ITEM 3.3C OHP 8.16.2016 MinutesITEM 3_3G Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission August 16, 2016 Present: Chris Wilson, Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson, Toni Seroshek; Mayor Jessica Stockamp Meeting was called to,order at 6:05pm. Added to the agenda was a powwow being held by the Mdewaketon Sioux in southern Minnesota. Minutes for the last meeting were approved. Otsego Prairie Festival: 2016 theme: local Native American history Zonja explains that the older Scouts have access to a teepee which we may be able to access for our display, either at our site or by reference to the Scout site. This is consistent with our desire to work cooperatively with other organizations in the City. We also will have a miniature teepee for kids which will not be authentic but which kids can enjoy. Zonja shared a picture of a tepee with the symbolic meanings of the decorations on the outside, tribe unidentified. She also gave us a near --final copy of the banner "A History of Two Peoples" Zonja and Kim Welter, City graphic consultant, put together. Gail suggested we add its primary authors, Zonja Matushenko and Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission. This banner will be placed at eye level between two rebar as the first thing seen when people enter the Festival grounds, to the right of our booth if facing it. The banner also will be published in the next Otsego newsletter. We will have two tables, two easels, two chairs, one tent, cash box, rebar and banner and all items gathered on the round table in our office including OHPC books for sale. Jim Stockamp will place the two interpretative panels Chris brought on Paleoindian cultures on cardboard and Toni will add the pictures she took of items found on the Lahn farm from the Wright County Museum to the display. Toni obtained the treats she ordered for guests: candy corn and craisins. We will again look for Commissioner candidates at the Festival. We figured out coverage by Commissioners at the booth. Park Signs Chris has given Ross her suggested content for the Wilson Nature Trail. Annual SHPO Conference Chris will be attending the State Historical Preservation Organization conference September 7-9. The State office of SHPO said they do not have the registration materials from two years ago when Zonja attended and so that Otsego is not eligible for current grants. Zonja no longer has those materials. Zonja will check if Dan has them. Toni does not but will talk with the SHPO if Dan doesn't have them. Mdewaketon Sioux POWWOW this weekend Chris canvased interest and ability to go to this Powwow and Chris is the only candidate possibly attending. She will attend if conditions are favorable. Meeting adjourned at 7pm. Gail Anderson