finalCERTA PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF OTSEGO FOR FORMING A COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM (CERT) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is a group of citizen volunteers who are trained in disaster preparedness for large-scale disaster incidents that may impact their community, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations. In addition, the CERT Team proposed would also participate in Community preparedness communications in the form of information booths, websites and public speaking. The Team would also assist our Fire Departments at major fires with relief assistance (managing stations where firefighters take breaks). It is suggested that the service area of the Otsego CERT Team includ e the service area of our partner fire agencies, at the discretion of the respective fire chiefs. Legalities regarding liability to the City will have to be explored, and written agreements drafted. In addition, it is also suggested that the Otsego CERT Te am work closely with other CERT Teams in the West and Northwest Metro Area, providing mutual aid and participating in training opportunities. Again, legalities regarding liability to the City will have to be explored, and written agreements drafted.. Future considerations might also include assisting residents with smoke and CO detectors, having members of the team become SKYWARN spotters, as well as other activities that members may wish to consider, but would not be implemented without City approval. Federal and State FEMA both have extensive training criteria which would be strictly followed (see attachments). The following is the proposed structure of such a team, including policies, meeting structure, expenses to the City, table of organization, costs, and other considerations. AUTHORIZED STRENGTH AND SELECTION CRITERIA The initial authorized strength of the Team will be 15 members, with the goal of maintaining at least 10 members. Members will be selected from the community that live or work no longer than 30 minutes from City Hall. They need not be residents of Otsego. Members will be interviewed by the Public Safety Commission, and will be selected as to their understanding of what CERT is . Only those that have a genuine interest in public service will be selected. Background investigations will be conducted on potential members. The Job Description can be found on the 4th page of attachment number one (CERT Introduction and Overview) under “When Disaster Strikes”. RECRUITMENT Potential new members will be recruited through the city newsletter, website and local media. TABLE OF ORGANIZATION The Team will be under the auspices of the City Emergency Manager. The Emergency Manager will appoint a member of the Albertville Fire Department to be the overseer of the team. From the Team there will be a Team Captain and a Recording Secretary. The Team Captain will assist the Fire Overseer, conduct meetings, coordinate training and assist other team members. The Recording Secretary will maintain Personnel Records that include training hours. The initial Team Captain will be appointed by the Public Safety Commission to serve a term of one year. Subsequent Team Captains will be elected by members of the CERT Team, and consideration will be given to lengthen the time of service. The Team Captain will appoint the recording secretary. Personnel records will be maintained by City Staff. It is proposed that the Team Captain be a voting member of the Public Safety Commission, pending Council approval. COSTS Training will be conducted by volunteers. Training will be conducted at city facilities or at the Albertville Fire Department at no cost. The Team will be volunteers, and will perform administrative duties at no cost. The Emergency Manager has indicated that there will be additional costs from his office. The basic start up equipment for a CERT Team member will consisit of a reflective vest, hard hat, flashlight, basic first aid kit, and a backpack. This equipment can be obtained for 15 initial members for a cost of no more than $1200. When members leave the Team, they will be required to return the equipment. Costs beyond start up would be minimal, although there may be costs associated with replacing lost or damaged equipment. ACTIVATION CRITERIA AND PROCEDURE Emergency activation of the Team will be authorized by: the Wright County Sheriff’s Patrol Supervisor, the Albertville Fire Chief, the Elk River Fire Chief, and the Rogers Fire Chief. Contact information for all Team members will be given to the dispatch centers of Wright County, Sherburne County and Hennepin County. Dispatchers will start contacting members. The first member reached will be given the task of notifying the rest of the team. Future consideration for pagers and other communication devices will be made. All avenues will be explored to minimize the time required by the County Dispatchers. If a mutual aid request asking the Team to leave the service area is made, approval will be required by the Mayor or the Emergency Manager. (this is subject to legal concerns). PHYSICAL PLANT CONSIDERATIONS It is proposed and requested that the Team use the Prairie Center for tr aining and meetings at no cost, assuming that the meetings meet the criteria for use at no cost. The team also requests a small area for storage of backpacks and records. If this is not possible, the Albertville Fire Chief has offered his facilities. MEETINGS Meetings will be initially conducted monthly, to include training. The Team Captain will conduct the meetings using Roberts Rules of Order. The meetings will be open to the public. Minutes of the meetings will be forwarded to the City Clerk within 5 days. This would be subject to change if there are any legal considerations. PROCEDURES AND BY-LAWS By – laws and procedures will be drafted with assistance from state and county authorities, and will reflect the outline of this proposal. If the Council tentatively approves the budget and formation of the Otsego CERT Team, the next step will be to provide Council with procedures and / or by – laws.