OtsegoNewsletter_Winter2014-15REPORTING STREET LIGHTS OUT With the end of Daylight Savings Time more people notice when a street light is not working. If you observe a street light not working, please contact City Hall at 763.441.4414 or go to the City website to report it. City staff will contact the appropriate utility to have the street light repaired to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians. – There is no parking on any public street between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. between November 1 and April 30. Vehicles parked on public streets during these hours are subject to immediate ticketing and/or towing. – There is no parking on any public street after a snowfall of 2.5 inches or more until after the street has been plowed to its full width. Vehicles parked on public streets during a snow emergency are subject to immediate ticketing and/or towing. – Snow from private property may not be deposited on or pushed across the traveled portion of any public street, sidewalk or trail. – Property owners are responsible for removal of snow, ice and other debris from concrete side- walks adjacent to their property within 12 hours after the snowfall has stopped. – Property owners are responsible for clearing snow from around fire hydrants and mailboxes. Mailboxes can be especially vulnerable to damage from snow removal operations and the City assumes liability for mailboxes damaged during plowing only if it is determined that the plow made direct contact with a mailbox that was properly placed in accordance with City standards. – The City is not responsible for damage to plantings other than grass within the boulevard portion of the yards. The boulevard is the area within the public right-of-way that is approximately 16 feet behind the curb along local urban streets (or between the curb and sidewalk), 10 feet behind the curb for cul-de-sacs and that part of the ditch approximately 18 feet from the edge of pavement or gravel of local rural streets. NEWSLETTER • WINTER 2014/15 VIEW what you need to know for WINTER IN THIS ISSUE: CodeRED® Alert System Advisory Committee Openings Snowmobiling Regulations Parks and Recreation Insert Winter and Holiday Events Otseg o PROPERTY TAX INFORMATION The City Council will hold an information meeting at 7:00 p.m. on December 8, 2014 at Prairie Center to review the proposed 2015 City Budget and property tax levy. The public is invited to attend the information meeting to offer comments and/or ask questions. If you have any questions or comments regarding the proposed budget and tax levy you may also contact the City Administrator at 763.441.4414. The City of Otsego has adopted several regulations as part of the City Code to protect public safety and aid the Public Works Department in maintaining streets during winter that residents need to be aware of, which include: Motorists are also urged to use caution during winter weather conditions and be aware of possible City, County and MN/ DoT snow plowing operations. Slow down and stay behind the snowplows. Drivers should ALLOW AT LEAST FIVE CAR LENGTHS between their vehicles and snowplows. The street behind the plow will be the safest place to drive: STAY BACK STAY ALIVE. The Otsego City Code is available for review on the City’s website at www.ci.otsego.mn.us. If you have any question regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact City Hall at 763.441.4414. Your cooperation in following these rules this winter season is greatly appreciated to ensure the safety of Otsego residents and motorists within the community. Notes from the Mayor Greetings Neighbors! The City Council approved remodeling and renovation of Prairie Center that has been completed this past Spring. The updates to the building, constructed in 1993, include expanded community rooms, expanded kitchen facilities and offices for the Parks and Recreation Department, as well as improvements to the City Council Chambers for regular meetings of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Parks and Recreation Commission. The Heritage Preservation Commission and Public Safety Commission also hold their regular meetings at Prairie Center. The updated facility has already seen a lot of use for a wide range of activities including meetings for community organizations, rental space for the public and recreation programing. One of the goals the City Council had at the start of the Prairie Center project was to provide space within the facility for adults 55+ to gather. Otsego is a unique community with an older population of established, long-time residents and families moving to new neighborhoods. As the Parks and Recreation Department continues to develop its programing, the City Council believed it was important to provide an opportunity for seniors. The Fireside Room at Prairie Center was specifically envisioned as a space within the building that could be utilized for programs and activities for adults 55+. The Parks and Recreation Department’s Fall Program Guide, attached to this Otsego View and available on the City website, includes the first offerings planned for adults 55+. The Adults 55+ program at Prairie Center will include activities, health and wellness programs and speakers. Day trips from Prairie Center in partnership with the Senior Centers in Elk River and Monticello are also being planned for Tuesday, February 17, 2015. The Parks and Recreation Department is hosting an open house for adults 55+ at Prairie Center on Monday, January 5, 2015 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. The City Council encourages Otsego residents 55+ to come see what programs and activities are being offered specifically for you by the Parks and Recreation Department. More information regarding the Parks and Recreation Department’s programs and activities for adults 55+ in our community is also available on the City website or by calling 763.235.3148. Best wishes to all Otsego families for a happy and safe winter season! Advisory Commission Openings Residents interested in becoming involved in their community may consider applying for appointment to one of the City Council’s following advisory committees: PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission advises the City Council on land use issues including comprehensive planning, zoning and subdivision ordinances and reviews development proposals. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION The Public Safety Commission advises the City Council on police and fire protection issues working with meeting with the Wright County Sheriff’s Office and Fire Departments serving Otsego. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION The Heritage Preservation Commission is responsible within the community for locating, preserving, interpreting and communicating our shared stories about Otsego’s history. For more information about each of these advisory committees’ roles and responsibilities and to obtain an application, please contact the City Clerk at 763.441.4414 or visit the City’s website. The Lily Pond townsite was established in the area of Kadler Avenue and CSAH 39. Kadler Avenue was known as Lily Pond Lane prior to establishment of the current County wide grid naming pattern. The 1870 US Census identifies Lily Pond as the Post Office for this part of Otsego. A school building was built on the northwest corner in 1870 and known as the Lily Pond School, District 11. After that building burned in 1913, it was replaced with a stucco building that still stands and has been remodeled as a single family home. A Methodist church stood on the northeast corner. The first service at the Church was held in 1906 and the building was torn down in the mid-1930s. Source: Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission, 2002 Lily Pond Park, located in the northwest corner of Otsego at the corner of Kadler Avenue and 101st Street, is named after the townsite that developed in the area in the late 1800s. OTSEGO TIDBITS Funding for CodeRED® is provided by the Wright County Sheriff’s Office, the Public Health Emergency Preparedness program and the Nuclear Office. The Otsego River Riders snowmobile club annually hosts youth safety classes to teach about safe snowmobile operation as well as provide information about local and state laws. This year’s safety training classes will be held on December 4 and 6 at Prairie Center. Registration may be completed online through the Parks and Recreation Department on the City’s website or by calling 763.235.3148. Snowmobilers are responsible for informing themselves about local regulations for snowmobiling including areas of Otsego where snowmobiling is allowed. A summary of Otsego’s City Code regulating snowmobiling follows: – Persons under 14 years of age may ride on City streets only when accompanied by an adult. Minors age 14 years but under 18 years of age may ride on City streets with a valid snowmobile certificate in their possession. – Snowmobiles are prohibited from riding upon public sidewalks and paved trails or within City parks or other properties. – On City streets with curb, snowmobiles must be ridden on the street, single file in the direction of traffic as close as practical to the curb; where no curb exists, snowmobiles may ride off of the paved surface but not more than six feet from the edge of the pavement. – Snowmobiles may only be operated in the City between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. – The City has designated residential areas where snowmobiling upon City streets is prohibited except to go to/from your property to a designated trail. Snowmobiles may not exceed 10 MPH within these designated residential areas. A map of the designated areas is available on the City website or from the Otsego River Riders. – Information statewide snowmobile trails and regulations can be found at http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/ snowmobiling/index.html. SN O W M O B I L I N G IN O T S E G O Wright County CodeRED® Alert System Wright County has a new rapid emergency notification service called CodeRED®. The new system will distribute emergency messages via telephone to targeted areas or the entire county at a rate of 1,000 calls per minute. CodeRED® employs a one-of-a-kind Internet mapping capability for geographic targeting of calls, coupled with a high speed telephone calling system capable of delivering customized emergency messages directly to homes and businesses. This service can be used in case of fires, flooding, train derailment, chemical spills, nuclear incidents, evacuation, downed power lines, lost individuals, natural disasters, abductions, water system problems, bomb threats, disease outbreaks, or other emergencies. Calls can be geographically targeted for local incidents. If widespread, the entire county with 31,000 households can be called within 30 MINUTES. Wright County residents are welcome and encouraged to enter their contact information for home, business, and mobile phones so they may be contacted by the system in the event of an emergency. Most landlines are automatically part of the system but mobile phones are not. It is important for county residents and business customers to register, especially if they use unlisted numbers, cell phones, or VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Those who do not register their address and phone number may not be notified with CodeRED® in case of an emergency. Registration is confidential, free, and easy. TO REGISTER, go to the Wright County website at www.co.wright.mn.us and click on the CodeRED® Emergency Notification link on the lower left side of the page. Citizens may also sign up for notifications from individual county departments by clicking on the “Notify Me” button near the top of the Wright County homepage. This past summer many people received timely notices when flooding caused road closures. You can sign up for alerts from the Sheriff’s Office and Emergency Management, the Highway Department, Public Health, and many other county departments. More information about Wright County’s CodeRED Emergency Alert System, including frequently asked questions, is available on the City’s website. PRSRTD STDU.S. POSTAGEPAID PERMIT NO. 1791 TWIN CITIES, MN Time Dated Material CITY HALL: 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 PHONE NUMBERS Main: 763.441.4414 Building Dept.: 763.441.2593 Utility Billing: 763.441.2310 Fax: 763.441.9163 RECREATION INFO LINE: 763-235-3155 OFFICE HOURS: Monday–Thursday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. – Noon CITY COUNCIL: Jessica Stockamp (Mayor) Tom Darkenwald Vern Heidner Doug Schroeder Jason Warehime CITY WEBSITE* www.ci.otsego.mn.us * Information listed herein as being available on the City website will also be mailed upon request by calling City Hall. ICE SKATING at prairie park SANTA DAY Santa Claus is coming to town on Saturday, December 13 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Prairie Center! This annual event hosted by the Parks and Recreation Commission is in its eleventh year. Planned activities include children visiting with Santa Claus, cookies and hot chocolate and horse drawn sleigh rides for the whole family. Quality Photo will also be present to take pictures of your children with Santa for purchase or you may bring a camera and take your own. People attending are also encouraged to bring food goods for donation to CAER food shelf in the spirit of the season. The Little Free Library is always accepting childrens book donations as well. The Parks and Recreation Department is again this year providing an opportunity for outdoor ice skating for pleasure and sport. A hockey rink with boards and a separate pleasure skating rink will be located at Prairie Park. The rinks are located at the corner of Nashua Avenue and 90th Street, east of City Hall. There is parking and benches available. The rinks are lighted until 10:00 p.m. but there is no shelter and no attendant present. The ice rink is anticipated to be ready for use on December 22, 2014 with a targeted end date of February 16, 2015 (weather permitting) – check the Parks and Recreation page on the City’s website for any announcements. WINTER 2014/15 – PROGRAM GUIDE &PARKSRecreation CITY OF OTSEGO Visit the City’s website to receive the most up-to-date information! Register online at www.ci.otsego.mn.us. ALL CLASSES/EVENTS HELD AT PRAIRIE CENTER WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THOSE NOTED. CHILDRENS PAINT CLASS – “FROZEN” This is your child’s chance to paint on a real canvas board. During this guided painting lesson, your child will create a scene inspired by the Disney movie Frozen. – TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 (Registration Deadline Jan 13) – 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Ages 5-8 years – $20 TUMBLING FOR 2- AND 3-YEAR-OLDS In this class children will learn the basic skills of gymnastics in a safe environment and will develop coordination using a variety of mat exercises, low balance beam, tumbling and games. Students should wear leotards or shorts and t-shirts. Please tie back long hair. Parents will participate with their child. – THURSDAYS, 6:00–6:35 p.m. – December 11, 18; January 8, 15, 22, 29; February 5, 12 – Ages 2-3 years with a parent – $30 PRESCHOOL TUMBLING In this class children will learn the basic skills of gymnastics in a safe environment and will develop coordination using a variety of mat exercises, low balance beam, tumbling and games. Students should wear leotards or shorts and t-shirts. Please tie back long hair. – THURSDAYS, 6:45-7:30 p.m. – 8 Sessions: Dec 11, 18 Jan 8, 15, 22, 29 & Feb 5, 12 – Ages 4-5 years – $30 SAFE ON MY OWN This safety class will teach children how to prevent and prepare for emergencies. Topics covered will be safety when home alone, phone safety, and basic first aid to help build confidence to empower our children to keep themselves safe. – FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20 – 6:00–8:00 p.m. – Ages 7 – 10 – $15 BEGINNER ARCHERY CLASS Archery Country of Rogers is partnering up again with the Otsego Parks and Recreation department to offer a fun and exciting opportunity to kids 8 years and older. Future archers will spend 1/2 hour in the classroom as instructors show them the basics of archery equipment and safety. From the classroom, kids will head to the range and learn proper shooting techniques. As part of this program, participants will be given a free range