RCA Soccer ComplexRequest for OtSTY 0 C1 2g0 City Council Action MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION 1 7ORGINATIDEPA TME_._.._..__......_ .................__.._.__.._.._.. _._:_ —__..._:..........._._......v.. ---..__...__.._.......__.. 1T: REC VEST I : Parks and Recreation Ross Deman, Parrs and March 18,2013 Recreation Manager PIE ELATE s}: REVIEWED Y: ITEM Ross Demant, Parks and Lori Johnson, City Administrator Recreation Manager AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends approval for Hal arson Anderson to provide survey and design work on the proposed Prairie Park Soccer Complex for $4,500, This work will thein be used for the grading plans and specifications for the grading bid, ARE YOU 6 EEKI NG APPROVAL of A CONTRACT? 1 8 A PUBLIG HEARING REQUIRED? No No BAC KGROUNDIJU TIF1 Tt N: City Staff has been working to put together a comprehensive plan for the construction of the Prairie Park Soccer Complex. The goal of this comprehensive plan was to list, In detail, the different phases of the soccer field construction with ti ellnes and cost associated with each phase. Currently the project is In the planning and design phase. A survey needs to be done to have accurate elevations to create grading plans for contractors to bid on. Construction staking grading phase will be needed for the grading contractor. This cost is not included with this Request for Action and would be dependent upon the contractor's requirements. Many contractors have GPS systems so only a few reference points would he required versus non -GPS contractors would need quite a bit more staking. The grading is planned to take place in late June and will then allow for time for irrigation installation, and turf establishment for fall. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED n NONE List: Memo for Ran Wagner, City Englneer MOTION: (Please word moton asyou would like It to appear In the minutes.) Motion to approve contracting with Hakalnson Anderson to provide survey and design work on the proposed Prairie Park Soccer Cornplex. BUDGET INFORMATION . . ........ .. ........... - FUNDING: BUDGETED: xYES Fund # 208 NO ACTION TAKEN ri APPROVED AS REQUESTED DENIED TA13LE1 a OTHER (List changes) I COMMENTS: