10-11-16 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes10-11-16 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission
Present: Gail Anderson, Chris Wilson, Toni Seroshek, Zonja Matushenko
Mayor Jessica Stockamp
Meeting was called to order at 7:15pm. Added to the agenda were: business
cards and Heritage Preservation MN Conference. Minutes from the last meeting
were approved.
The commission approved a motion to order business cards for us, but to cost no
more than $100. We authorize Toni Seroshek to negotiate the number of cards
according to price.
SHPO Conference: Chris Wilson presented her materials from the conference.
She suggested that we review the websites listed to see if any are appropriate to
our needs. If there is something, we could place a link on our site on Otsego's
AVID Program in Elk River schools: This program in local schools may overlap with
our goals to educate the public regarding local history. Commissioners Wilson
and Matushenko will explore further.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Gail Anderson, Recorder