pass and equipment rental to gain more experience and confidence for the future! – SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7 8:00 a.m–12:00 p.m. – Class held at Archery Country 21135 S. Diamond Lake Rd, Rogers – $18 HOLIDAY CRAFT SHOW Save the date for a fun day out last minute shopping! Jewelry, purses, cooking products and samples, home cleaning products, body wraps, local handmade crafts, doll clothes, scrapbooking supplies, stamping tools, clothing boutiques, spices, cooking products, holiday decorations, blankets, thermal bags, candles, crochet items, hair accessories, rock it anywhere, Tupperware, baby blankets and hats, hot/cold aromatherapy packs, essential oils, skin care, health & fitness, and more! Support local artisans, crafters and small business owners. – SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 – 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. – Free! SANTA'S WORKSHOP Come on down to Santa's Workshop during the Holiday Craft Show! At the workshop you will be able to pick out your present for mom and/or dad and one of our elves will help you wrap it without your parents knowing what it is. Santa's Workshop will be open the same time as the Holiday Craft Show. – SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 – 10:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. – $25 Visit www.ci.otsego.mn.us for more programs and information and to register online. ALL CLASSES/EVENTS HELD AT PRAIRIE CENTER WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THOSE NOTED. ZUMBA Ditch the workout and join the party. Come dance your way to a firmer, better body with motivating music with unique moves and fun dance moves. It is a ‘feel happy’ workout and you’ll love the results. – WEDNESDAYS, 5:45 – 6:30 p.m. – Session 1: January 7, 14, 21 and 28 – Session 2: February 4, 11, 18 and 25 – $15 FULL BODY BARRE FUSION Come experience a total body sculpting workout that fuses ballet, yoga, Pilates, core conditioning & interval strength training. All fitness levels welcome. If you have light weights we encourage you to bring them. – WEDNESDAYS, 6:30–7:15 p.m. – Session 1: January 7, 14, 21 and 28 – Session 2: February 4, 11, 18 and 25 – $15 TINY TOT OPEN PLAY TIME AGES NEWBORN-5 WITH PARENTS Kids bring your parents or daycare providers to this super fun time together. There will be time to play, make a craft, read a story and have a snack with Miss Amy. – WEDNESDAYS, 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. (starting Jan. 5) – THURSDAYS, 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Class will not meet: November 26/27, December 24/25 and December 31/January 1. – Please check the website for days that Prairie Center is closed. – $2 a time per child CHEER AMERICA Cheer America is a cheerleading and dance program for children ages 4 to 16. Students learn popular cheers, chants, jumps, leaps and choreographed pom pom/dance routines. For more info, please visit their website: www.cheer-america-minnesota.com. – TUESDAYS, February 3-April 7 (10 sessions) – Ages 4-7 years: 6-6:45 p.m. – Ages 8-16 years: 7-7:45 p.m. – $70 AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION CPR/FIRST AID/AED CERTIFCATION This class will give participants their America Heart Association CPR Certification Child-Adult and First Aid and AED certifications. The class will be two hours each day on Monday & Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. Steve Dittbenner has been a local CPR instructor for over 35 years – MONDAY, DECEMBER 1 AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 – 6:00–8:00 p.m. – Prairie Center – $40 WINE/CANVAS NIGHT Come for a fun, social night with a local artist who will guide you step by step in creating a fabulous piece of artwork. (16x24) No painting experience necessary. Cost includes all art supplies. Beverages are separate. – TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9 (Registration Deadline December 2) – 6:00–8:00 p.m. – Held at POUR! (15704 90th St., Otsego) – $40 FRIDAY NIGHTS AT THE MOVIES – FREE! Bring your family and friends to Prairie Center and enjoy these favorite family movies on a large movie screen. Don’t forget to bring your favorite blanket and treats! – FRIDAYS, 7:00 p.m. January 16 – Planes Fire & Rescue (PG) February 13 – The Muppets Most Wanted (PG) March 13 – Earth to Echo (PG) YOUTH SNOWMOBILE TRAINING Students can register if they will be 12 years of age or older by January 1, 2014. Students 16 years or older are encouraged to order and complete an adult CD from the Minnesota DNR. For the December 6th class there will be an outdoor driving course. Students need to dress for the weather and bring a helmet. The driving test will be held with or without snow on the parking lot. 2-Day Class. Student’s birth certificate is required. Must Pre-Register by December 2. – THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 6:00–9:00 p.m. – SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 9:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m. – $5 ACTIVITIES FOR 55+ AT OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10:00 – 2:00 p.m. OPEN HOUSE MONDAY, JANUARY 5! Mark your calendars and join us in celebrating our Otsego Open House for adults 55+. Come meet City staff, volunteers and others in our community. We will have schedules and information on all the activities being offered and will be serving refreshments throughout the day. You won’t want to miss it! ST A R T I N G JA N U A R Y 5 , 20 1 5 Sponsored by