OtsegoNewsletter_Fall2011CITY OFOTSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD IN THIS ISSUE: 2: Pumpkin Patch 3: Compost Options 4: Water Quality Otsego Festival Save September 17, 2011 on your calendar for the 10th Annual Otsego Festival! As in years’ past the event will be a fun filled day for the whole family. There will be many attractions offered from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Prairie Park adjacent to City Hall. Scheduled performances include the Teddy Bear Band (kids bring your teddy bears), Anita Isnor’s dance group, martial arts demonstrations, pony rides, play inflatables, clowns, a dog agility show and the crowning of the new Otsego Festival Royalty. Lowe’s will offer a workshop for children to build projects free of charge. There will again be a kid’s pedal tractor pull run by a sanctioned organizer with chances to win a trophy and advance to other competitions. Otsego Rod & Custom will host a classic car show from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with 12 trophy classes and door prizes offered along with t-shirts and dash plaques for the first 150 entrants. The entry fee for the classic car show is $10 (no charge for spectators). New attractions for this year include a climbing wall and a mechanical bull ride. Area food vendors will be at the Otsego Festival to satisfy your appetite and goods vendors and area clubs will also be present with products and information. The Otsego Festival is a private, non-profit organization operated by a volunteer committee unaffiliated with the City. People interested in volunteering to help with the Otsego Festival, either Friday before the event and or during the event and vendors are encouraged to contact Rose Cassady at 763.441.8769. For more information about the 10th Annual Otsego Festival visit their website at www.otsegofestival.org. NEWSLETTER – FALL 2011 OtsegoVIEW Otsego Festival Event Schedule 10:00 a.m.: Flag raising 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.: Otsego Rod & Custom Classic Car Show (Trophies awarded at 2 p.m.) 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.: Clowns 10:15 a.m.: Teddy Bear Band 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.: Petting Zoo 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.: Inflatables, Climbing Wall, Mechanical Bull, Lowe’s workshop, Pony rides, Wagon Rides (parking shuttle) 11:30 a.m.: Kid’s tractor pull 11:30 a.m.: Anita Isnor Dance Group Noon – 4:00 p.m.: Climbing wall 2:15 p.m.: Otsego Royalty coronation 09.17.11 • ? STOP P u m p k i n Pa t c h The Parks and Recreation Commission is planning its annual Pumpkin Patch event to be held on Saturday, October 22, 2011 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Prairie Park. The event is free with each child able to choose a pumpkin to take home. There are games, treats and inflatables at the event as well as a contest to guess the weight of one of three giant pumpkins that will be delivered to the person with the closest estimate. People are also encouraged to bring donations to CAER food shelf. When Otsego became a City in 1990 THE POPULATION WAS 5,218 and there were 1,558 households within the community. The 2010 US Census is now available and Otsego’s 2010 POPULATION IS 13,571 made up of 4,736 households. The average household size in Otsego has decreased from 3.27 PERSONS PER HOUSEHOLD IN 1990 to 2.86 IN 2010 reflecting national trends and the change from an agricultural area to growing community with more young families. O T S E G O F A C T S OTSEGO RIVER FERRIES HISTORY D i d y o u k n o w ? HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION “ Before bridges were built, ferries were used to cross the Mississippi during warm weather. In winter, crossings were made on the ice. The ferry was a flat boat, large enough to carry a horse and buggy or team of horses and wagon. It was attached to a cable stretched across the river. A bell was used to signal the operator that someone on the opposite side wanted to cross over”… “Ice in winter and log jams in summer made crossings hazardous.” “ The first ferry was established in 1854 by Samuel Carrick of Otsego who had a trading post on ‘Carrick’s Prairie’…located near the present Parrish Avenue bridge. Shortly after 1900 it was relocated about a quarter of a mile upstream and was run by Prosper Vasseur of Otsego. After the bridge was constructed in 1904 the ferry was discontinued.” “ A ferry at the Otsego townsite [near the current river access on Nashua Street] was established by John McDonald in 1855.” “ The third ferry was located in the Lily Pond area [slightly east of the river access at Kadler Avenue]… ‘known as Baker’s Ferry’…“It was well patronized and Elk River became a marketing and trading center for Otsego, Monticello, Frankfort and other Wright county settlements.” Established in 1854, another ferry crossed the Crow River near its mouth into the Mississippi River. It was known as Slater’s Ferry on the 1879 and 1894 Otsego maps and discontinued in 1937. From Otsego, the Family Farm Years: 1880 to 1910, (Elaine Norin) published by the Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission, 2002. The entire book is available for purchase at Otsego City Hall. The Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission will distribute an interpretive map of the Mississippi River bordering Otsego at the Otsego Festival! Children Back to School __________________________ __________________________ In a few weeks, children will be heading back to school in September. The City urges you to be aware for children standing near the street waiting for buses and walking or biking to school. A map of sidewalks and trails is available on the City’s website for parents to use to help plan their children’s route to school for those that walk or bike. Also a reminder that it is illegal to pass a school bus stopped on the street with its stop arm extended and lights flashing – please allow space for children to cross the streets. __________________________ ____________ Residents interested in composting on your property should be aware of regulations included in the City Code. Composting is limited to yard or certain food wastes to be