ITEM 5.1 Valerious MeadowsOtSTC F O MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Legal Andy MacArthur, City Attorney November 14, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Attorney Interim City Administrator 5.1 AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council reaffirm the one year warranty previously approved in the Agreement with Valerius Meadows. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? Yes. IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: The City Council approved an Agreement with Valerius Meadows at the last regular meeting which included a one year warranty on the proposed pipe construction. Subsequent to that meeting, Valerius Meadows has indicated that they want the City Council to consider a change to the already approved agreement to include a three year warranty for the Project. Valerius Meadows is not seeking any other changes to the approved Agreement. City staff has indicated to Valerius Meadows that they would oppose changing the agreement. The City has already negotiated with contractor for a one year warranty. Approval of additional warranty would either require additional expense to obtain the extra two years from the contractor or it would require the City to honor the additional two years of warranty. The City has no means to monitor the warranty period or respond to claims except for to hire additional contractors. Additionally, this would require extension of the right of entry on the property. It would be hard to determine whether any claim of deficiency of the pipe would be the result of such failure or would be a product of the failure of the existing drainage tile system, which Valerius Meadows has previously admitted is in very poor condition. The rational for the request by Valerius Meadows is there concern that with a one year warranty, if the coming year is a dry year there will be no way to know whether or not the system is working until it receives substantial water. The Council has previously indicated that they were willing to pay for the additional cost of the pipe to the ditch in order to relieve any potential liability from other property owners and in order to get the matter resolved as soon as possible. The Council was not interested in a public easement over the pipe nor were they interested in long term commitment to the facilities. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: m ATTACHED ❑ NONE Previously approved Agreement with Valerius Meadows. MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) If the Council stands by the previously adopted Agreement, no motion is necessary. If the Council wants to make changes to that Agreement a motion should be made specifying the changes. R1IDG'FT INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: ❑ YES NA o NO TEMPORARY EASEMENT, AGREEMENT AND RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT For valuable consideration Valerius Meadows, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation (GRANTOR) hereby grants to the City of Otsego, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation, (GRANTEE) a temporary easement for excavation and construction purposes over, under and across the following described property in Wright County, Minnesota: See Exhibit A. IT IS FURTHER AGREED between the Parties as follows: 1. GRANTEE shall construct over, under and across the described properties an approximately 2,276 foot eight (8) inch drainage line as set forth on Exhibit B (the Project). GRANTEE its officers, employees agents, consultants and contractors shall be granted blanket easement to enter the properties described in Exhibit A and construct the pipeline in the general location as set forth on Exhibit B. It is understood that the location of the pipeline on said Exhibit B is conceptual in nature and that the actual location may slightly deviate from this Exhibit based upon conditions found upon the properties. GRANTEE will need a construction area of at least twenty five (25) feet on each side of the path of the pipeline. GRANTEE shall make all good faith efforts to identify and provide connection from the pipeline being constructed to existing field tiles, as identified by GRANTOR, during construction. GRANTEE shall restore the property to acceptable condition, as close to the original condition as possible including replacing existing disturbed topsoil wherever possible or providing equivalent quality topsoil. Once constructed, the pipeline shall become the property of the GRANTOR, subject only to conditions as set forth in this Agreement. GRANTEE shall provide a one year warranty period (commencing upon the date of Project completion) to GRANTOR, guaranteeing the materials and workmanship on the Project. Said guarantee only relates to the pipe being constructed in the Project and the connection points to existing field tiles, it does not include any obligation to correct or repair any field tile beyond its connection point to the installed pipeline. 4. GRANTOR hereby waives and forever discharges GRANTEE, its employees, officers, contractors, consultants and agents and Wright County, its employees, officers, contractors, consultants and agents from any and all claims or causes of action of whatever nature related to or arising from the retention pond and the pipeline including its construction, operation and maintenance, except for claims related to the one year warranty provided herein. 5. GRANTOR agrees to hold harmless and indemnify GRANTEE, its employees, officers, contractors, consultants and agents and Wright County its employees, officers, contractors, consultants and agents from any and all claims or causes of action of whatever nature related to or arising from the retention pond and the pipeline, including its construction, operation and maintenance except for the grossly negligent or intentional acts of GRANTEE or Wright County, their employees, officers, contractors, consultants and agents, except for claims related to the one year warranty provided herein. 6. GRANTEE shall have no further responsibility for removal or repair of the existing tile drainage system on GRANTOR's property, except for the one year warranty provided herein. 7. GRANTEE shall provide GRANTOR with a copy of as built plans for the Project as well as GPS coordinate of all identified points of intersection between the Project pipeline and existing field tiles Said temporary easement and right to construct to expire on December 31, 2017. GRANTOR VALERIUS MEADOWS, INC. Allen Valerius Its Chief Executive Officer 2 GRANTEE CITY OF OTSEGO Jessica Stockamp, Mayor Tami Loff, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT Subscribed and sworn before me this _ day of October, 2016 by Allen Valerius, Chief Executive Officer of Valerius Meadows, Inc. with authority. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Subscribed and sworn before me this _ day of April, 2016 3 By Jessica Stockamp, Mayor and Tami Loff City Clerk of the City of Otsego With authority and on behalf of the City. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: MacArthur Law Office, LLC 3601 Thurston Ave N. Suite 103 Anoka, MN 55303 763-231-5850 rd