ITEM 3 Review Administrative Services Director Selection processITEM 3 TY 0 ot C1 e F 0 MINNESOTA #g MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: April 31 2013 SUBJECT: Administrative Services Director Selection Process The Administrative Services Director position has been posted with initial review of applications scheduled for the beginning of April. At the work session, I would like input from the Council on your desired involvement in the applicant screening process. The screening process will result in the selection of applicants for interviews. I recommend the process be conducted similar to ones used for the most recently hired department head, the parks and recreation manager. The Council members who were interested and available were involved in the applicant screening process assisting to narrow the applicants to the two selected for interviews. Multiple interview panels of no more than two Council members then interviewed the candidates and made a recommendation for hire. Additionally, there are two important items to know about the selection and hiring process. First, all applicant information is confidential throughout the screening process and does not become public until and only if the applicant is selected as a finalist for the position. Second, interviews with more than two Council members present are required to be open to the public. Finally, the current selection process schedule for the Administrative Services Director calls for applicant screening and interviews in April. An offer of employment would likely be made in early May with a June start date.