ITEM 5.1 Guardian AngelsIV OtsTY F o MINNESOTA g DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Planning City Planner Licht 24 October 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Planner Licht City Administrator Johnson 5.1— Guardian Angels AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approval of a PUD Concept Plan for Guardian Angels Riverview Landing. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. Held by Planning Commission 17 October 2016 BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: Guardian Angels has submitted a concept plan for development of a 139 dwelling unit senior housing facility on Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, Otsego Waterfront East 3rd Addition. The subject site is located north of 90th Street and east of Quantrelle Avenue, east ofTH 101. The subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the ordinance approved by the City Council on 10 November 2013. The proposed development is to be reviewed as a concept plan in accordance with Section 20-36-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide comment to the developer as to the acceptability of the land use. A public hearing to consider the proposed concept was held by the Planning Commission on 17 October 2016. Mr. Dan Dixon and Ms. Kris Neff of Guardian Angels and Mr. Ron Touchette of Rock Solid Realty were present as the applicants. Mr. Dixon provided background on Guardian Angels and an overview of the proposed development. Ms. Neff is an Otsego resident and spoke in favor of the concept plan. There were no other comments. The members of the Planning Commission were very supportive the proposed concept plan based on the reputation of Guardian Angels and the quality of the site design and project amenities. The public hearing was closed and the Planning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend the City Council support the proposed development as consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and appropriate for the subject site within Otsego Waterfront East. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: ❑ ATTACHED ❑ NONE A. Planning Report dated 18 October 2016 POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. Motion to provide the developer favorable comment regarding the proposed concept plan, subject to the stipulations of outlined in the Planning Report dated October 18, 2016. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES NA o NO ACTION TAKEN ❑ APPROVED AS REQUESTED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED ❑ OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 65303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPC(c_7)PlanninqCo.corn PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — WFE; Guardian Angels Riverview Landing REPORT DATE: 18 October 2016 ACTION DATE: 20 November 2016 TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Guardian Angels has submitted a concept plan for development of a 139 dwelling unit senior housing facility on Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlot A, Otsego Waterfront East 3rd Addition. The subject site is located north of 901h Street and east of Quantrelle Avenue, east of TH 101. The subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the ordinance approved by the City Council on 10 November 2013. The proposed development is to be reviewed as a concept plan in accordance with Section 20-36-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide comment to the developer as to the acceptability of the land use. A public hearing to consider the proposed concept has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 17 October 2016 at 7:OOPM. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Perspective Views C. Site Plan D. Floor Plans ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial uses as part of the City's primary commercial area surrounding the TH 101 and CSAH 39 interchange. Development of senior housing within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area has been expanding since the Great Recession and communities have made allowances for such uses either within or directly adjacent to commercial areas. The more compact living space required by independent seniors and more institutional character of assisted or memory care services is generally compatible with the activity level within commercial areas. This activity level is attractive for senior housing for homebound residents to enjoy the views from their homes. Independent residents provide in -place market support for nearby businesses, such as restaurants, retail stores, and offices. The 2012 Comprehensive Plan identifies a need to expand housing choice within Otsego specifically to include options for seniors, which the City Council also identified as a high priority economic development goal as well. The subject site is adjacent to a developed City park that will provide a great amenity to the proposed development and increase use of the City facility. City staff supports development of the proposed senior housing use of the subject site as being consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD District. The PUD District allows those uses as provided for within the B-3, General Business District, which includes retail sales, services, and office uses. In addition to the uses of the B-3 District specified in the initial rezoning of the subject site, any use allowed within any zoning district in the City may be developed within a PUD District subject to approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan. This includes the mixing of both commercial and residential uses such as senior housing. Senior housing is an allowed use within the R-7, High Density Residential District and, therefore, may be allowed to develop on the subject site upon approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan. In addition to the individual dwelling units, the proposed facility includes indoor parking, food services and common dining facilities, a theater, lounge, screened porches for individual units and common spaces, outdoor seating areas for residents generally and a memory care courtyard, and administration spaces. Surrounding Land Uses. The table below summarizes the existing and planned land uses adjacent to the subject site. As noted above, senior housing facilities have been found to be appropriate land uses in high activity areas compatible with and beneficial to surrounding commercial uses. