Services and Charoas 10 1 4310 0-310 Miscellaneous 2.10, 4V t $0, 009 + ++ + �Y.V 101-43100-320 Telep ,�qns *+ + 1,53' 7,600.003 . - 1-'. - ..- 4-. $4,784.321 $5,990,00 $0.00 01-4 100-322 W1111 + le , $ 101-43100-326 Garbage ServIce , " $21 jLq?,1.61ri# $1,662.3011 .221 1 (�63.79),L ' + + F 101-43100-360 Pflnt PublishIng _ + & Memb a rships 310 0-365 D �70.00. t$600.004 �2P!qpl �A7,00 $0,00 q-q 101-43100-365 -4 ties -P . F. 4 r +� o* �.jl - t I 01-43100-360 EdqqqUqn1Trnq10onf`erence8 + I 0,00. $2t 61, $4,675.00 4+ . -- 101-43100-370 Sand and Gravel $20303,681 F sqQ1000,09-P sng-0.I I+. I... 0143100 -372 Salt Sand 101�43 00-389 CleanInq ServIces P+ $5r430,69 0 $76,900-0, $61500,001 1+ $wt IJ869.11 �lY,00,00�1�49, — 4.... - - 19.00 101-43100-390 Contracted Sorvices Z.- v *.- - -+ $1,1 tjq�.671 . . ...V .$0.00[ V85,34..i �01-43100rr -392. GUIV00 101 ..4310 0-393 Sig �j sjgR@l M�t, P urch ased j� I 4 gq0.0.001 * - -4 $10 000.001 d 0.00 1 43100-396Sig n I ristallatton & mtce. (�1,1053.86)(j + $0.00 00 Roalr:g MaInt$?t776,20 pt500.00, IA. t.4 $6,900.4006 101-43100-402 Repq1rs1Ma1nt Bufldlng� $20t9OU01 $6[q14.34 p.00 21 City of Otsego B u dget Request for Staffing Department Public Worfcs Requested By Brad Belair Ross Demant Financing Source Fund General Fund pepartment/Object Code 101-43100-101 &101-45200-101 Public Works and Park MaInt n c rull-tire, Part4lmej Seasonal and Overtime Description of the Request Estimated Aiinual Current Year Cost- 2013 $479:195 to General F o t the l ate ndsi S25,400 to the Storm WaterFundt and $8,450 to Storm Water Fund -�ut of District Additional r-stl ated Ann al tUYe 'ears Cost rel ersonnei in r a es. s Grp tat10 Basis of 2013 Estim ate The following is a summary of the public works d ep a rtm ent streets and arks pio ees Incl dIn g the fu 11 -time, part -tire, seasonal and ove r 8 m e _ uIva l nts, The schedules also fnclude the estimated a Ilocation of their work responsibilities and the . b udgetalio atlontothevari o u s depart nents,i n t e (3eneral Fu nd,l a le r. Sewe r a ridStormWater Funds, The time In the public works department and the park maintenance department are included In t he foHowl n g schedules but the park and recreation activities sal ar budget is not. Tile P ayrO it Information Is s follows: The street supervisor salary Is allocated ($6,500 each) to the Water er and Seger and $13,000 to storm Water Funds consistent with the 2012 budget. Thep ubli works full-time employees are allocated to streets, park maintenance, facility maintenance Meet maInt nanee and storm water based ori ester ates of tyre anticipated work in those areas and the Informatlon provided by payroll reports, The iic works permanent part-time staff is allocated primarily to servicing the water and sewer users a lo ng with his responsibilltles for fa c liitl s maIntenance acrd p erto dicsafety inspections based on the Information provided by payroll reports. I Total All FTE's The summary of FTE's is as follOWS: Permanent it Staff verdin seasonal Total FTEs As Ao 0 Tota I 1.00 4,75 0190 0138 0,10 7,13 Total 4 00 . 1125 1.62 3,87 11,00 8.90 + 2.00 11.0 Street Departme nt A Ilocatio Employee Management Water& Storm Wat rAre !arae Stre e ts Fleet a ill los Sewer In 11t Supervisor 0150 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.15 0,05 staff „ rum -time 3.35 1100 0,30 0.10 Staff -- Part-time t 0,15 0.25 0.50 .J� ol Overtire 0,10 Totals 4,48 t 1110 0.30 0,65 0.45 ' 0115 m p I oyee Park Department Name Mtce, Rere atio S up e rir 0,40 0.60 ' Staff - Full-time 1.25 Staff Par , l ,J ;S w 1162... Totals 3,27 RO,5 Total All FTE's The summary of FTE's is as follOWS: Permanent it Staff verdin seasonal Total FTEs As Ao 0 Tota I 1.00 4,75 0190 0138 0,10 7,13 Total 4 00 . 