ITEM 5.2 Northland SecuritiesOt Tom/ F O MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Administration Adam Flaherty, Finance Director September 12, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: Adam Flaherty, Finance Director City Administrator Johnson 5.2 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended by staff that the City Council review the option of achieving interest savings by issuing an advance refunding bond that will result in the defeasance of the series 2009A bond. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No I No BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City originally financed much of the current -day water and sanitary sewer plants and infrastructure with bond issues intended to be repaid with utility access and connection charges. During the last recession, the intended revenues decreased with the slowed new home construction. Given that environment, the City issued refunding bonds, where the principal repayments were strategically structured with future cash flows in mind. One of the current outstanding issues, the 2009A, has $6,360,000 in principal outstanding. The structure does not provide for any principal repayment until 2024, with only interest payments until then. The opportunity exists for the City to refund this bond again, and structure the new issue with accelerated principal payments. The new structure would provide for principal repayments beginning in 2017 (compared to 2024) and will provide for interest savings. The extent of savings will be determined by which structure the Council is most comfortable with. Two structure options are attached for review. If the Council agrees with accelerating debt service payments to achieve interest savings, the City ultimately has two options for actually issuing the bonds. 1) Negotiated Sale —The City works with Northland Securities who would act as the underwriter and would purchase the bonds directly from the City. 2) Competitive Sale —The City solicits bids from interested parties in the open market. Jessica Green of Northland Securities is present for the meeting tonight and will further explain the City's options for structuring and issuing the bond. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 39 ATTACHED NONE • Refunding Summary #1— Level Debt Service • Refunding Summary #2 — Gradually Increase in Debt Service • Proposed Schedule of Events POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. -Motion to direct staff to prepare a resolution that authorizes Northland Securities to set the sale for the issuance of a refunding bond through: A) Negotiated Sale — OR — B) Competitive Sale. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: n/a I n/a Preliminary City of Otsego, Minnesota Taxable G.O. Water And Sewer Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 Full Net Defeasance Advance Refunding of Series 2009A Level Debt Service Refunding Summary Dated 12101/20161 Delivered 12/01/2016 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $7,105,000.00 Total Sources $7,105,000.00 Uses Of Funds Deposit to Net Cash Escrow Fund —6,987,571.28 Costs of Issuance 117,400,00 _- - Rounding Amount _ 28.72 Total Uses $7,105,000.00 Flow of Funds Detail State and Local Government Series (SLGS) rates for -- - - ...... _..__ 9/04/2012 - - -.... - -- - Date of OMP Candidates Net Cash Escrow Fund Solution Method Net Funded Total Cost of Investments $6,987,571.28 - a Interest Earnings @ 0.764 /o 154,258.72 Total Draws $7,141,830.00 Issues Refunded And Call Dates 09aold 12/01/2019 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Net PV Cashflow Savings @ 1.995%o(Bond Yield) 450,574.24 - Contingency or Rounding Amount _ 28.72 Net Present Value Benefit $450,602.96 Net PV Benefit ! $6,360,000 Refunded Principal 7.085% Net PV Benefit / $7,105,000 Refunding Principal 6.342% Bond Statistics Average Life - 6.163 Years Average Coupon 2.0064398% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0064398% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes - 1.9954344% True Interest Cost (TIC) .... - ......__ 1,9954344% -- -- -._...-- ----._ _..— . __........- ----- -- . All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.2879211% 09aref I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 8/ 5/2016 ( 7:40 AM Northland Securities Inc. Public Preliminary City of Otsego, Minnesota Taxable G.O. Water And Sewer Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 Full Net Defeasance Advance Refunding of Series 2009A Level Debt Service Debt Service Comparison Date Total P+I Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savings 12/01/2016 - (28.72) - 28.72 12/01/2017 723,637.50 723,637.50 260,610.00 (463,027.50) 12/01/2018 728,237.50 728,237.50 260,610.00 (467,627.50) 12/01/2019 727,13T50 727,137.50 260,610.00 (466,527.50) 12/01/2020 724,757.50 724,757.50 260,610.00 _ (464,147.50) 12/01/2021 726,077.50 726,077.50 260,610.00 (465,467.50) 12/01/2022 725,997.50 725,997.50 260,610.00 (465,387.50) 12/01/2023 724,797.50 724,797.50 260,610.00 (464,187.50) 12/01/2024 727,447.50 727,447.50 1,010,610.00 283,162.50 12/01/2025 723,815.00 723,815.00 1,805,610.00 1,081,795.00 _ 12/01/2026 723,965.00 723,965.00 1,801,035.00 1,077,070.00 12/01/2027 727,750.00 727,750.00 2,499,000.00 1,771,250.00 Total $7,983,620.00 $7,983,591.28 $8,940,525.00 $956,933.72 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Gross PV Debt Service Savings ..................... 