OtsegoNewsletter_Fall_2012As in years’ past the event will be a fun filled day for the whole family. There will be many attractions offered from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at prairie park. The Otsego Festival is a private, non-profit organization operated by a volunteer committee. People interested in volunteering to help with the Otsego Festival, either Friday before the event or during the event are encour- aged to contact Rose Cassady at 763.441.8769. For more information about the 11th Annual Otsego Festival visit their website at www.otsegofestival.org. NEwSLETTER • FALL 2012 vieW 2012 ELECTIONS otsego festival iN this issue: NeW! Parks and Recreation Insert McDonald House Compost Options City Hall Has Moved! Otseg o preciNct 1-a Prairie Center (former City Hall building); 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Please use the main entrance preciNct 2-a Otsego Elementary; 8125 River Road NE Please use Door 1 preciNct 3 Otsego Elementary; 8125 River Road NE Please use Door 1 Otsego residents will head to the polls again on November 6, 2012 for general elections for Federal, State and local offices. The polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. Voters need to be aware that the City is changing its process for conducting elections this year by dividing the City into three precincts that will vote at two polling places. The need to establish precincts is based on the continued growth in number of possible voters since the last election and also the decision by the State to divide Otsego into two legislative districts. The polling places are listed below. To determine which precinct you are in visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website at http://pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us/. A map showing the precinct boundaries and polling places is also available on the City’s website. Polling Locations: Otsego Rod & Custom will host a classic car show from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with 14 trophy classes and door prizes offered along with t-shirts and dash plaques for the first 150 entrants. The entry fee for the classic car show is $10. Save septeMber 15, 2012 for the 11th aNNual otsego Festival! activities The vFW color guard will start the Otsego Festival at 10 a.m. with a flag raising ceremony. A new attraction this year will be the Wright county sheriff’s k-9 unit doing demonstrations. The teddy bear band will again perform at 10:30 and kids are encouraged to bring their stuffed animals to dance along. There will also be a clinic for kids to have their stuffed animals check up. little Free libraries will be accepting book donations for the program. The kid’s bike parade returns for 2012 at 10:15 a.m. lowe’s will offer a workshop for children to build wood projects free of charge. There will be also be wacky hair fix-ups, marital arts dem- onstrations, huge inflatables and many other things for the whole family to do. Food and beverages will be available as always including one new vendor for 2012. goods vendors and area clubs will also be present with products and information. city hall has Moved! City administrative offices have moved across the street to the public Works building located at 13400 90th street Ne, which is now designated as City Hall, within the City Campus that also includes Prairie Park. Administration, Community Development, Building Safety, Utilities, Finance, Public works and Parks and Recreation departments are all now located in this one facility to provide better space utilization, increased coordination between City staff and, most importantly, improved customer service. City Council meetings, advisory commission meetings and other community activities will continue be held at the former City Hall building, which has been renamed Prairie Center. The wright County Sheriff’s Office will also utilize space at Prairie Center for its Otsego District Office as a base of operations for Deputies patrolling the community. • Speed limits on all streets within the City are established by State Statute. • The speed limit on rural unposted road- ways is 55 mph and 30 mph on urban streets in accordance with State law. • The City cannot legally post a speed limit of less than 30 mph on local residential streets. • Yellow signs posted with curve and speed information are advisory signs; enforcement of the speed displayed on the advisory sign is discretionary based on the Deputy’s interpretation of appropriate vehicle speed and roadway conditions. • The City may request Mn/DoT to evaluate the speed limit on roadways allowed to be posted between 30 mph and 55 mph. The determination of the speed limit that is to be posted is based on a study of existing traffic and set at the speed at which 80 percent of the vehicles are found to be traveling. This means that a request by the City to lower the speed limit on a given roadway may have the opposite effect of a higher speed limit being posted. There is also a significant cost to the City associated with completing the study. • The City has a speed radar trailer that it uses to gather documentation on both vehicle numbers and traffic speeds. This equipment has been an effective tool for the City to respond to complaints regarding vehicle speed and can also be used for passive enforcement to make