ITEM 3.1TPC3601 Thurston Avenue N, Suite 100 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763.231.5840 Facsimile: 763.427.0520 TPCPPlanningCo.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Planning Commission FROM: D. Daniel Licht, AICP RE: Otsego — Riverwood Conference Center; Concept Plan REPORT DATE: 17 November 2016 TPC FILE: 101.02 BACKGROUND Riverwood Holdings LLC has acquired the Riverwood Inn and Conference Center property located north of CSAH 39 at CSAH 19. The 33.49 acre property has been used as a conference center and restaurant but those uses have recently ceased. The developer is proposing reuse of the property for senior housing. The proposed use would involve a phased development for conversion of three existing buildings and construction of a new assisted living multiple family building, an independent living multiple family building, and nine detached townhomes. The proposed development is to be reviewed as a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Concept Plan in accordance with Section 20-36-4.0 of the Zoning Ordinance to provide comment to the developer as to the acceptability of the land use. A public hearing to consider the proposed concept plan has been noticed for the Planning Commission meeting on 21 November 2016 at 7:OOPM. Exhibits: A. Site Location B. Developer narrative dated 11/08/2016 C. Concept Plan ANALYSIS Comprehensive Plan. The 2012 Otsego Comprehensive Plan guides the subject site for commercial uses in recognition of the past use of the property as a conference center and restaurant. The land use designation also reflects long-term opportunity for commercial uses at this location in proximity to the intersection of two regional minor arterial roadways. However, the area is still rural in character and the north portion of the property preserved in a natural state in accordance with the Mississippi River Wild Scenic and Recreational River Management Plan. The conference center and restaurant use has struggled to maintain financial viability in recent years and the condition of the multiple principal buildings have deteriorated to the point that substantial rehabilitation is required. The developer is proposing a phased development of up to 149 memory care, assisted, and independent senior housing dwelling units as a reuse of the three existing principal buildings, construction of two multiple family buildings, and nine detached townhomes. Demand for senior housing is strong within the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and Otsego has identified development of senior housing as an economic development and housing priority. The property is a unique, scenic setting for a senior housing use within the City. Redevelopment of the property as a senior housing use also presents an opportunity to address the viability of the current development and resolve issues related to utilities and access effecting the property. City staff supports development of the proposed senior housing use of the subject site as being consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Zoning. The subject site is zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development District as outlined in the development agreement dated 7 January 1992. Paragraph 7 of the development agreement included 31 stipulations regulating the use of the property as a conference center and restaurant essentially defined by the character of the use existing at that time and planned expansion. Paragraph 6 allows for future development or change in use subject to processing of a development application subject to City Council approval. Pending this concept plan review, the developer would be required to apply for a PUD Development Stage Plan as outlined by Section 20-36-4.D of the Zoning Ordinance to obtain entitlements for the change in land use, rehabilitation of the existing structures, and development of new structures upon the subject site. Surrounding Uses. The subject site is surrounded by the following existing and planned land uses. The proposed senior housing land use would be a compatible land use within this unique rural area of the City. Direction Land Use Plan Zoning Map Existing Use North -- -- Mississippi River East Commercial A-1 District Rural residential South Commercial A-1District Agriculture/Rural residential West Rural Residential A-1 District Rural residential 2 Building Materials. The three existing principal buildings on the property have wood siding as the primary exterior material. The concept plan does not include plans for the exterior design of the proposed multiple family buildings or the detached townhomes. The existing buildings can be rehabilitated and converted to senior housing uses without being required to comply with the exterior building material requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for multiple family buildings. Any new principal structures will be required to comply with Section 20-17-4.G. of the Zoning Ordinance establishes exterior material requirements for townhome and multiple family uses. Building plans for each elevation of the proposed principal building that identify the type and percentage of materials must be submitted with the PUD Development Stage Plan application. Floor Area Per Unit. Section 20-17-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance establishes minimum floor area per unit requirements for senior housing of 440 square feet for efficiency units and 560 square feet for one bedroom (or larger) units. The minimum floor area requirement is typically only applied to independent or assisted living dwelling units. No information has been provided regarding the floor areas of the individual dwelling units within the existing buildings or two multiple family building and these must comply with the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The detached town homes will also be required to comply with the minimum floor area requirements for such dwellings established by Section 20-17-6.D of the Zoning Ordinance requiring 600 square feet plus 100 square feet per bedroom. Lot