06-55RESOLUTION 2006-55 RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT AND CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON QUEENS AVENUE NE IMPROVEMENTS OF 2006 (PROJECT #06-01) WHEREAS, The City Council deems it necessary and expedient that the City of Otsego, Minnesota, construct certain improvements to -wit: Queens Avenue NE in the City as described in and in accordance with the preliminary plans and reports prepared by Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc., consulting engineers; and WHEREAS, The Council has been advised by the consulting engineers that said Queens Avenue NE Improvements of 2006 are necessary, cost-effective, and feasible and should best be made as proposed, and the consulting engineers' report to this effect has heretofore been received by the Council, and filed with the City Clerk, and WHEREAS, the statute provides that no such improvements shall be made until the Council shall have held a public hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, and that a reasonable estimate of the total amount to be assessed, and a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for affected parcels (the "Impact of Assessments") has been made available at the hearing, all in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, this City Council has heretofore discussed and made determinations about the Impact of Assessments: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Otsego, Minnesota, as follows: 1. A public hearing will be at the time and place set forth in the Notice of Hearing attached hereto as Exhibit A held to consider proposed improvements. 2. The nature of the improvements, the estimated cost of each major portion thereof, and the areas proposed to be assessed therefor are described in the form of Notice of Hearing hereto attached. 3. The notice of said public hearing shall be in substantially the form contained in the notice hereto attached. 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be given two publications in the official newspaper. Said publications shall be one week apart, and at least three days shall elapse between the last publication and the hearing. Not less than ten days before the hearing the Clerk shall mail notice of the hearing to the owner of each parcel of land within the area proposed to be assessed as described in the notice. For the purpose of giving such mailed notice, owners shall be those shown to be such on the records of the County Auditor or, if the tax statements in the County are mailed by the County Treasurer, on the records of the County Treasurer. As to properties not listed on the records of the County Auditor or the County Treasurer, the Clerk shall ascertain such ownership by any practicable means and give mailed notice to such owners. 5. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be prepared the Impact of Assessments, which may be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, consistent with the determinations of this City Council on and prior to the date hereof. ADOPTED August 14, 2006. Motion by: CM Scharber Seconded by: CM Heidner All in favor: Mayor Fournier, CM Heidner, CM Scharber, CM Stockamp, CM Thorsted Those Opposed: None