ITEM 1Vr E m I otCITY OF MINN SOTA f9 T# Otsego City Council FROM: Ross Demant, Parrs and Recreation l nor TE: March 1 , 2013 E: Prairie Center Sub -Committee Cyto Background: The Prairie Center Sub -Committee held its first meeting on December 10th, 2012. Since that meeting the Sub -Committee has met two more times. During these meetings, the Sub -Committee has worked to determine a logical order to proceed with repairs, renovations, and haw best to use the space, Some key items that have come from these meetings were. • Contracting with Dalco to provide a detailed analysis of the roof. • Contacting Kinghorn; they have been involved in prior assessments of the HVAC system and work with them to determine the structural integrity of the HVAC system. • Putting together a facility use policy and fee structure to accommodate rentals at Prairie Center. • Determining which items to recommend to the City Council to certify for auction. • Recommending to the City Council contracting with a consultant to help the Sub - Committee determine the most appropriate use of the building work with the Sub -Committee to determine a time line for construction and remodeling projects. Conclusion: City Staff will be presenting two mems for the above list for the City Council to consider at the Special Meeting on March 20th. The first item is for the City Council to certify the lisp of used furniture and other items currently stored at Prairie Center. The second item is the approval for the Sub -Committee to work with a consultant to assist them in the visioning process with the Prairie Center renovations. w I71G' ot Ce F 0 MINNESOTA To: Mayor and City Council From: City Clerk Tami Loff Date: larch 18, 2013 Re: Chairs for the Dais The Prairie Use Subcommittee mittee recomr en a getting quotes for new chairs at the Dais in the City Council Chambers. The current 11 chairs we have are dated; some do not work properly and do not adjust, 1 have included a wide variety ofa sta le chairs for your review. Attachment includes the following: Item a- $159.00 each, the same as the neer chairs in the conference room at Prairie Center. Item b- $'175.00 each, High back, extra foam cushion Item o- $279.00 each, High back, leather [tern - $289.00 each, High back Item e- $495,00 each, 1 included this because it is similar to ghat we currently have. C. Lori J ohnson, City Ad m inistrator