Requirements. Multiple family senior housing must provide a minimum lot area of 40,000 square feet and minimum of 1,000 square feet per unit and townhouses are required to provide a minimum 5,000 square feet per dwelling unit. The 1,000 square foot per dwelling unit requirement is typically only applied to independent or assisted living dwelling units, with memory care not subject to a lot area standard. The area of the subject site exceeds the minimum lot area requirement and there is 8,841 square feet of lot area per independent or assisted living dwelling unit available. Setbacks. Setback information is not indicated on the concept plan. City staff recommends a minimum 65 foot setback from CSAH 39 and 30 foot setbacks from the east and west side lot lines to maintain compatibility with adjacent uses. The north portion of the site is subject to the requirements of the WS Overlay District along the Mississippi River. None of the proposed structures may encroach into the WS District and new structures must maintain a 30 foot setback from the defined bluff line. Three of the proposed detached townhouse buildings shown on the concept plan appear to be located within the WS District and encroach over the bluff line and must be revised. The setbacks for existing and proposed principal buildings and all improvements must be shown drawn to scale on a PUD Development Stage Plan application. Building Height. The PUD District does not establish a specific limit on building height for structures on the subject site. The existing principal buildings are one and two story structures. The height of the proposed assisted living multiple family building is to be three stories. The height of the proposed independent living multiple family building is not specified. The proposed three story height of the building allows for the number of proposed dwelling units within a smaller footprint minimizing impervious surface and avoiding wetland impacts. City staff considers the proposed building height to be appropriate for the subject site given the area of the property and natural conditions. Access. The subject site currently has one access to CSAH 39. This access is poorly located as it is off -set west of the intersection of CSAH 39 and CSAH 19; the access is actually within the bypass lane for westbound traffic on CSAH 39 creating a dangerous condition. City staff recommends that a condition of approval for the change in use and development of additional principal structures be that the site access be realigned to the north leg of the CSAH 39 and CSAH 19 intersection to create a four-way condition. This will require the developer to acquire property or easement from the abutting property to the east to allow for the construction of the access as shown on the concept plan. Access spacing onto CSAH 39 is at intervals of one- half mile for full intersections and one-quarter mile for intersections that will be limited to right-in/right-out in the future. Based on the existing spacing along between CSAH 19 and Kalenda Avenue, no additional accesses to the subject site are shown so as to comply with these spacing requirements. The proposed access is also subject to review and approval of Wright County. Utilities. The subject site is currently served by on-site septic systems and private wells. The septic systems were cited for causing an imminent public health threat and converted to abandon the drainfields and utilize the septic tanks as holding tanks that are then pumped out. The developer's narrative outlines three options regarding utilities to serve the proposed use. City staff recommends that any redevelopment of the property be required to connect to City sanitary sewer and water service to ensure public health and provide adequate fire protection necessary for a senior housing use. Sanitary sewer capacity is available by extending a forcemain from the subject site to the existing lift station located just north of the Vintage Golf clubhouse building. This lift station has capacity for an additional 24,500 gallons per day of flow or 140 Residential Equivalent Connections (RECs). The number of Residential Equivalent Connection charges for senior housing facilities are calculated in accordance with the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services schedule as one REC per three residents estimated based on number of bedrooms for each dwelling unit. The developer will need to adjust their phasing plan to conform the number of proposed dwelling units within the first phase to equal that of the available sewer capacity. There is an existing fire hydrant at the Riverwood National Golf Course that the developer could connect to so as to access City water service. However, Riverwood National is currently on an isolated water system without capacity to serve the proposed use. The City Council has authorized the City Engineer to proceed with preparing plans and specifications for construction of trunk water main along Kadler Avenue connecting the City's west water utility system and Riverwood National. If construction of the Kadler Avenue trunk water main is approved by the City Council, there will be adequate capacity to extend service to the subject site. The subject site is outside of the City's current West Sewer District and extension of utilities to serve the proposed use of the subject site would typically not be consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for growth management. However, the proposed use is a rehabilitation/redevelopment of an existing commercial use with known environmental issues. Based on these specific circumstances, the Planning Commission and City Council may allow for the extension of utilities without creating a precedent for other development not within or contiguous to the established sewer district boundaries. The developer would be responsible for all costs in extending sanitary sewer forcemain and water main from Vintage Golf and Riverwood National, respectively, to serve the subject site. These utilities would need to be located within the CSAH 39 right-of-way