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North -- -- TH 101/Mississippi River East Park PUD District City park South Commercial PUD District Multiple tenant retail/service/office West Commercial PUD District Medical office Undeveloped 2 Lot Requirements. Senior housing developed under R-7 District requirements must provide a minimum lot area of 40,000 square feet and minimum lot area per dwelling unit of 1,000 square feet per unit. The subject site is 11.69 acres or 509,204 square feet in area. The 1,000 square foot per dwelling unit requirement is typically only applied to independent or assisted living dwelling units with memory care not subject to a lot area standard. The area of the subject site exceeds the minimum lot area requirement and there is 4,208 square feet of lot area per independent or assisted living dwelling unit available (or 2,665 per dwelling unit with the indicated future phases included) exceeding the requirements for senior housing. Setbacks. The PUD District for Otsego Waterfront East established a 30 foot setback from Quantrelle Avenue and 10 foot setback from side or rear lot lines unless reduced setbacks are approved as part of a PUD Development Stage Plan. The concept site plan for the proposed principal building exceeds the minimum setback requirements. Building Height. There is no maximum building height established for the PUD District. Principal buildings within the B-3 District are limited to three stories. The proposed principal building is to be a four story structure with indoor parking, common areas, and memory care suites on the first floor and independent and assisted living suites on the upper three floors. The height of the proposed building is appropriate for the subject site given the commercial character of surrounding uses and the park to the east, creating separation from other uses, minimizing impervious surface, and maximizing construction efficiency. Building Materials. The concept plan includes only preliminary plans for the exterior design of the principal building. Section 20-17-4.G.2 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes exterior material requirements for multiple family uses that would be applicable to the proposed development. The exterior finish of the proposed principal building will be required to have a minimum of 50 percent of the combined area of all elevations of a principal building shall have an exterior finish of brick, brick CMU, stucco and/or natural or artificial stone and except for brick, brick CMU, stucco, natural or artificial stone, rock face block, or cement or wood fiber board, no single elevation shall have more than 25 percent of one type of exterior finish. Building plans for each elevation of the proposed principal building that identify the type and percentage of materials must be submitted with the PUD Development Stage Plan application. Floor Area Per Unit. Section 20-17-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes minimum floor area per unit requirements for senior housing of 440 square feet for efficiency units and 560 square feet for one bedroom (or larger) units. The minimum floor area requirement is typically only applied to independent or assisted living dwelling units. The memory care suites are to be 320 square feet in area for the efficiency units and 580 square feet for the one bedroom units. For independent and assisted living units, the floor areas range from 680 to 850 square feet for the one bedroom suites and 1,135 to 1,300 square feet for two bedroom suites. The dwelling units within the proposed building include 15 efficiency units within the memory care section, 88 one bedroom units, and 51 two bedroom units. Landscaping. Section 20-19-2.13 requires installation of landscaping within subject site as part of a PUD Development Stage Plan. The landscaping plan will also need to provide for plantings, turf, and irrigation of the portion of Outlot A abutting the subject site between the lot line and trail. Access. The site plan proposes one initial access to Quantrelle Avenue. Two additional accesses may be constructed to the north to accommodate future phases of the principal building or additional buildings as well as general site circulation. The site plan submitted with the PUD Development Stage Plan will need to include turning radii for service and emergency vehicles. The Fire Department will need to review the site plan submitted with the PUD Development Stage Plan to ensure adequate emergency vehicle access to all -sides of the building. The south lot line of the subject site abuts the developed multiple tenant commercial use to the south. The original plan for Otsego Waterfront East is that access to the subject site would be shared with the abutting property via the driveway to Quantrelle Avenue that has been partially constructed. No connection to this driveway is shown on the site plan for the subject site, which is appropriate to maintain separation between the senior housing and commercial traffic. The developer will be required to complete the north half of the east -west drive aisle that overlays the common lot line, with a sidewalk on the north side connecting Quantrelle Avenue to the City park. An ingress -egress easement over the drive aisle for the property the south will also be required. Maintenance for this drive aisle would be the responsibility of the property to the south as part of that easement. Off -Street Parking. Section 20-21-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance requires senior housing uses to provide one off-street parking stall per two dwelling units with proof -of -parking for one parking stall per dwelling unit. This requirement is typically applied only to the independent and assisted living dwelling units as memory care residents do not drive. The Institute of Transportation Engineer's 3rd Edition Parking Generation Manual outlines the following off- street parking recommendations for senior housing uses: Type ZO/ITE Land Use Category Recommended Parking Ratio Stalls/Unit Riverview Landing DU Parking Stalls Zoning Ordinance Senior Housing 1.00 139 139 ITE Recommendations Independent 252 0.50 12 61 Assisted Living 254 0.36 - - - - Memory Care 254 0.36 18 7 TOTAL 68 0 The concept plan does not identify the breakdown between independent living and assisted living units within the proposed senior housing facilities. For the purpose of this analysis, City staff utilized the higher requirement applicable to independent living suites anticipating that this would be the maximum parking demand as residents transition from independent to assisted living services. The site plan indicates that there will be 49 indoor parking stalls on the first floor of the principal building and 66 surface stalls for a total of 115 parking stalls. The number of off-street parking stalls provided by the concept plan exceeds the parking required under the highest demand scenario. The design and construction of the off-street parking area must comply with the requirements of Section 20-21-4.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Exterior lighting. The submitted concept plan does not include details regarding exterior lighting. The PUD Development Stage Plan application must include a photometric lighting plan indicating the location of all exterior light fixtures and illustrating the intensity of the lighting upon the site. All exterior lighting must comply with Section 20-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Signs. The concept plan does not identify any freestanding or wall signs for the proposed use. Any signs that are to be located upon the subject site must be identified as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan and be consistent with the allowances for the Otsego Waterfront East PUD District. Park Dedication. Park dedication requirements for a commercial use of the subject site were satisfied by dedication of Outlot A, Otsego Waterfront East to the City, which has been developed as a community park and regional stormwater basin. The developer will be required to provide pedestrian access to Outlot A along the south lot line of the subject site and from the north terminus of Quantrelle Avenue to the north portion of Outlot A as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan. The developer and City staff, including the Parks and Recreation Director are discussing opportunities for enhancements to the City park that may be undertaken in partnership, including a pedestrian crossing of the stormwater basis and improved amenities on the river -side of the park, which may be incorporated as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan. Utilities. Sanitary sewer and water utilities are available to the subject site and were constructed through the site to serve developed properties to the south. The utility plan for the PUD Development Stage Plan will involve relocation of these existing utilities to accommodate the proposed location of the principal building. Concurrent with the relocation of the utilities would be the need to vacate the drainage and utility easements overlaying them. The developer will be required to pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval for the portion of the subject site platted as a lot and utility connection charges at the time of issuance of a building permit. The number of Residential Equivalent Connection charges for senior housing facilities are calculated in accordance with the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services schedule as one REC per three residents with the number of residents determined as shown in the table below. Based on 249 residents, the utility fees for the proposed use would be charged as 73 RECs. 5 Unit Type Resident/Unit # Units Residents Efficiency 1.0 15 15 1 Bedroom 1.5 88 132 2 Bedroom 2.0 36 72 TOTAL 219 Grading. The developer has not provided a grading plan with the concept plan application. Portions of the subject site are within the 100-year floodplain of the Mississippi River and fill will be required to elevate the principal building. The grading plan for the subject site must also provide for infiltration of a minimum one -inch rainfall event within the subject site with the balance of the stormwater discharged to the regional stormwater basin within the City park to the east. The PUD Development Stage Plan must include a detailed grading, drainage, and erosion control plan as required by the Zoning Ordinance that is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Easements. The subject site will be replatted to provide for lots and outlots based on the site plan for the proposed development. The preliminary and final plat must provide for dedication of drainage and utility easements as required by Section 21-7-15 of the Subdivision Ordinance. This includes easements at the perimeter of each lot, over public utilities or public storm water basins, or any wetlands within the subject site. All drainage and utility easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Outlots. The concept plan identifies two outlots to the west of the proposed principal building. Uses for the outlots are not identified and would be governed by the PUD District for Otsego Waterfront East. Development of the outlots would require application for approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan. RECOMMENDATION The proposed concept plan provides for development of a senior housing facility and future senior housing campus meeting the housing needs and economic development goals of the City. Guardian Angels Riverview Landing will be a signature development within Otsego compatible with and complementing the existing and planned uses within Otsego Waterfront East and the City's community park. City staff recommends approval of the concept plan for the proposed development as outlined in the motion below. