ITEM 1 Capitial Improvement Work SessiontsTe F o M INNESOTA MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: October 10, 2016 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Plan Work Session On Monday, we will begin discussion of the 2017-2021 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP process helps direct the City's limited resources to the Council's highest priority projects. It is important that the City take a long-term view of future infrastructure and other capital projects to ensure that funds can be raised and allocated accordingly for CIP expenditures or the projects and capital purchases can be adjusted to fit available financing. This year's CIP discussions will begin with one of the most important and most expensive components of the CIP, the City's transportation system. The City has an existing transportation plan that identifies projected transportation routes and a probable priority ranking of and timeline for those projects. However, development patterns, intensity, and uses may have changed since the plan was approved. There may be new routes that are more important or the value of a proposed project may have changed making it more or less important. The construction of the new E-8 school is a prime example of how one development can affect transportation planning. Therefore, the plan must be reviewed and readjusted periodically to reflect and accommodate growth and development changes that have occurred. Although we will begin by reviewing the existing transportation plan, the majority of discussion will focus on identifying and prioritizing upcoming transportation system expansion and enhancement projects. The last part of the discussion will be presentation and review of the street maintenance program. Finally, attached are some of the documents we will review in detail on Monday. More information will be distributed during the CIP presentation. Before Monday's meeting, please contemplate the upcoming transportation system projects that you feel are highest priority based on both current factors and future expectations. - �• S l.ly -,t. \ �a y, RM•GE 24 MNCE 2T ,t Ot§e _ 19�NESOYA 1 J 11 � I � r ��� 79 I I i r F -f I I Q'� 5I I i I E I i } „ ✓ G IH \ O aSTN SKEET (RECONSNIUCf PARK TO ll 1 Sn iC j l l l -i 3 �r / \r-`�t {, '\ - 1 \ RSTH STREET (MICRO -SURFACE) I _ I \ � I �7 J9 ' � � r` RSTN STREET (NEW CONSIRUCIION) enN smEEr (NEW coNsmucnbN) Q MACIVER AVENUE (NEW CONSIRUCIION) ©NASNUA AVENUE MEW CONS RUC ON) ina— t 1 �l iJ OUAOAT AVENUE (NEW CONSTRUCRON) I C I; f I I—i'�t 4• : 4 t- I 1� � 4z 1 t © QUEENS AVENUE (RECONMU"DN) f .tea.,ylI\3..,If I f-i1:-1 i 1 I _ifs " i i n i 1 t a l 1 2015 STATE AID ROUTE � � , J IF _ _ _1 yi 1 F, �-I ILI - �I IiJ� 1rf 1 - 1 i I' : ...i. ...._;. MNCE 24 2S —••_ ._. _ _.. _. _. _ .._.._ _.. .._.. _.._.. ,u y i , t 4 a s 9 8 R "n 5 rl - 9 U . : u 9 *� ., FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION J6 ® INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL MAJOR COLLECTOR MINOR ARTERIAL PRINCIPAL ARTERIAL - — RESIDENTIAL MINOR 90 COLLECTOR INDUSTRIALICOMMERCIAL MINOR COLLECTOR PARKWAY RESIDENTIAL MAJOR COLLECTOR J I_ q ADOPTED: 10 December 2012 TRANSPORTATION DISCLAIMER: 1667 o 1567 3334 � This product is for Informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying fllHakanson N PLAN purposes. Users of this information should review or consult the Anderson primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of „m.. _. _......_.-_ the information. 2017through 2027 Street Maintenance Summary (With Foe Over Seal Coat Onlvl YEAR 2017 2018 2019 2019 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 SEAL COAT $154,508 $419,970 $2D1,317 $735,952 $145,178 $210,050 $65,626 $109,806 $298,465 $143,072 $85,833 FOG SEAL $21,476.19 $47,693.76 $23,563.46 $83,578.17 $16,487.09 $23,854.31 $6,317.16 $18,931.66 $33,895.07 $16,247.97 $10,818.21 TRAFFIC CONTROL** $34,362 $76,310 $37,702 $133,725 $2fi,379 $38,167 $10,107 $30,291 $54,232 $25,997 $17,309 OVERHEAD 10% - (ENG, LEGAL, ADMIN) $21,035 $54,397 $26,258 $95,326 $18,804 $27,207 $7,205 $15,903 $38,659 $18,532 $11,396 CRACK FILL $75,000 $76,500 $78,030 $79,591 $81,182 $62,806 $84,462 $86,151 $87,874 $89,632 $91,425 STRIPING 50% PER year $34,386 $36,106 $37,911 $39,807 $41,797 $43,887 $46,081 $48,385 $5D,804 $53,345 $56,012 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE (PATCHING) $60,000 $63,000 $66,150 $72,930 $76,677 $80,406 $84,426 $88,647 $88,647 $93,060 $97,734 TOTAL $773,977 $773,977 $47D,932 $1,237,49 $502,549 $290,205 $393,894 $652,578 $439,905 $370,527 $370,527 5% per year is added for inflation for all prices except using 2%for Crack Filling 11 year expense $5,935,528 ** 160% add this percentage of Fog Seal cost for traffic control. Based on the average Traffic Control bid prices in 2015 and 2016 and Seal Coat EVALUATION EVALUATION Sc = Seal Coat FG = Fog Seal CF = Crack Fill SiMunmp.I OTSEGOOS7 (Road Mxlnlenzn,,)(ROAOWAY MGMT PLANUD17T1D yr Plan(CF 2M) (2017-2027) EVALUATE I FL•. i.rl.]RV:.I EVALUATE l�Eifi�•I`.:TRVC� City of Otsego Pavement Management Fund Cash Flow Summary F Revised: October 4, 2016 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% Forecast Projection - Capital Improvement Plan 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2025 2027 $ 339,200 $ 356,160 $ 373,968 $ 392,666 $ 412,300 $ 432,915 $ 454,560 $ 477,288 $ 501,153 $ 526,211 $ 552,521 $ 580,147 186,893 186,893 186,893 186,893 186,893 186,893 186,893 196,893 186,893 186,893 186,893 186,893 127,590 129,104 129,104 129,104 129,104 129,104 129,104 129,104 129,104 129,104 129,104 129,104 7,709 7,520 7,331 7,142 6,953 6,764 6,575 6,385 6,196 6,007 _ - - - 8,710 22,712 53,374 85,555 92,375 93,791 101,363 150,827 233,587 249,130 252,523 661,392 688,387 720,008 769,179 820,805 848,051 870,923 901,033 974,173 1,081,802 1.,117,648 1,148,667 Revenues Property Taxes Intergovernmental (MSA) Intergovernmental(LGA) Special Assessments (Actual) Special Assessments (Levied) Special Assessments (Future) Tota I # E (Curywit) Comments MSA Maintenance LGA (Subject to Legislative Actions) Actual Wright County Settlements Existing levied assessments Assessments. on future projects Expenses Capital Outlay(CIP-Maintenance) 476,066 400,768 773,977 470,932 1,237,436 402,759 502,549 290,205 393,994 652,578 439,905 370,527 2016 =Adopted / 2017-2027 = Draft CIP Capital Outlay (CIP-Renewal) 153,900 307,473 1,007,179 1,413,590 783,713 293,272 238,941 1,458,143 1,330,701 327,310 251,024 1,098195 2016 = Adopted / 2017-2027 = Draft CIP Total 629,966 708,241 1,781,155 1,884,522 2,021,149 696,031 741,490 1,748,348 1,724,595 979,888 690,929 1,468,722 Cash Balance - Beginning - 340,814 372,240 352,386 (709,761) (1,824,104) (3,024,448) (2,872,428) (2,742,995) (3,590,309) (4,340,731) (4,238,818) (3,812,099) Balance Sheet Effects Revenues 661,392 688,397 720,008 769,179 820,805 848,051 870,923 901,033 974,173 1,081,802 1,117,648 1,148,667 Expenditures (629,966) (708,241) (1,781,155) (1,884,522) (2,021,149) (696,031) (741,490) (1,748,348) (1,724,595) (979,888) (690,929) (1,468,722) Cash Balance - Ending $ 372,240 $ 352,386 $ (708,761) $ (1,824,104) $ (3,024,448) $ (2,872,428) $ (2,742,9951 $ (3,590,309) $ (4,340,731) $ (4,238,818) $ (3,812,099) $ (4,132,154) Deficitof$2.4M Factoring O/S Assessments U:\Budget\2017\Cash Flows\Capital Funds 201-Pavement Management City of Otsego Collector Streets Reconstruction Fund Cash Flow Summary Revised: October 4, 2016 Actual Actual Forecast Projection - Capital Improvement Plan 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Revenues Development Fees $ 302,720 $ 94,380 $ 277,456 $ - $ $ $ _ $ Special Assessments 17,544 13,570 - Special Assessments (Levied) - 5,064 4,868 4,672 4,477 4,281 4,085 Intergovernmental - - - - _ _ _ - Investment Interest (2,356) 3,237 Miscellaneous - - - Transfers In 100,154 - - - - - _ - Total 418,062 111,187 282,520 4,868 4,672 4,477 4,281 4,085 Expenses Other Charges & Services - 700 Capital Outlay 26,785 - Capital Outlay (CIP) - Transfers Out - Total 26,785 700 - - - - _ _ Cash Balance - Beginning 51,371 443,207 553,694 836,214 841,082 845,754 850,231 854,512 Balance Sheet Effects 559 - Revenues 418,062 111,187 282,520 4,868 4,672 4,477 4,281 4,085 Expenditures (26,785) (700) - - - - _ _ Cash Balance - Ending $ 443,207 $ 553,694 $ 836,214 $ 841,082 $ 845,754 $ 850,231 $ 854,512 $ 858,597 Comments No projects identified in CIP UABudget\2017\Cash Flows\Capital Funds 209-Collector Streets