and are therefore subject to Wright County approval as well. The developer is also subject to payment of utility availability and connection charges for City sanitary sewer and water based on the number of RECs for the proposed use. Grading. The developer has not provided a grading plan with the concept plan application. Portions of the subject site include large wetlands. The proposed improvements shown on the concept plan generally avoid wetland impacts as required by the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991, except for a small area east of the parking area. There is wetland fill shown to accommodate a service drive aisle parallel to the east property line. The concept plan proposes replacement at a 1:1 ratio but replacement of purchase of wetland credits is required at a 2:1 ratio for any impacts. The PUD Development Stage Plan must include a detailed grading, drainage, and erosion control plan as required by the Zoning Ordinance. All grading and wetland issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Off -Street Parking. Section 20-21-9.E of the Zoning Ordinance requires senior housing uses to provide one off-street parking stall per two dwelling units with proof -of -parking for one parking stall per dwelling unit. This requirement is typically applied only to the independent and assisted living dwelling units as memory care residents do not drive. The Institute of Transportation Engineer's 3rd Edition Parking Generation Manual outlines the following off- street parking recommendations for senior housing uses: Type ZO/ITE Land Use Category Recommended Parking Ratio Stalls/Unit Riverwood DU Parking Stalls Zoning Ordinance Senior Housing 1.00 140 140 TH 2.00 9 18 TOTAL 158 ITE Recommendations Independent 252 0.50 20 10 Assisted Living 254 0.36 60 22 Memory Care 254 0.36 60 22 Townhouse 2.0 9 18 TOTAL 72 5 The concept plan illustrates 43 surface parking stalls, 20 underground parking stalls for the independent living multiple family building and 18 garage stalls for the detached townhouse. The detached townhouse dwellings are indicated to have an attached two -car garage. The number of off-street parking stalls provided by the concept plan exceeds the parking required. The design and construction of the off-street parking area must comply with the requirements of Section 20-21-4.1-1 of the Zoning Ordinance and the area of the garage for the detached townhouses must be at least 20 feet wide and 400 square feet in area. Park and Trail Dedication. Park and trail dedication requirements for the existing conference center were satisfied with the development agreement. No additional park and trail dedication requirements would apply to rehabilitation of the existing principal structures. The development of additional dwelling units within the two proposed multiple family buildings and the detached townhouse units are an increase in intensity of the use of the property and subject to park and trail dedication requirements in accordance with Section 21-7-18.P of the Subdivision Ordinance. The 2012 Future Parks and Trails plan does not identify the need to acquire additional land for City park facilities in the area of the subject site. As such, park and trail dedication requirements be satisfied as a cash fee in lieu of land at the time the PUD Development Stage Plan is approved. Exterior lighting. The submitted concept plan does not include details regarding exterior lighting. A PUD Development Stage Plan application must include a photometric lighting plan indicating the location of all exterior light fixtures and illustrating the intensity of the lighting upon the site. All exterior lighting must comply with Section 20-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Signs. The concept plan identifies only the existing freestanding on the property. Any signs that are to be located upon the subject site must be identified as part of the PUD Development Stage Plan and be consistent with the allowances for the Otsego Waterfront East PUD District. RECOMMENDATION The subject site is a unique, scenic location for a senior housing use within the City that meets economic development and housing goals for the community. Redevelopment of the property as proposed also presents an opportunity to resolve issues related to environmental hazards and poor access effecting the property. City staff supports development of the proposed senior housing use of the subject site as being consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. POSSIBLE ACTIONS A. Motion to recommend City Council support of the proposed concept plan subject to the following conditions: R 1. The developer shall apply for a PUD Development Stage Plan as outlined by Section 20-36-4.D of the Zoning Ordinance to obtain entitlements for the change in land use, rehabilitation of the existing structures, and development of new structures upon the subject site, subject to City Council approval. 2. The exterior materials for any new principal structure shall comply with Section 20-17-4.G. of the Zoning Ordinance 3. The proposed dwelling units (other than memory care) shall comply with the minimum floor area requirements established by Section 20-17-6.0 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The PUD Development Stage Plan shall comply with the following setback requirements: a. Buildings/Structures: (1) CSAH 39: 65ft. (2) Other lot lines: 30ft. (3) Bluff line: 30ft. b. Parking/driveaisles: 15ft. from all lot lines. 5. No dwelling unit or portion thereof shall be located within the WS District overlaying the subject site. 6. The maximum building height shall be three (3) stories 7. The site access shall be relocated to align with the CSAH 39 and CSAH 19 intersection, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and Wright County. 