ITEM 2A2013 =.:f: laeg �._?�� r a °.� e ro 4 s::r `AJ.�' ��5 Ival IN Sponsorship $2500 Titanium Level Name listed on all promotional advertising Fosters distributed throughout the area City's Newsletter that goes out to over 5,200 homes Banners and signage throughout the City 1 month before the evert - Signage on site Iistirg as the sponsor of the fireworks l anner provided to the sponsor advertising the Prairie Festival with sponsorship pro i entl r displayed • Logo listed with a link or the Otsego Prairie Festival's website and social media Opportunity to have a representative introduce the fireworks •5 VIP Otsego Prairie Festival parking spots Free booth with a premier focation at the Otsego Prairie Festival 10 free tickets for the PaintbalI Arena 10 free tickets to the Inflatable Ride Park $ 1000 r"'hiatinumLevel * Name listed on all promotional advertising -� Posters distributed throughout the area - City's newsletter that goes out to over 5,200 homes Signage on-site with acknowledgment of sponsorship Banners and signage throughout the city 1 month before the evert * Name or Logo listed with a link on the Otsego Prairie Festival's website and social redia * Free booth with a premier location at the Otsego Prairie Festival * Opportunity to announce one of the entertainers * VIP Parking Sponsorsholp GOLD LEVEL $500 • Name listed on promotional advertising Posters distributed throughout the area - City's newsletter that goes out to over 5,200 homes Banner ori -site with acknowledgment of sponsorship • Name or Logo listed with a flak on the Otsego Prairie Festival's website and social media • Free booth with a premier location at the Otsego Prairie Festival SILVER BEVEL $250 • Name listed on promotional advertising Posters distributed throughout the area • Name or Logo listed with link on the Otsego Prairie Festival's website and social media • Free booth with a premier location at the Otsego Prairie Festival u up 'm restival Map (tentatmive) w� (■A�� a7 ■� # �q Via■ \ � ���■R ■ X3 .§ ■ $ $ i 7LES # 7 J ) $ � G g ! � Festlual Location, Prairie Park - 13355 - 9 Street NE Pestival