1125 1.62 3,87 11,00 8.90 + 2.00 11.0 k Crpat on City Service Levels - The scheduled full -tine eaulalt a b oveUe presents the current erall st f e only to rn increases are in the park x ilia i n tena nce. and recrea t Ion departments and will be d Is cusse d I n the related b.udget sections„ 2 1 d Full - T Gross PLUIC Works EquIvalent pad General Fuad (FTE) Streets 4,rOO 215j S a n l Summer & I Minter- 800 @$ /l our) 0138 12,000 overtime r la d to snowplowing - esthate is 200 ours) 0110 SJO00 Fleet Management 1.10 60,900 Facilities Management 0,30 13,900 Total General Fund 5.88 310X0 Storm Water -- "Out of District" 01115 % Water & Sewer runds 0,65 A200 Storm Water - "In -DI tri t" OA5 25,400 Total 7,13 $376,050 Park Maintenance Parks 1,65 90,400 Seasonal (7 part -the totaling 3,375 hours @ $x.2.28 -avera 1,62 41,435 TOW 3,27 131,835 Recreation -Separate Budget t60 ,3 - Crpat on City Service Levels - The scheduled full -tine eaulalt a b oveUe presents the current erall st f e only to rn increases are in the park x ilia i n tena nce. and recrea t Ion departments and will be d Is cusse d I n the related b.udget sections„ 2 1 d City of Otsego General Fund Expenditure Budget (VV[th Comparative Actual Informat Ion for the Year Ended December, 31 r 2011 and the Budget for the Current Year Ended December 31, 2012) 2011 YTD + e"s c d �f 16 A Qynt D" 71 612012 2012-13 2013 % of it seg Chapgp_ yS 23 26,09% Park Maintenance Personal.Services E 10 1 -45200-1 o1 Full -The Employpes Regular $35,693.2 $62L?76.00i + # �91.94 4. 0 1 �?0x400,00 E 101-45200-104 Part-time - Regular %% ' b b 44 +. i* r+ L&- #+ $32,119,63 . , P ­ a —'- . - .. 4 1 V01000,00; ... +.. +. t. I ' $0x00.$41t436.00 % , . . a+ i —% - . E `101*46200-121 PERA�1It1J�3000 fp66.70 �q�675-00 F, 101-45200-122 FICA and Medicare i6j P7",.*60!%. 001 4871, $1,901.19. 3jP1 6,00 E 101-46200-123 Health % �j 11706,00 5 101-46200*130 Other Employer Paid Ins $0,00" 0.00, goot quo + 101- 462 0 0-150 Workers Comp�qsatlon $0.00. $4,130.00 $0,001 $4,276-00 Total Personal Services 1 $67 $108 106.00,1, I $12 .78 1 I $167370.00 I + suppjles '+k'4 * 101-45200-201 Office Suppiles and Expenses + I I % 19,00! It I MOO$ i P K90; $600.00 101-45200-202 Nal $41567.681 81 6 Or 0%'00 X726.761 H 101-;46200,-204 Insurance x $27 291;00 $28,460.00, $0-0 0 '00 M-45200-210 Operating Supp�fes $6,385.61,470.00 , L?J600.00 VJ49.80' % 16200-220 �q' p 16,600,001, $6 A16.84' $1 0j§qQ.00 ...,palr/MaInt ,!y, 101-46200-226 Uniforms/GlothIngAilowance $0,001 t $1,400,00 Safe 101, V-, V + 0, 00 iI , .. . b -. $0.00, - - $1 746,36 ��000.00101-46200-227 I - -1 ,- - $6,960,00 10 45200-240 Small Too1s@qqIpjqent 213 $21 061 $6,000.001 1 Oles Total Spp $69,682.1 0j $ 69,980.00' $17,038.741 $661 00 Dther Services and Ch��ges 1P 101-46200-302 En( 0 On pring Fees 4 4 1 1 $728.18 A H 101 -45200P,320 T010 PN) e + $0,00. $0,00' $6,L990.00 101-46200-322 UtIlItles�3 ,, + • a ra t900-00. �7#952.46,1! $20 101 452 0#365 DuesMemberships $0.001. �0.001 $600.00 760 ..41-46200 360 Educat1on/TrngfPqnferenqes p7oo- $0,001 $0.001V .00 H 101,462 00-39 0 Contracted Services + $26;789.871 �jqtppq-001 ..-i - +$9jq74'.8+7i t3OO.00 101-46200-400 RepaIrIS & Maint - Cont $ 1 0, $4,000,00. �3Y9.40,` ��1000-00 101 46200-410 Rentals 26 . 71 $111 7 $1 6000.001 101 9"04i 61000,00 Total Other Seryl oes and Changes 119,001 WtQ00,00- $20,333.96. $67,640.00 Total Park MaIntenance ��061348.99, $233,14k--90 $ 4 9 r 6 6 6. 4-- 7- $291,656.00, 23 26,09%