WCAT attachmentAdam Flaherty From: Phil Kern <pkern@delano.mn.us> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2016 2:06 PM To: Adam Flaherty, Adam Nafstad; Al Munson; Annita Smythe; Brian Hagen; Butch Amundsen; Connie Holmes; Dan Madsen; Howard Lake; Jack Russek; Jeff O'Neill; Jessica Stockamp; Kelly Hinnenkamp; Ken Warpula; Kim Olson; Laureen Bodin; 'LeeAnn Yager'; Lloyd Hilgart; Lloyd Johnson; lynn.kissock@ci.maple-lake.mn.us; Merton Auger; Nadine Schoen; Nick Neaton; Scott Enter; Steven Bot; Wendy Manson Subject: 11/15/16 Agenda Item - Please Read Attachments: Resolution of Withdrawal From TrailBlazer JPA by WCAT 11.15.16.pdf WCAT Members — On behalf of Chair Russek and Scott Enter, our WCAT Trailblazer reps, I wanted to reach out to you and give you a heads up regarding tomorrow's meeting. Jack and Scott have asked Merton and I to make sure we touch base with everyone prior to the meeting tomorrow regarding the status of the Trailblazer relationship. At our last WCAT meeting, the Board took action to request a more prominent role in the Trailblazer organization — requesting to move to 3 seats on the Board and assuming 50% share of the financial obligation as a result. The McLeod and Sibley reps on the Board soundly rejected that request at the September meeting. Frustration at the Board level has continued to boil since that time, and it appears that this Thursday's Trailblazer meeting will include a motion to terminate the Executive Director. The remaining management staff has stated that if the Board terminates the Executive Director, they will be leaving as well. In light of these events, Jack and Scott are growingly concerned about the Board's dysfunction and long-term commitment to the level of transit to which we've aspired and Trailblazer has historically performed. As a result of this turmoil, Jack and Scott have held a couple of discussions with MnDOT regarding Trailblazer, and specifically, WCAT's role with regards to transit. Merton and I have subsequently also followed up and had similar discussions. In summary, MnDOT recognizes the significant issues currently with the Trailblazer Board of Directors. With respect to Wright County. MnDOT is oxen to WCAT explorine alternative service options. This could involve WCAT looking to possibly coordinate its own transit system or partner with neighboring municipalities in other counties to form a hybrid version of Trailblazer. I want to caution that these are just ideas — no discussion of specifics or preferred options has happened yet, as both Scott and Jack have felt it's imperative that this be a WCAT Board of Directors driven item. It is the intent to start the WCAT-level conversation on this topic at this time. Tomorrow, Jack and Scott will ask WCAT for Board consideration of Resolution that would do two things: 1) provide notice of our intent to withdraw from the Trailblazer Joint Powers Agreement, effective December 31, 2017 (the date bound to us by our JPA), and 2) authorize the exploration of service alternatives. MnDOT has stated emphatically that Wright County under any scenario WILL NOT be without transit service. This resolution, however, would start the ball rolling and allow WCAT the opportunity to explore and work with MnDOT on potential alternatives. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this before the meeting, please don't hesitate to contact Scott, Jack, Merton, or myself. We'd be happy to share what we know and provide any further background information. Thanks, Phil Philip Kern