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to provide the developer favorable comment regarding the proposed concept plan, subject to the following stipulations: The proposed development requires application for the following approvals: 0 PUD Development Stage Plan Preliminary plat. Final plat. d. Vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. 2. The exterior materials for the proposed principal building shall comply with Section 20-17-4.G.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. A landscape plan shall be submitted with the PUD Development Stage Plan application that complies with Section 20-19-2.13 of the Zoning Ordinance and provides for installation of plantings, turf, and irrigation within Outlot A abutting the subject site between the lot line and existing trail. 4. The site plan submitted with the PUD Development Stage Plan shall include turning radii for service and emergency vehicles and site access is subject to further review and approval of City staff, including the Fire Department. 5. The developer shall construct the north half of the east -west drive aisle that overlays the south lot line and provide a sidewalk on the north side connecting Quantrelle Avenue to the City Park overlaid by an ingress -egress easement for the property the south will also be required that also addresses maintenance. 6. All off street parking areas shall comply with Section 21 of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. The PUD Development Stage Plan shall include plans for any proposed freestanding or wall signs. 8. The PUD Development Stage Plan shall provide pedestrian access to Outlot A along the south lot line of the subject site and from the north terminus of Quantrelle Avenue to the north portion of Outlot A. 9. Exterior lighting shall comply with Section 20-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. 10. The developer shall pay utility availability charges at the time of final plat approval and utility connection charges at the time a building permit is issued in accordance with Chapter 6, Section 1 of the City Code; all utility issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 11 All grading, drainage and erosion control issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7 12. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 13. Future development of any outlots platted with the preliminary plat and PUD Development Stage Plan shall be subject to the provisions of the Otsego Waterfront East PUD District and require separate application for PUD Development Stage Plan approval. B. Motion to provide comment that the proposed concept plan is not consistent with the 2012 Comprehensive Plan and Otsego Waterfront East PUD District. C. Motion to table. C. Lori Johnson, City Administrator Adam Flaherty, Finance Director Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director Dan Dixon, Guardian Angels Overview Legend Roads CSAHCL CTYCL �- MUNICL ---- PRIVATECL TWPCL Highways Interstate — State Hwy — US Hwy City/Township Limits ®c �t Parcels 3 . PERSPECTIVE VIEWS Guardian Angels Riverview Landing OTSEG®, MINNESOTA 9-20-2016 ( COMM# 37162-16121 PUD CONCEPT PLAN APPLICATION Guardian Angels ,_ c f SSENIOR SE VICES POWER LINES ` & EASEMENT ` SITE PLAN }A; 9 FUTURE # BROWNSTONES a 6`e k 1 f LIVING TEMPORARY a� - FIRE LANE l GARAGE 8c a G SERVICE ACCESS ®g. Guardian Angels Riverview Landing XMIE OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 9-20-2016 1 COMM# 37162-16121 PUD CONCEPT PLAN APPLICATION 24' DRIVE r s s 0' 100, north Guardian ---)TwAngelS SENIOR SERVICES INDEPENDENT AND ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE COMMON SPACES ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULATION SUPPORT PARKING \ �� \ FIRST LEVEL \ PARKING �\ 3-!_EVE!-5 5R- APTS. ABOVE ` FUTURE EXPAN51ON (o0-10 UNIT5 W/40+- ADD)-L COVERED PARKING ENTRY GOMMONS Y' \� FIRST LEVEL Guardian Angels OTSEGO, Mmmr:QOTA 9-20-2016 1 COMM# 37162-16121 PUD CONCEPT PLAN APPLICATION Riverview Landing 201 1 u' :0 ?0, 0' f_ Guardian. 'Angels SENIOR SERVICES INDEPENDENTAND ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE COMMON SPACES ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULATION SUPPORT PARKING SECOND LEVEL Guardian Angels Riverview Landing OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 9-20-2016 1 COMM# 37162-16121 PUD CONCEPT PLAN APPLICATION Guardian Angels SENIOR SERVICES C INDEPENDENTAND ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE COMMON SPACES ADMINISTRATIVE CIRCULATION SUPPORT PARKING Unit Mix / Square Footage - Riverview Landing by Guardian Angels Memo Care TOTALGSF UnitType GSF 1st Floor I 2nd Floor 3rd Floor 4th Floor TOTAL 0 5 Studio 320 15 19 4,800 T 1 Bedroom 580 3 3 1,740 0 0 0 0 TOTAL: 18 0 0 18 6,540 SEN10R APARTMENTS TOTAL GSF Unit T ne GSF 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor 4th Floor TOTAL 0 A 1 Bedroom 680 17 17 17 51 34,680 S SBedroom 750 2 2 4 3,000 C 1 Bedroom / Den 850 10 10 10 30 25,500 D1 2 Bedroom 1,135 1 1 1 3 3,405 D2 2 Bedroom 1,225 1 1 1 3 3,675 03 2Bedroom 1,270 1 3 3,810 E 2 Bedroom 1,135 1 3 3,405 F1 2 Bedroom 1,190 1 3 3,570 F2 2 Bedroom / Sunroom Corner 1,270 1 M22 3 3,810 G3 2Bedroom /Sunroom End 10200 2 6 7,200 G2 2Bedroom/Sunroom End 1,300 4 12 35,600 TOTAL 5ENIOR APARTMENTS: 0 39 121 107655 TOTAL UNITS: 18 39 41 41 ]34 - Building S.F. Type Use Parking 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor 4th Floor Total 5-1 Underground Parking/Support 21,254 1 21,254 0 R-2 Commons 13,285 2,977 1,080 1,080 18,422 0 R-2 Senior Apartments 42,551 44,448 44,448 131,447 0 0 I-1 Memory Care 13,471 13,471 0 Total Building SF 0 48,010 45,528 45,528 45,528 184,594 THIRD LEVEL 10 Guardian Angels Riverview Landing OTSEGO, MINNESOTA 9-20-2016 1 COMM# 37162-16121 PUD CONCEPT PLAN APPLICATION Guardian Angels SENIOR SERVICES