10-24-16 Special City Council MinutesSPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING
OCTOBER 24, 2016
*7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 8:51 PM.
Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder, Tom
Darkenwald and Jason Warehime. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Adam Flaherty,
Finance Director; Ron Wagner, City Engineer and Kurt Neidermeier, Utility Manager. Also
present, Corey Tanner.
1. CERT Program- Schedule worksession.
Mayor Stockamp reviewed the CERT document prepared by Chuck Schauss and City
Administrator Johnson's comments. Mayor Stockamp stated that some of the City
Administrators comments that the Mayor felt were important were not included in Mr. Schauss'
final document.
The Council reviewed the comments noted above and stated Council preferences including:
addressing liability concerns; the need for written mutual aid agreements; the desire to keep
the CERT to Otsego borders with no provision to serve other cities; that background checks
were necessary and weren't budgeted; the Council's desire to interview the CERT finalists; the
need for the City of Albertville to agree to appointing an Albertville staff member to serve as
liaison/lead for CERT; clarifying that this is not a City Commission; a procedure needs to be
approved relating to activation of the team; and reasons for dismissal of a member must be
CM Warehime clarified that this is a framework and there are details that need to be addressed.
He will talk to Mr. Schauss before the next Public Safety Commission meeting regarding the
Council's comments.
Mayor Stockamp motioned to call a Special Meeting for November 14, 2016, at 6:00
p.m. at Prairie Center to discuss CERT. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor.
Motion carried 5-0.
2. 2017 CIP and Public Utility Funds Discussion.
Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the Water and Wastewater operating budgets. Staff
answered questions on the Water budget regarding additional operation of water tower one and
SCADA radios. Finance Director Flaherty stated the Water and Wastewater budgets include an
annual reserve amount that would be used to finance the projected future deficits in the WAC &
SAC debt service funds. The Council stated the amount should remain in the budget as
presented. The Council questioned chemical costs in the wastewater budget. Staff explained
the reasons for the increase and indicated an amount was included in the budget for hauling or
chemicals that may be needed because the master study recommendations will take time to
implement. The request for an electric gate with a matching OSHA grant was discussed. Utility
Operations Manager Kurt Neidermeier explained the security reasons for the electric gate. The
pending jet vac repair of $23,000 was discussed. Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the cash
flow projections indicating that a rate increase of 3-5 percent is warranted based on the cash
flow needs. He will provide additional information when the rate increase is proposed in
January or February. The Council made no changes to the water and wastewater operating
Finance Director Flaherty reviewed the CIP. He noted the need to finalize the water tower logo
soon. The Kadler water extension project was discussed. City Administrator Johnson noted
that there is no new revenue generated from this project to fund it outside of the standard
connection and access fees. The Council agreed to continue evaluation for and preparation of
this project with future Council discussion in the upcoming months. There was discussion on
the $8,000,000 proposed expenditure for four water treatment facilities. All agreed that this
would happen only if required by the State or for safety reasons. The Council requested that a
copy of the pertinent sections of the water study completed last year be included as
background for the next discussion. The Council made no changes to the water and
wastewater CIP projects as listed.
City Engineer Ron Wagner reviewed the 85th Street extension project indicating that advance
encumbering of MSA funds may make full extension to MacIver possible. The Council agreed
that extending the street to eliminate the "S" curves from Marlow to MacIver is best in the
interest of the safety of the school traffic that will be generated by the new school. Additional
discussion on this project will take place in the coming months including officially mapping the
route to give notice to residents.
3. Adjourn.
CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor.
Motion carried. Adjourned at 10:34 PM.
ayor Jessica Stockamp
Lori Johnson, City Administrator
*Directly following the regular scheduled City Council meeting.