ITEM 3.23601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231 .5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCTPQ�'�Plan ningCo.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Martin Farms; 3rd Addition PUD -CUP Amendment REPORT DATE: 12 October 2016 ACTION DATE: 25 November 2016 TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Lennar Corporation received final plat approval for Martin Farms 3rd Addition on 26 October 2015. In preparing their sales plans for the subdivision, the developer identified that a number of their house designs (including attached decks) would not fit on the lots in consideration of the required wetland buffer and principal building setback required by Section 20-16-5.F.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. The developer has applied for a PUD -CUP amendment to allow for averaging the wetland buffer and setbacks for Lots 1-7, Block 1; Lots 1-6, Block 2; and Outlot A, Martin Farms 3rd Addition. A public hearing to consider the application has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 17 October 2016 at 7:OOPM. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Wetland Buffer Averaging Exhibit ANALYSIS Section 20-16-5.F.4 of the Zoning Ordinance requires all parcels preliminary platted after 14 October 2002 to provide for a 20 foot wide vegetative buffer from the delineated boundary of all wetlands and a principal building setback the greater of a 40 feet from the delineated boundary of the wetland or 20 feet from the outside edge of the required vegetation buffer. The purpose of the vegetation buffer is to provide for a natural filter for improved water quality for storm water drainage to wetland areas. The principal building setback from the wetland and/or vegetation buffer is to ensure a usable rear yard for outdoor recreation purposes. Averaging the wetland buffer has been allowed by the City in the past to provide an appropriate balance between wetland protection and development based on the unique conditions of each parcel. Martin Farms is also unique in that additions after the initial final plat are occurring after the City had changed its policy to require that the wetland buffer be platted within an outlot deeded to the City. As such, the wetland buffers within the final plats of Martin Farms 2nd Addition and subsequent final plats include developing lots where the wetland buffer is established within the platted lots. The wetland buffer averaging proposed by the developer for lots within Blocks 1 and 2 of Martin Farms 2nd Addition maintains a minimum depth of 10 feet for the wetland buffer and 10 feet for the principal building setback from the wetland buffer. The area of the existing wetland buffer is 0.52 acres and the area of the averaged wetland buffer is 0.52 acres for no net change. The proposed wetland buffer averaging is consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. Furthermore, the averaging of the wetland buffer and principal building improves the buildability of the affected lots within Blocks 1 and 2. RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the application to allow wetland buffer averaging within Blocks 1 and 2, Martin Farms as proposed. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council approval of a PUD -CUP amendment allowing wetland buffer averaging in accordance with the exhibit dated 06/24/16. B. Motion to deny the request based on a finding that the application does not comply with the intent and provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer 2 #. py 1Al, . 118500301300 © 1 MW A1C D7- L2NI Of 71 121H 1 11 8500304200=1 �} _ �. .– tis- �: - �te� •%' t 11�3�►\l i' SAI rlu L—J r— " �=� I•� fI'4 1 I 14 00 {{ ILL_ I tt 1.#la ���; cf�/I 118500311200 67TH ST Nb7 Overview Legend Roads — CSAHCL — CTYCL -= MUNICL P R IVATEC L - TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy US Hwy City/Township Limits ❑c ❑t QParcels F =2016 Westwood Professional Services. Inc. Existing Wedand Buffer & Setbacks Legend EXISTING WETLAND BUFFER (10' MIN.) BLOCK 1 = 0.36 AC DDDR BLOCK 2 = 0.16 AC TOTAL = 0.52 AC EXISTING WETLAND BUFFER SETBACK (10' MIN.) BLOCK =0.34 AC BLOCK 2=0.18 AC TOTAL = 0.52 AC 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance Proposed Wedand Buffer & Setbacks Legend PROPOSED WETLAND BUFFER (10' MIN.) BLOCK 1 = 0.36 AC DDDR BLOCK 2 = 0.16 AC �`. 7699 A d Aotmonrsew4a in< vw: Br ,.>m ,... peEm1 y m. a ani m, pwldme �� � Prepared, FOr. 1898 AnaBr+m orim dl� vpc�ltlm od Bu[ [ mm a duy Nm�,e6 PII(81AL cLu Eden Pn16, MN 55346 �s �^d BW Imp PNONE 95&99]-5150 nnar Corporation FAX 95b99]-SBYl r.r�,,.�,, 1�rS CLY To- 188&99]5150 Frands D, Hagen II 16305 36TH Avenue North, Sutte 600 YYastV V=d on aB� b,/d— wBn..w�ooap�alB n.1e 06/24!16 n� N. 23021 Plymouth, Minneom 55446 Martin Farms 3rd Addition Otse¢o, ?&rmesota X 0' 60' 100, 150' 0000333.03EXPOP.dwg Tete 06/24/16 sb.& 1 of 1 Wedand Buffer Averaging Exhibit TOTAL = 0.52 AC PROPOSED WETLAND BUFFER SETBACK (10' MIN.) BLOCK 1=0.34 AC BLOCK 2=0.18 AC TOTAL = 0.52 AC �`. 7699 A d Aotmonrsew4a in< vw: Br ,.>m ,... peEm1 y m. a ani m, pwldme �� � Prepared, FOr. 1898 AnaBr+m orim dl� vpc�ltlm od Bu[ [ mm a duy Nm�,e6 PII(81AL cLu Eden Pn16, MN 55346 �s �^d BW Imp PNONE 95&99]-5150 nnar Corporation FAX 95b99]-SBYl r.r�,,.�,, 1�rS CLY To- 188&99]5150 Frands D, Hagen II 16305 36TH Avenue North, Sutte 600 YYastV V=d on aB� b,/d— wBn..w�ooap�alB n.1e 06/24!16 n� N. 23021 Plymouth, Minneom 55446 Martin Farms 3rd Addition Otse¢o, ?&rmesota X 0' 60' 100, 150' 0000333.03EXPOP.dwg Tete 06/24/16 sb.& 1 of 1 Wedand Buffer Averaging Exhibit