450,574.24 Net PV Cashflow Savings @ 1.995%(Bond Yield) ..... 450,574,24 Contingency or Rounding Amount .................... 28.72 Net Present Value Benefit $450,602.96 Net PV Benefit / $7,555,574.24 PV Refunded Debt Service 5.964% Net PV Benefit / $6,360,000 Refunded Principal... 7.085% Net PV Benefit / $7,105,000 Refunding Principal- 6.342% Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date _ 12/01/2016 Refunding Delivery Date 12/01/2016 09aref I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 8/ 5/2016 i 7:40 AM Northland Securities Inc. Preliminary City of Otsego, Minnesota Taxable G.O. Water And Sewer Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 Full Net Defeasance Advance Refunding of Series 2009A Level Debt Service Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 12/01/2016 - - - 06/01/2017 - - 61,818.75 61,818.75 - 12/01/2017 600,000.00 0.900% 61,818.75 661,818.75 723,637.50 06/01/2018 - - 59,118.75 59,118.75 - 12/01/2018 610,000.00 1.000% 59,118.75 669,118.75 728,237.50 06/01/2019 - - 56,068.75 56,068.75 - 12/01/2019 615,000,00 1.200% 56,068.75 671,068.75 727,137,50 06/01/2020 - - 52,378.75 52,378.75 - 12/01/2020 620,000.00 1.400% 52,378.75 672,378.75 724,757.50 06/01/2021 48,038.75 48,038.75 12/01/2021 630,000.00 1.600% 48,038.75 678,038.75 726,077.50 06/01/2022 - - 42,998.75 42,998.75 - 12/01/2022 640,000.00 1.750% 42,998.75 682,998.75 725,997.50 06/01/2023 - - 37,398.75 37,398.75 - 12/01/2023 650,000.00 1.900% 37,398.75 687,398.75 724,797.50 06/01/2024 - - 31,223.75 31,223.75 - 12/01/2024 665,000.00 2.050% 31,223.75 696,223.75 727,447.50 06/01/2025 - - 24,407.50 24,407.50 - 12/01/2025 675;MOM 2.200% 24,407.50 699,407.50 723,815.00 06/01/2026 - - 16,982.50 _ 16,982.50 - 12/01/2026 690,000.00 2.350% 16,982.50 706,982.50 723,965.00 06/01/2027 - - 8,875.00 8,875.00 - 12/01/2027 710,000.00 2.500% 8,875.00 718,875.00 727,750.00 Total $7,105,000.00 - $878,620.00 $7,983,620.00 - Date And Term Structure Dated 12/01/2016 Delivery Date 12/01/2016 First Coupon Date 6/01/2017 First available call date Call Price Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $43,790.00 Average Life 6.163 Years Average Coupon _ 2.0064398% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0064398% True Interest Cost (TIC) 1.9954344% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.2879211% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost 2.0064398% Weighted Average Maturity 6.163 Years Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.9954344% 09aref I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 8/ 5/2016 1 7:40 AM Northland Securities Inc. Public Finance g' Preliminary City of Otsego, Minnesota Taxable G.O. Water And Sewer Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 Full Net Defeasance Advance Refunding of Series 2009A Gradual Increase Refunding Summary Dated 12/01/2016 1 Delivered 12/01/2016 Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds —$7,105,000.00 Total Sources $7,105,000.00 Uses Of Funds Deposit to Net Cash Escrow Fund 6,987,571.28 Costs of Issuance 117,400.00 Rounding Amount 28.72 Total Uses $7,105,000.00 Flow of Funds Detail State and Local Government Series (SLGS) rates for 9/04/2012 Date of OMP Candidates Net Cash Escrow Fund Solution Method Net Funded Total Cost of Investments -- $6,987,571.28 o- Interest Earnings 0.764 /o 1.54,258.72 Total Draws $7,141,830.00 Issues Refunded And Call Dates 09aold 12/01/2019 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Net PV Cashfiow Savings @ 2_ 170%(Bond Yield) 341,634,63 Contingency or Rounding Amount 28.72 Net Present Value Benefit —$341,663.35 Net PV Benefit / $6,360,000 Refunded Principal 5.372% Net PV Benefit / $7,105,000 Refunding Principal 4.809% Bond Statistics Average Life 7.935 Years Average Coupon 2.1775896% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.1775896% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 2,1703589% _ True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.1703589% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.4019726% 09aref I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 9/7/2016 1 11:47AM Preliminary City of Otsego, Minnesota Taxable G.O. Water And Sewer Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 Full Net Defeasance Advance Refunding of Series 2009A Gradual Increase Debt Service Comparison Date Total P+l Net New D/S Old Net D/S Savings 12/01/2016 - (28.72) - 28.72 12/01/2017 344,025.00 344,025.00 260,610.00 (83,415.00) 12/01/2018 367,225.00 367,225.00 260,610.00 (106,615.00) 12/01/2019 389,975.00 389,975.00 260,610.00 (129,365.00) 12/01/2020 436,975.00 436,975.00 260,610.00 — (176,365.00) 12/01/2021 507,775.00 507,775.00 260,610.00 (247,165.00) 12/01/2022 626,775.00 626,775.00 260,610.00 (366,165.00) 12/01/2023 818,025,00 818,025.00 260,610.00 (557,415.00) 12/01/2024 1,004,725.00 1,004,725.00 1,010,610.00 5,885.00 12/01/2025 1,186,275.00 1,186,275.00 1,805,610.00 619,335.00 12/01/2026 T 1,262,075.00 1,262,075.00 1,801,035.00 538,960.00 12/01/2027 1,388,875.00 1,388,875.00 2,499,000.00 1,110,125.00 Total $8,332,725.00 $8,332,696.28 $8,940,525.00 $607,828.72 PV Analysis Summary (Net to Net) Gross PV Debt Service Savings ..................... 