ITEM 5.1aIntoxicating Liquor License Closing Time Summary of Comments November , 2012 The following establishments were contacted to solicit input on a closing time preference: 1. Cowboy Jack's —Wants 2 a.m. closing 2. Boondo — Wants option to be open same hours as Cowboy Jam's . Holiday Inn — Did not return phone call . Riverwood National — Did not return phone call . Rockwood's — - Expressed following concerns with 2 a.m. closing: DWI arrests; level of intoxication already at 1 a.m.; whether the "small amount of actual sales that come in between .am and 2am are worth the liability that comes along with it?" Stated that the policy as to be "fair across the board." 6. Riverwood Inn — Tirnothy's — They usually close around 9 plan. thus the 2 a.m. ire"t of interest to them. Sheriff Hagerty and Sergeant Walker were both asked about a 1 atm. versus 2 a.m. closing for liquor establishments. Both had similar comments that the management of the establishment is paramount and that management philosophy has more impact than the closing time. Under poor management, there will be problems at 1:00 a.m. or 2:00 a.m. -- the issues just happen an hour later. Under good management, an establishment can be open until 2 a.m. and have no issues. Sheriff Hagerty dealt with this same closing time issue when he was on the St; Michael Council. They voted to allow the 2 a.m. closing to be competitive with other cities even though personally the Council members may have preferred a 1 a.m. closing.