OtsegoNewsletter_Spring2012The City Council is committed to providing quality, efficient City services for Otsego’s residents and businesses. The City Council has adopted a 2012 budget of $4.261 Million dollars. By comparison the 2011 levy plus fire service assessments totaled $4,445,325. The 2012 levy represents a decrease of 4.15 percent from the 2011 levy. Otsego does not receive any local government aid from the State of Minnesota. The State has also terminated the Market Value Homestead Credit program and replaced it with a Market Value Exclusion program, which has caused a shift in the property tax burden to higher value residential, commercial and industrial properties. Otsego finances approximately 90 percent of its activities through property taxes. Other revenue sources include State aid for streets (funded through gas taxes and allocated to cities based on population and miles of streets), State aid for police services (which Otsego contracts for with the Wright County Sheriff’s Office), special assessments paid by benefited properties for specific infrastructure projects, franchise fees, user fees, interest on investments, licenses and other miscellaneous revenues. Expenditures provide for the delivery of services including general government, police and fire protection, public works involving maintenance of streets and storm drainage systems, and parks and recreation activities and projects. Operation of the sanitary sewer and water system is funded entirely by customers connected to these utilities. The City Council is currently completing a Capital Improvement Plan that will forecast major capital expenditures into the future. When complete, this document will be incorporated in the 2013 budget. Together, the City’s budget and annual updates of the Capital Improvement Plan will be effective tools for continuing to manage the City in a fiscally responsible manner. NEWSlETTEr • SPrINg 2012 VieW There are 18.6 miles of asphalt trails in parks and adjacent to City streets and County roads and 18.9 miles of concrete sidewalks within residential neighborhoods and commercial/industrial areas in Otsego. the mississippi river trail Bikeway follows csah 39 and csah 42 for 10 miles within otsego as part of its 3,000 mile route through 10 states from lake Itasca to the gulf of Mexico. a map of existing trails and sidewalks in otsego is availaBle on the city’s weBsite: www.ci.otsego.mn.us 2012 City Budget 8% 35% GENERAL GOVERNMENT 28% PUBLIC WORKS PARKS AND RECREATION PUBLIC SAFETY 29% Otsego Facts in tHis issue: 2: Spring Clean Up 2: Easter Egg Hunt 3: New City logo/Website 4: Pride in our Parks and Adopt-a-Street Otseg o neW on-line CommuniCation tool for resiDents The City continues to explore new ways to improve service for residents with the latest tool in this effort now available on the City’s website with an online Portal to ask questions, seek information or submit a Comment to tHe City. This online portal will automatically direct your inquiry to the appropriate City staff member for a response or action. In making service requests, users are also able to track the progress of their request or question. The City’s goal is for City staff to respond within a few business days. There is also a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section where people may seek answers to commonly made inquiries or requests. Residents can use this new tool by clicking on the faqs/requests tab on the homepage of the City’s website. spring clean up The City will again partner with Metro Appliance recycling to provide residents an opportunity to do some spring cleaning of their yard and home with Clean up Week between monday, april 30 and saturday, may 5. Clean Up Week with Metro Appliance recycling offers City residents discounted rates for disposal of unwanted goods for recycling that cannot be handled in the regular trash. People will need to present identification to verify residency and drop items off at metro appliance recycling at 16403 60th street in otsego between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on monday-friday and 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on saturday. see the list of accepted items at right and the cost for residents. Mississippi River Trail Bikeway This Spring signs will be going up in Otsego along CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 indicating the route of the Mississippi river Trail Bikeway (MrT) through the community. The MrT route through Otsego is small part of a much larger system of bicycle routes that follow the Mississippi river from lake Itasca to the gulf of Mexico stretching 3,000 miles through 10 states. Sometimes, the trail is along side roads and streets, sometimes atop levees, and in other sections, the route is an off road trail for bicyclers and walkers only. The route through Otsego will initially follow the shoulders along CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 but will include off-street trails as the City’s trail system continues to expand. Otsego seeks to become a destination along the MrT at the gateway to the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area offering restaurants, hotels and services for MrT riders. Visit the MrT website at www.mississippirivertrail.org for maps and more information about the MrT. The annual Easter Egg Hunt is planned for saturday, March 31 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Prairie Park, 8899 Nashua Avenue (behind City Hall). This free event is sponsored by the Otsego Parks and recreation Commission. Kids are invited to hunt for hidden Easter Eggs as well as visit with the Easter Bunny. A bike giveaway and clowns are also planned. For more information, visit the City’s website or call City Hall. Shelter Reservations The shelter at Prairie Park may be reserved by families, organizations or other groups during weekends throughout the summer. The shelter has picnic tables, charcoal grills and electric service available. there are two reservation periods per day on friday, saturdays and sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. there is a fee to reserve the shelter of $10.00 plus state sales tax. residential appliances: $10.00/each Crt televisions/monitors: $0.30/lbs. electronics and computers: $0.25/lbs. Junk (level pickup load or less): $45.00 scrap metal: Free mattress or box spring (clean/dry): $25.00/each