341,634.63 Net PV Cashflow Savings @ 2.170%(Bond Yield)...,. 341,634.63 Contingency or Rounding Amount .................... 28.72 Net Present Value Benefit $341,663.35 Net PV Benefit / $7,446,634.63 PV Refunded Debt Service 4.588% Net PV Benefit / $6,360,000 Refunded Principal.. 5.372% Net PV Benefit / $7,105,000 Refunding Principal- 4.809% Refunding Bond Information Refunding Dated Date _ 12/01/2016 Refunding Delivery Date 12/01/2016 09aref I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 9/7/2016 1 11:47AM Northland Public Preliminary City of Otsego, Minnesota Taxable G.O. Water And Sewer Refunding Bonds, Series 2016 Full Net Defeasance Advance Refunding of Series 2009A Gradual Increase Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P+I Fiscal Total 12/01/2016 - - - 06/01/2017 - - 72,012.50 72,012.50 - 12/01/2017 200,000.00 0.900% 72,012.50 272,012.50 344,025.00 06/01 /2018 - - 71,112.50 71,112.50 - 12/01/2018 225,000.00 1.000% 71,112.50 296,112.50 367,225.00 06/01/2019 - - 69,987.50 69,987.50 12/01/2019 250,000,00 1.200% 69,987.50 319,987.50 389,975.00 06/01/2020 - - 68,487.50 68,487.50 - 12/01/2020 300,000.00 1.400% 68,487.50 368,487.50 436,975.00 06/01/2021 - 66,387,50 _ 66,387.50 - 12/01/2021 375,000.00 1.600% 66,387.50 441,387.50 507,775.00 06/01/2022 - - 63,387.50 63,387.50 - 12/01/2022 500,000.00 1.750% 63,387.50 563,387.50 626,775.00 06/01/2023 - - 59,012.50 59,012.50 - 12/01/2023 700,000.00 1.900% 59,012.50 759,012.50 818,025.00 06/01/2024 - - 52,362.50 52,362.50 12/01/2024 900,000.00 2.050% 52,362.50 952,362.50 1,004,725.00 06/01/2025 - - 43,137.50 43,137.50 12/01/2025 1,100,000.00 2.200% 43,137.50 1,143,137.50 1,186,275.00 06/01/2026 - 31,037.50 31,037.50 12/01/2026 1,200,000.00 2.350% 31,037.50 1,231,037.50 1,262,075.00 06/01/2027 - 16,937.50 16,937.50 12/01/2027 1,355,000.00 2.500% 16,937.50 1,371,937.50 1,388,875.00 Total $7,105,000.00 - $1,227,725.00 $8,332,725.00 - Date And Term Structure Dated 12/01/2016 Delivery Date ..... _...... - _ .....- 12/01/2016 - -------....-- — - First Coupon Date 6/01/2017 First available call date _ Call Price _ _ - Yield Statistics Bond Year Dollars $56,380,00 Average Life 7.935 Years — - ........ Average Coupon _ _ 2_1775896%0 Net Interest Cost (NIC) ----...-------....---- 2.1775896% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.1703589% — All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.4019726% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost _ 2.1775896% Weighted Average Maturity J _ —_ _ _ 7.935 Years Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 2.1703589% 09a,ef I SINGLE PURPOSE 1 9/7/2016 1 11:47AM Northland CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA TAXABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION WATER AND SEWER REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2016A PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF EVENTS The following checklist of items denotes each milestone activity as well as the members of the finance team who will have the responsibility to complete it. Please note this proposed timetable assumes regularly scheduled City Council meetings. Items in red indicate tasks for a competitive sale and items in green indicate tasks for a negotiated sale. Sun Mon Tue Wed 0. Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sun Mon Noveinber Tue Wed 2016 Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sun Mon October Tue 2016 We Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sun Mon December Tue 2016 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Date Action Responsible Party September 1211, City Council discussion to determine structure and City, Northland type of sale September 19th Trigger Resolution Sent to City for Council Packets Northland, Bond Counsel Set Sale Resolution Sent to City for Council Packets Finance Plan Sent to the City September 20th Preliminary Official Statement Sent to City for Sign Northland, City Off and to Rating Agency September 261h Trigger Resolution for Bonds Adopted City Council Action, Set Sale Resolution for Bonds Adopted Northland, Bond Counsel Week of October 3ra Rating Conference Call Northland, City, Rating A enc October 14th Rating Received Rating Agency, City, Northland October 20th Bond Pricing Northland, City Bond Purchase Contract Signed October 24th Bond Sale -10:30 a.m. City Council Action, Authorizing Resolution Adopted - 7:00 p.m. Northland, Bond Counsel November 17th Closing on the Bonds (Proceeds available) Northland, City Staff, Bond Counsel NORTHLAND SECURITIES