drivers more aware of speed limits and safe driving. The speed radar trailer is placed alongside streets throughout the City on a rotating schedule or at specific locations where City staff and the wright County Sheriff’s Office have identified a potential speeding issue. otsego voluNteers Longtime resident Arthur “Mick” Racker is a master gardener who enjoys cultivating many type of plants and flowers in his rural Otsego yard and specializes in hybridizing daylilies. Mick has shared his enjoyment of gardening with the City by donating many plants used in the City’s parks such as the planters at Prairie Park entrance sign and drop off and the landscape beds surrounding the splash pad as well as Frankfort Park. Mick’s generous donations have allowed the City to add beauty to the City’s parks at minimal cost and the City Council extends it thanks and appreciation to Mick for his contributions. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities to benefit the community, please visit the City’s website or call City Hall. Notes from the Mayorspeed limit info One of the most frequent concerns the City Council hears from residents is regarding the safety of our streets. All residents need to give their full attention to careful driving especially during the month of September when children are going back to school and there is an increase of activity in residential areas and near our schools. Drive slowly and keep your eyes on the street for other vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles and be always prepared for people or objects that may enter the street suddenly from an adjacent driveway or yard. Pedestrians and bicyclists also need to practice safe behavior by using the sidewalk or trail wherever available, crossing streets only at inter- sections or designated crossings, wearing bright clothing and being aware of approaching vehicles. Children should not be allowed to play or ride bicycles in the street and equipment such as basketball hoops are prohibited from being placed in the City street (or in the boulevard adjacent to the curb) and are subject to immediate removal. More often than not concerns about speeding or traffic safety within residential areas are being caused by our own neighbors. The City urges neighbors to talk about traffic safety issues with one another but if there is a specific issue that cannot be resolved at the neighbor- hood level, then please do not hesitate to contact the wright County Sheriff’s Office. By providing the wright County Sheriff’s Office with a description of the problem including the name and address of the driver (if known), the make, model and color of the vehicle and/or the time of day when the issue occurs, Deputies will be able to respond as part of their regular patrol duties of our City. On behalf of the City Council, thank you to all residents for making our neighborhoods safe. Otsego Fact There are currently 7,018 registered voters in the City of Otsego. hydraNt FlushiNg The Utility Operations Department will be flushing fire hydrants throughout the City in October. Flushing the hydrants removes sediment and mineral build up within the City’s water lines to maintain water quality and also tests the system for adequate flows. Note that the cap may be left off of some hydrants after the water is turned off to allow the fixture to drain completely but City staff will return to replace the cap. The schedule for flushing is as follows: riverwood National: October 4 east otsego: October 8-12 West otsego: October 15-19 Otsego Fact The Parks and Recreation Commission gave away 700 pumpkins to children as part of the pumpkin patch day event last year. Park Highlights The City has recently completed several improvements in Prairie Park. The Park Maintenance Department installed a shade structure and tables that provide a much needed place to sit in the shade within view of the splash pad and other play equipment. The cost for the shade structure is funded by monies paid by developers of new subdivisions for improvement of the City’s park and trail system. The City has also replaced a play structure that was one of the original pieces of equipment in the park with a new rope climber and separate swing set. Be sure to check out these new features this fall at Prairie Park! The City also has installed additional trees and benches along the trail at waterfront East Park. The community park is being developed as an amenity to the commercial development planned in waterfront East and will continue to be improved over time. waterfront East Park features scenic views of the Mississippi River along a one-mile trail for pedestrians, bikes, rollerblades, etc. that are ideal for viewing fall colors. waterfront East Park is located adjacent to the Mississippi River in the northeast corner of the City on the east side of TH 101. Parking is available at the adjacent commercial sites. Residents interested in composting on their property should be aware of regulations included in the City Code. Composting is limited to yard or certain food wastes to be contained within a structure not exceeding 300 cubic feet in volume. The compost structure must be located in the rear yard of the property and setback from property lines in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and also setback 40 feet from any residence on