stuffed chair: $15.00/each stuffed couch: $20.00/each Wood furniture: $5.00/each batteries: Free light car/truck tires: $5.00/each tractor/heavy truck tires: $25.00/each fluorescent blubs: $0.60/each Cell phone: Free Items not accepted include: paint, oil, antifreeze, gas, ammonia, refrigerators, and yard waste. EASTEr Egg HUNT Greetings Neighbors! The City Council has always made the safety of the community a top priority. The City works together with the Wright County Sherriff’s Office to provide contracted local police protection services 24/7 within Otsego. This approach provides a high level of protection in the most cost effective manner given the extensive resources of the Wright County Sherriff’s office. An important part of their service to Otsego is that the Wright County Sherriff’s Office assigns individual Deputies to regular patrol shifts within the City so that they become familiar with the community and any local issues that require more directed attention. Wright County Sheriff’s Deputies utilize office space at the public works building to more efficiently complete their duties while being readily available to respond to caller requests for service. The Otsego Police Commission is also encouraging residents to become more involved in the safety of our community by promoting the Neighborhood Watch program. Neighborhood Watch is a cooperative effort between the Wright County Sheriff’s Office and individual neighborhoods in Otsego. Neighbors can tell if something or someone is unusual to the area but it is not good for your own safety that neighbors become vigilante police officers. However, you are encouraged to report any behavior that causes concern, or arouses your suspicions. In this way, we and our neighbors become the eyes and ears of the Wright County Sheriff’s Office through the Neighborhood Watch program. The Neighborhood Watch program is most effective with groups of approximately fifteen families within a one or two block area. As Watch Groups are formed, one of the first tasks will be to select a block coordinator. This person will be the liaison between the Wright County Sheriff’s Office and the Watch Group. The Wright County Sheriff’s Office will keep the block coordinator informed about what crimes are being committed in the area and the block coordinator will disperse the information to increase awareness. Neighborhood Watch is a proven crime prevention program; but like any self- help activity, its success depends upon you and your neighbors. I encourage you all to talk with your neighbors to form Watch Groups and step up to increase protection of our community together. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - For more information contact Sgt. Brian Johnson with the Wright County Sheriff’s Office: Phone: 763-684-2366 Email: Brian.Johnson@co.wright.mn.us ~ Jessica Stockamp No t e s f r o m t h e M a y o r CITy lOgO AND WEBSITE UPDATE Otsego has adopted a new logo for the City as part of a renewed effort to promote community identity and marketing outreach. The new logo incorporates a modernized font with lowercase letters that is easier to read as well as a stylized prairie grass button in gold and blue. The City’s website is also undergoing a comprehensive revision to update its appearance, content and functionality. look for the new website to be launched in the coming weeks at the same address as before: www.ci.otsego.mn.us P R S R T D S T D U . S . P O S T A G E P A I D P E R M I T N O . 1 7 9 1 M I N N E A P O L I S , M N T i m e D a t e d M a t e r i a l C i t y H a l l : 8 8 9 9 N a s h u a A v e n u e N E O t s e g o , M N 5 5 3 3 0 P H o n e n u m b e r s M a i n / A d m i n i s t r a t i o n : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 4 4 1 4 B u i l d i n g D e p t . : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 2 5 9 3 U t i l i t y B i l l i n g : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 2 3 1 0 F a x : 7 6 3 - 4 4 1 - 8 8 2 3 o f f i C e H o u r s : a d m i n i s t r a t i o n M o n - T h u : 8 a . m . – 6 p . m . F r i : C l o s e d b u i l d i n g D e p a r t m e n t M o n - T h u : 8 a . m . – 6 p . m . F r i : 8 a . m . – N o o n u t i l i t y D e p a r t m e n t M o n - T h u : 8 a . m . – 5 p . m . F r i : 8 a . m . – N o o n C i t y C o u n C i l : J e s s i c a S t o c k a m p ( M a y o r ) T o m D a r k e n w a l d V e r n H e i d n e r D a n S c h a r b e r D o u g S c h r o e d e r C i t y W e b s i t e w w w . c i . o t s e g o . m n . u s Hydrant FlusHing The Utility Operations Department will be flushing fire hydrants throughout the City in April. Flushing the hydrants removes sediment and mineral build up within the City’s water lines to maintain water quality and also tests the system for adequate flows. Note that the cap may be left off of some hydrants after the water is turned off to allow the fixture to drain completely but City staff will return to replace the cap. The schedule for flushing is as follows: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - riverwood national: April 12 East Otsego: April 16-20 West Otsego: April 23-27 Pride in our Parks and adopt-a-street The City encourages people of all ages, including residents, community groups and businesses, to help keep Otsego clean, safe and more attractive through two community programs: Pride in Our Parks volunteers assist in picking up debris, raking leaves, planting and maintaining vegetation, special projects and to help identify needed repairs in our parks. Adopt-A-Street is a partnership between volunteers and the City Public Works Department whereby participants assist in picking up debris, planting and maintaining boulevard vegetation, special projects and to make visual inspections roadway areas to identify maintenance issues. __________________________ Pride in Our Park and Adopt-Street volunteers make a two year commitment for activities. Otsego Public Works staff provides basic oversight, safety vests, tools and materials as may be needed. The City also places a sign within the park or at the approaches to the adopted street crediting the individual, group or organization for their efforts. More information about Pride in Our Parks and the Adopt-A-Street programs, including possible projects, available parks or streets and application forms, is available at the on the City’s website or by calling City Hall.