ITEM 8 70th Street Pond status11 ots11.1: o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner August 22, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner City Administrator Johnson 8 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Recommend review of 701h Street pond status and previous Council direction. No action is requested. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION Storm Pond #5 located along the south side of the 70th Street/CSAH 37 project, on the Valerius Meadows property, has been holding water without draining down as designed. Many discussions and site visits have occurred since February 2016 and a few options have been presented to the Council and the affected property owners. Staff recommends continuing pursuit of Option #4 as previously directed by Council as it would be a long term fix to the situation and the pond could be redesigned and repurposed someday as a regional storm pond. Other proposed options would not have that ability and either have not been met favorably by adjacent landowners or would require ongoing operational and/or maintenance costs. Option #1 was presented to and approved by the City Council April 251h, 2016. This option required replacing the plugged draintile (being used by the pond as an outlet) with 1,285 feet of new draintile from the pond to the existing discharge point to the southeast. This option required a temporary easement to construct the draintile. This option was rejected by the property owners as the installation of the new draintile would have required an agreement in which the draintile would have been the property owners to use and maintain. A quote of $19,734.00 was received from Fehn Companies, the general contractor of 70th Street project. It should be noted that this option probably may have incurred additional costs to repair existing draintile that may have been cut/damaged by installing the new draintile across the farm fields. Option #2 was to provide an infiltration layer outlet system at the bottom of the pond. This option was previously directed by Council to pursue. At that time we were working with the geotechnical engineer (NTI) who performed a soil boring to determine the depth to the existing glacial washout (drainage layer). We were informed over the phone that they hit this layer at 21' below the bottom of the pond. Upon receiving the soil boring report we discovered that under the sandy layer at 21' down were more impermeable soils, indicating we had not hit the glacial washout needed. NTI revisited the site and extended the soil boring, per the initial contract, to locate the required soils. These soils were an additional 15' deeper. This additional depth makes this option not feasible due to cost and constructability. The original estimated cost for the 21' deep infiltration layer was $24,069.75. MNDOT has stated in writing that the work would have been State Aid eligible. Option (#3), this option includes regrading the east side of the pond to provide a separating berm between the pond and farm field, constructing an concrete outlet structure, and directionally drilling —2,100 feet of 8" pipe from Pond #5 to Pond #6 located on the southwest side of the Roundabout at the intersection of 70th Street and Oakwood Avenue. This option was previously presented but not pursued as it is much more costly and provides less than ideal pipe grades. There is 4 feet of fall in 2,100 feet from one pond to the next which provides a pipe with 0.19% grade. Typically directional drilling is not recommended for grades less than 1% as keeping the pipe on this exact of a grade is impossible. We were also proposing 4 cleanouts along the way so that if the pipe did plug there would be access for the City's jetting equipment. ,A preliminary quote in the amount of $137,528.00 was received from contractor specializing in directionally drilling. The cost would be MSA eligible but 100% City cost, no County. This does not include the cost of the grading around the pond, the concrete outlet structure at the pond, or open cutting and installing the first 200 feet of pipe supplied by the directional drilling contractor or any engineering fees. Option #4 is to redesign a larger pond capable of handling all flow without the need of an outlet. As per direction of Council, staff has redesigned Storm Pond #5 so that no outlet is required. Staff has reviewed and sized the pond both to accommodate a worst case short term need created if back to back 100 year events were to occur (approx. 14" of rain over a couple of days) and also accommodate long term scenarios during prolonged wet cycles in climate. No outlet is needed due to the additional storage created and the ability over a long period for the runoff to either evaporate or infiltrate. The design used very conservative values for infiltration and total runoff and is evaluated over a year's timeline. This is the option recommended by City staff. This option requires purchase of additional property. A last alternative would be Option #5. This would require an interim storm water lift station with a shallow small force main until adjacent property develops and allows positive outflow to occur. The utility department would have to maintain the lift in much the same way they do sanitary lifts. The lift would not require SCADA and would not need to be very deep. There would be power consumption after most rainfall and the lift and forcemain would need to be taken out of service each late fall and put into service again each spring. Staff is not recommending Option #5. All storm water improvements are 100% State Aid eligible. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED ❑ NONE List: Plan Sheet of Pond Improvements Preliminary Quote for Pond Regrading (not yet received — to be handed out @ meeting) Preliminary Estimate for Option #5 (Storm Water Lift) POSSIBLE MOTION This information is provided for background only. Council has previously approved Option #4 so no action is necessary at this time. gUDGFT INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: YES MSAS Funds Region 7W Federal Funds XNO / I LO { I \ I I ..m rn O 0EL ZNOo I ,9+e.r I \ \ g II 1 q 1.6 N _ I \ O rn II F ^ I N, 11, LoMO= 00 111 II 1j oiloT�4E z >- O inmt4n'o d z C*4 m I I ' Pro- 0 M ' ✓f / -boll x I� — I / CQ Lj x w U LLJ w Q L, ' I I I .f---------------/----------- --- \ to C14 or 'Il to N W b4 I 0 IN I I '\ i i � i i I � �✓ I i t L; c 2 / \ \ / § z > u 2 \ G g 9 :D E _ / ) . ? 0 m G B � z 3 ' \ < % 0 E ( / / < E / \ \ \y = e 2 o / $ I_-\ / 2 ' 0 § < w \ § \ \ 0 % e ) G @ 2 f m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 / \ - m \ LL o \ o q m a % \ / \ / / $ L. 0 Ln \ \ \ \ / 'c � e \ / K ® K & w w w 00 \ / \ LE V 2 2 m @ e . 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