an adjacent property. For those needing to dispose of yard waste but that do not want to compost on their property, the following options are available: — Otsego residents may dispose of yard waste at the Wright County Recycling Center located at 505 County Road 37, Buffalo MN 55313. Please check with Wright County regarding days and hours of operation via their website at www. co.wright.mn.us under Planning & Zoning. — Otsego residents may purchase a non-resident permit for access to the City of Elk River/Sherburne County landfill located at 19000 Proctor Road, Elk River MN 55303. The permit may be obtained at the Elk River City Hall. — Otsego residents with property west of Nashua Avenue may dispose of yard waste at the Albertville compost site located at off of MacIver Avenue approximately 1/2mile north of CSAH 37/60th Street. A permit must be obtained from Otsego City Hall for use of this facility and Otsego residents are not allowed to take compost. Use of the Albertville compost side by Otsego residents has been allowed by the City of Albertville on year-to-year basis and will require agreement by the two City Councils for continued access in 2013. — Private garbage haulers within the City will also provide a separate container for yard waste for an additional charge. For more information regarding compost options in Otsego, please contact City Hall or visit the City’s website.c o M po s t o p t i o N s P R E S O R T E D F I R S T C L A S S U . S . P O S T A G E P A I D P E R M I T N O . 1 7 9 1 T W I N C I T I E S , M N T i m e D a t e d M a t e r i a l McDonald House Archaeological Dig and Architecture Study The Heritage Preservation Commission planned an archaeological dig and architecture study of the historic McDonald House in October 2011 prior to the removal of the building and sale of the property. The McDonald House was believed to have been initially constructed in the 1850s by the first Northern European settler in Wright County, Mr. John McDonald. The Heritage Preservation Commission worked with Dr. Richard Rothaus of Trefoil Cultural Resources to undertake this community history event. Members of the Historic Preservation Commission and more than 25 members of the public participated each day in archeological digs of the site and assisted in documenting construction methods used in building the McDonald House. “This project was a unique opportunity for people in Otsego to get involved and help document an important part our community’s history from a time when the area was first settled” said Heritage Preservation Commissioner Gail Anderson. The results of the project are detailed in a report prepared by Trefoil received by the Heritage Preservation Commission. The investigation determined that the house was actually constructed around 1870 and then expanded for the first time around 1880. There are some hints found in the building’s construction that additional renovations were made in the 19th century. The excavation of the property found material dated primarily from the 20th century, much of which can be related to the sewing activities of the Peavey sisters who were the last residents of the house before it was acquired by the City of Otsego in 1990. The geophysical survey also identified a probable outhouse location and preliminary archaeological testing supports that identification. The Heritage Preservation Commission is preparing a display for the Otsego Festival to exhibit the findings of the McDonald House Archaeological Dig and Architecture Study. The display will feature photos of the site activities from October 2011, examples of the house construction, including floor and wall sections, and artifacts found as part of the dig. Additional information about Otsego’s history, including available books published by the Heritage Preservation Commission, is available on the City’s website. c i t y h a l l : 1 3 4 0 0 9 0 t h S t r e e t N E O t s e g o , M N 5 5 3 3 0 p h o N e N u M b e r s M a i n : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 4 4 1 4 B u i l d i n g D e p t . : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 2 5 9 3 U t i l i t y B i l l i n g : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 2 3 1 0 F a x : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 8 8 2 3 R e c r e a t i o n I n f o L i n e : 7 6 3 - 2 3 5 - 3 1 5 0 o F F i c e h o u r s : M o n d a y – t h u r s d a y 8 a . m . – 6 p . m . F r i d a y 8 a . m . – N o o n c i t y c o u N c i l : J e s s i c a S t o c k a m p ( M a y o r ) T o m D a r k e n w a l d V e r n H e i d n e r D a n S c h a r b e r D o u g S c h r o e d e r c i t y W e b s i t e w w w . c i . o t s e g o . m n . u s &PARKSRecreation CITY OF OTSEGO Visit the City’s website to receive the most up-to-date information! Register online at www.ci.otsego.mn.us NEW! FREE! Movie Night! Friday Nights at the Movies — prairie park Otsego Parks and Recreation is premiering “Friday Nights at the Movies”. Bring your family and friends to Prairie Park and enjoy these favorite family movies outside. And don’t worry, if it rains or gets too cold we will move indoors to Prairie Center (former City Hall building). schedule: 7:00 p.m. october 5 — The Lorax october 19 — Puss in Boots November 2 — Happy Feet 2 otsego parks and recreation is teaming up with anytime Fitness/infit to offer