contained within a structure not exceeding 300 cubic feet in volume. The compost structure must be located in the rear yard of the property and setback from property lines in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and also setback 40 feet from any residence on an adjacent property. For those needing to dispose of yard waste but that do not want to compost on their property, the following options are available: ~Jessica Stockamp Notes from the Mayor Greetings neighbors! I’m very pleased to announce on behalf of the City Council that Otsego has hired Lori Johnson to be the next City Administrator. Lori comes to Otsego with 26 years of experience, (primarily at the City of Elk River) in finance, human resources, economic development and administration. These qualifications correspond to the opportunities and issues facing Otsego today and in the coming years as a community that continues to grow through the current difficult economy. Otsego has a lot to offer that makes the City Administrator position attractive professionally. Lori is very respected in the community and the City Council is obviously impressed with her overall experience in City government and her professional approach to her role as the City Administrator in working with the City Council, City staff, residents and local business owners. By taking advantage of the opportunity Lori’s availability created, the City Council is able to save taxpayer dollars by not going through an extended search process with firms to hire a new City Administrator. The City Council feels that Lori’s experience and approach will help Otsego continue to build upon the growth that has occurred as well as position Otsego for the future when economic conditions improve. We are excited to have her join our existing outstanding City staff and hope that you too will welcome her to the community. • Otsego residents may dispose of yard waste at the Wright County Recycling Center located at 505 County Road 37, Buffalo MN 55313. Please check with Wright County regarding days and hours of operation via their website at www.co.wright.mn.us under Planning & Zoning. • Private garbage haulers within the City will also provide a separate container for yard waste for an additional charge. • Otsego residents may purchase a non-resident permit for access to the City of Elk River/Sherburne County landfill located at 19000 Proctor Road, Elk River MN 55303. The cost of the non-resident permit for 2011 is $50 and may be obtained at the Elk River City Hall. • Otsego residents with property west of Nashua Avenue may dispose of yard waste at the Albertville compost site located off of MacIver Avenue approximately 1/2 mile north of CSAH 37/60th Street. A permit must be obtained from Otsego City Hall for use of this facility and Otsego residents are not allowed to take compost. Use of the Albertville facility is on a trial basis for the remainder of 2011 to evaluate demand and will require agreement by the two City Councils for continued access in 2012. Compost options ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For more information regarding compost options in Otsego please contact City Hall or visit the City’s website. www.ci.otsego.mn.us P R S R T D S T D U . S . P O S T A G E P A I D P E R M I T N O . 1 7 9 1 T W I N C I T I E S , M N T i m e D a t e d M a t e r i a l C I T Y O F O T S E G O O N T H E G R E A T R I V E R R O A D C I T Y H A L L : 8 8 9 9 N a s h u a A v e n u e N E O t s e g o , M N 5 5 3 3 0 P H O N E N U M B E R S M a i n / A d m i n i s t r a t i o n : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 4 4 1 4 B u i l d i n g D e p t . : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 2 5 9 3 U t i l i t y B i l l i n g : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 2 3 1 0 F a x : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 8 8 2 3 O F F I C E H O U R S : A d m i n i s t r a t i o n M o n - T h u : 8 a . m . – 6 p . m . F r i : C l o s e d B u i l d i n g D e p a r t m e n t M o n - T h u : 8 a . m . – 6 p . m . F r i : 8 a . m . – N o o n U t i l i t y D e p a r t m e n t M o n - T h u : 8 a . m . – 5 p . m . F r i : 8 a . m . – N o o n C I T Y C O U N C I L : J e s s i c a S t o c k a m p ( M a y o r ) T o m D a r k e n w a l d V e r n H e i d n e r D a n S c h a r b e r D o u g S c h r o e d e r C i t y W e b s i t e w w w . c i . o t s e g o . m n . u s www.ci.otsego.mn.us COMMISSION OPENINGS Residents interested in becoming involved in their community may consider applying for appointment to one of the City Council’s advisory committees. There are current openings on the Parks and Recreation Commission, Police Commission and Heritage Preservation Commission. These commissions typically meet one week- night per month. For more information or to receive an application please contact the City Clerk or visit the City’s website. Protect Water Quality Otsego has an equal number of homes and business that use both in-ground private wells and municipal water services. Help protect water quality by: • Properly dispose of paint, motor oil and other chemicals. • Do not mow, rake, sweep or blow grass and leaves into public streets to keep them from washing into the storm water system. • Don’t liter: Recycle bottles and cans, put trash from your vehicle in your household garbage and shake/wash floor mats over your lawn, not hard surfaces. • Pick up after outdoor pets and animals regularly. The City Code prohibits outdoor storage of unlicensed or inoperable vehicles (defined as being unable to move under power or legally driven on a public street) on properties within Otsego. Each day an unlicensed or inoperable vehicle is stored outdoors on a property is a violation of the City Code subject to a $200.00 fine. Due to an increasing number of unlicensed or inoperable vehicles being seen in neighborhoods throughout the City, City staff will be actively enforcing the City Code regarding these vehicles. Property owners are encouraged to contact an area auto salvage business to have any unlicensed or inoperable vehicle removed or to put the vehicle in a garage. Your cooperation to keep Otsego an attractive community is appreciated. Unlicensed and Inoperable Vehicles