these great classes to get you in shape at less than $26 per hour for fitness training. All classes will be held at Prairie Center (formerly City Hall) and Prairie Park. Register online at the City’s website. OTSEGO MOVIE NIGH T recreatioN iNFo liNe: 763-235-3150 50/50 tuesdays at 9:00 aM prairie ceNter — 60 MiNutes septeMber 25 — october 30 Jumpstart your energy and rev up your metabolism first thing in the morning with the 50/50 Class! Get it ALL done in 60 minutes with 30 minutes of Cardio and 30 minutes of strength training to great music for great work- out! Take care of yourself so you have more energy to take care of everyone & everything else! cost – $155/6 weeks tabata thursdays at 6:00 pM prairie ceNter — 55 MiNutes septeMber 27 — NoveMber 1 Cap off your day with TABATA , a high- intensity class of intermittent exercises! TABATA is specific interval training with maximum repetitions for 20 seconds, and resting for 10 seconds – for a total of 8 cycles, lasting 4 minutes per exercise. This class is great to break through stubborn plateaus and bring your fitness to a whole new level! cost – $155/6 weeks outdoor boot caMp saturdays at 9:00 aM prairie ceNter — 55 MiNutes septeMber 29 — NoveMber 3 Get in the best shape of your life as you breathe in the fresh air outdoors! These 55 minute boot camp classes are offered once a week at Prairie Park. Be prepared for push-ups, resistance runs, step-ups and more! The environment is positive, motivating, and encouraging and you will be challenged. Getting you fit is the bottom line! cost – $155/6 weeks NEW! &PARKSRecreation CITY OF OTSEGO Visit www.ci.otsego.mn.us for more programs and information and to register online. 5 oN 5 NFl Flag Football league Otsego Parks and Recreation NFL Flag Football League is the premier youth football league for boys and girls in kindergarten to fifth grade. This program provides young players a fun and exciting opportunity to engage in non-contact, continuous action while learning lessons in teamwork. The NFL Flag Football program is designed to educate young people about football while emphasizing participation and sportsmanship. Players learn skills and lessons that help them succeed both on and off the field. Kids will be grouped in teams K/1st grade, 2nd/3rd grade and 4th/5th grade. Games will be 60 minutes for K/1st grade and 2nd/3rd grade teams and 90 minutes for the 4th/5th grade teams. All games/practices will be held at the Prairie Park fields and will be officiated by trained football referees and coached by volunteer parent coaches. tuesday, september 25 — saturday, November 10 at prairie park Fields Tuesdays are practice from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturdays* are games; between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. *Saturday, September 25 will be a practice day Fee — $49; Includes an Official NFL reversible Vikings jersey, NFL flag belt, and a mouth guard. appropriate for boys and girls grades k–5 The game is 5 on 5 flag football that teaches the basic skills of football running, passing, receiving and defending with non- contact rules that eliminate all forms of blocking and tackling. The program is played on a 50-yard field where participants may run or pass the ball. Teams start at their 5-yard line and have three downs to move the ball past midfield. Once a team has crossed midfield they receive a new set of three downs to score. No standings will be kept as the main purpose of this league is to promote players having fun while learning the basic skills of football. puMpkiN patch 5k october 20 — 8 a.M. at prairie park entry Fee: $18 Pre-registered by October 10th $24 after October including race day registration $10 Kids 1K start location: Prairie Center (former City Hall building) 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 course: 5K (3.2 mile) course on City streets and trails in and surrounding Prairie Park race day: Registration opens at 7 a.m. All pre-registered 5K participants will be guaranteed a race T-shirt. There will be refreshments and a chance to win attendance prizes after the race. Awards will be given for the overall men’s and women’s winners. couples Fall colors caNoe trip The City of Otsego is once again pairing with riverwood inn and conference center to offer a fall colors canoe trip down the Mississippi River. Couples will park at the beautiful Riverwood Inn and Conference Center and be taxied up to launch their canoes and they will begin their guided trip down the Mississippi River ending at Norin landing. After landing, couples will be shuttled to Riverwood for dinner, the cost of which is included with the trip. saturday, september 29th at 10 a.m. cost: $49 per couple (includes canoe trip and dinner) kids puMpkiN patch saturday, october 20 — 11:00 a.M. to 1:00 p.M. at prairie park. The Parks and Recreation Commission is planning its annual Pumpkin Patch event. The event is free with each child able to choose a pumpkin to take home. There are games, treats and inflatables at the event as well as a contest to guess the weight of one of three giant pumpkins that will be delivered to the person with the closest estimate. People are also encouraged to bring donations to CAER food shelf. More information regarding the Pumpkin Patch will be posted on the City’s website as date of the event approaches.