8. The proposed development shall require connection to City stanitary sewer and water utilities: a. The phasing plan shall be revised to comply with available sanitary sewer capacity of 24,500 gpd., subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. b. Capacity for water utilities to serve the proposed use shall be contingent upon City Council awarding of a contract for construction of the Kadler Avenue trunk water main. 7 C. The developer shall pay all utility availability and connection charges in accordance with the City Code upon approval of a PUD Development Stage Plan. All costs for extension of sewer forcemain and trunk water to the subject site shall be borne by the developer. e. Use of right-of-way or drainage and utility easement for extension of utilities shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and Wright County, as applicable. 9. The PUD Development Stage Plan shall include a detailed grading, drainage, and erosion control plan as required by the Zoning Ordinance, which is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. The design and construction of the off-street parking area must comply with the requirements of Section 20-21-4.H of the Zoning Ordinance and the area of the garage for the detached townhouses must be at least 20 feet wide and 400 square feet in area. 11. Development of the assistant living multiple family building, independent living multiple family building, and detached townhomes are subject to satisfaction of park and trail dedication requirements as a cash fee in lieu of land at the time of PUD Development Stage approval for each use. 12. The PUD Development Stage Plan application shall include a photometric lighting plan indicating the location of all exterior light fixtures and illustrating the intensity of the lighting upon the site in compliance with Section 20-16-6 of the Zoning Ordinance. 13. All signs shall comply with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. B. Motion to not support the request based on a finding that the application is not consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table. Adam Flaherty, Interim City Administrator Tami Loff, City Clerk Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Ron Wagner, City Engineer v O J J Q J ._I W J _ C y S U Z j a> Q C U U a Ln EU)v a J WAI CONTINUUM Livilig Architecture Riverwood Senior Living Master Plan Narrative 11/08/2016 The former Riverwood Inn and Conference Center currently sits vacant on 33.5 acres of land located at 10990 95th Street NE in Otsego, MN. A master plan for new senior living campus is proposed for the site and would include reuse of existing buildings and construction of new buildings occurring in phases. Phase I would include conversion of three existing buildings and construction of a new assisted living building. Phase II would include construction of a new independent living building that would connect with the other buildings and detached villa homes. CAMPUS BUILDINGS Memory Care • The existing "Courtyard Square" guest suite building and "Bluffhouse" guest suite building will each be converted into 30 units of memory care resulting in 60 total. • Remodeling of the existing rooms and baths will occur as required to ensure compliance with accessibility codes, health department codes and building codes. • Existing conference rooms, lounges and other large common areas will be repurposed for areas commonly found in memory care facilities such as activity rooms, lounges, dining rooms and nurse areas. • The existing buildings will be linked together to create a cohesive building that allows controlled circulation for residents and staff. • The existing buildings will be linked to the existing production kitchen for food can be delivery to a serving kitchen within the memory care building. • Memory care residents will receive 24-hour supervised support services. Assisted Livina • A new building comprised of 60 units of assisted living apartments • The building will be connected to the existing pub, dining area and kitchen to offer residents access to these amenities without having to go outside of the building. • The building will be connected to common areas that include activity rooms, lounges and coffee shops, therapy and fitness rooms and a chapel. • The existing pool within the "Courtyard Square" an [I LJA. company building will be available to assisted living 381 East Kellogg Boulevard residents. saint Paul, MN 55101 651-227-0644 651-223-5092 Fax Architecture • Engineering • Consulting www.waicontinuum.com Riverwood Senior Living Master Plan Narrative 11/08/2016 p. 2 • Assisted living residents will be offered limited support services. Independent Living (Future) • A new building comprised of 20 units of independent living apartments with underground parking • The building will be connected to the assisted living building and commons areas in order to offer the residents opportunities to use common areas such as the pub and pool without having to travel outside the building. • Detached Villa townhomes with garages will offer another choice for independent living residents SITE ACCESS and CIRCULATION Driveway • A new driveway is proposed on County Road 39 and would align with County Road 19 to the south. Aligning the driveway will provide a safe and controlled means for vehicles entering and exiting the site. • Part of the property to the east would need to be purchased in order to construct the new driveway and align it with County Road 19. Initial conversation with the neighbor indicates that a purchase agreement can be made. Circulation • Circulation for vehicles within the site is proposed by constructing new asphalt roads and will be designed to accommodate emergency vehicles. • Walking paths for residents will be incorporated into the site EXISTING WETLANDS Disruption and displacement of existing wetlands on the site will be avoided as much as possible. The master plan shows a proposed drive along the east passing through a small portion of an existing wetland. The disturbed wetland will be replaced on the site at a 2:1 ratio. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE and WATER SERVICE There are three proposed options for sanitary sewer service and water service for the project. Option 1 - Reuse of Existing Septic System and Wells • The site's existing sanitary system consists of septic holding tanks that serve the Bluffhouse on the northeast side of that building. The tanks are periodically pumped and hauled. Septic tanks and a drainfield serve the Courtyard Square building and Restaurant building and are located to the west. These septic systems would continue to serve these buildings and be upsized as required to serve the proposed buildings. If required, all parts of the existing septic systems would be modified/upgraded to be compliant with current codes. wa COM AI Ltt+i11� Architecture Riverwood Senior Living Master Plan Narrative 11/08/2016 p. 3 • The existing three buildings are currently served for potable water and afire suppression system by three existing wells Building Name Well Capacity Pressure "Bluffhouse" Building 8" @ 40 gpm 60 psi "Courtyard" Building 4" @ 25 gpm 60 psi Restaurant Building 4"@ 25 gpm 60 psi • It is anticipated that the existing wells will be able to accommodate both potable water and a fire suppression system for new and existing buildings. Option 2 - Connection to City Sanitary Sewer and Reuse of Existing Wells • It is understood that the City lift station to the west is designed to accommodate 150 units with 10 units currently using its capacity. A capacity for 140 units is available. • The existing septic system currently serving the site will be abandoned in favor of connecting to the existing City sanitary sewer system by the construction of lift stations on the site and the construction of a forcemain route along County Road 39 westward towards the City lift station. The forcemain would then travel north directly to the lift station and connect. • If required, a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system would be installed as part of the new sewer connection for the proposed project. • Abandonment of existing septic tanks and drain fields will comply with MN rule 7080.2500. Permitting and regulatory approval will be required by Wright County, City of Otsego and Minnesota Pollution control Agency prior to construction of proposed sewer improvements. • A diagram showing the proposed force -main route s is attached. • Reuse of the existing wells would occur as described in Option 1 Option 3 - Connection to Citv Sanitary Sewer and Connection to Citv Water Service • Connection to the City sanitary sewer would occur as described in Option 2 • Connection to City water service would occur with the construction of anew 8" line from a point approximately 1/2 mile to the west along County road 39. • A diagram showing the proposed water service route is attached. VcaenNuu�n Living Architecture v O J J Q J ._I W J _ C y S U Z j a> Q C U U a Ln EU)v a J WAI CONTINUUM Livilig Architecture Riverwood Senior Living Master Plan Narrative 11/08/2016 The former Riverwood Inn and Conference Center currently sits vacant on 33.5 acres of land located at 10990 95th Street NE in Otsego, MN. A master plan for new senior living campus is proposed for the site and would include reuse of existing buildings and construction of new buildings occurring in phases. Phase I would include conversion of three existing buildings and construction of a new assisted living building. Phase II would include construction of a new independent living building that would connect with the other buildings and detached villa homes. CAMPUS BUILDINGS Memory Care • The existing "Courtyard Square" guest suite building and "Bluffhouse" guest suite building will each be converted into 30 units of memory care resulting in 60 total. • Remodeling of the existing rooms and baths will occur as required to ensure compliance with accessibility codes, health department codes and building codes. • Existing conference rooms, lounges and other large common areas will be repurposed for areas commonly found in memory care facilities such as activity rooms, lounges, dining rooms and nurse areas. • The existing buildings will be linked together to create a cohesive building that allows controlled circulation for residents and staff. • The existing buildings will be linked to the existing production kitchen for food can be delivery to a serving kitchen within the memory care building. • Memory care residents will receive 24-hour supervised support services. Assisted Livina • A new building comprised of 60 units of assisted living apartments • The building will be connected to the existing pub, dining area and kitchen to offer residents access to these amenities without having to go outside of the building. • The building will be connected to common areas that include activity rooms, lounges and coffee shops, therapy and fitness rooms and a chapel. • The existing pool within the "Courtyard Square" an [I LJA. company building will be available to assisted living 381 East Kellogg Boulevard residents. saint Paul, MN 55101 651-227-0644 651-223-5092 Fax Architecture • Engineering • Consulting www.waicontinuum.com Riverwood Senior Living Master Plan Narrative 11/08/2016 p. 2 • Assisted living residents will be offered limited support services. Independent Living (Future) • A new building comprised of 20 units of independent living apartments with underground parking • The building will be connected to the assisted living building and commons areas in order to offer the residents opportunities to use common areas such as the pub and pool without having to travel outside the building. • Detached Villa townhomes with garages will offer another choice for independent living residents SITE ACCESS and CIRCULATION Driveway • A new driveway is proposed on County Road 39 and would align with County Road 19 to the south. Aligning the driveway will provide a safe and controlled means for vehicles entering and exiting the site. • Part of the property to the east would need to be purchased in order to construct the new driveway and align it with County Road 19. Initial conversation with the neighbor indicates that a purchase agreement can be made. Circulation • Circulation for vehicles within the site is proposed by constructing new asphalt roads and will be designed to accommodate emergency vehicles. • Walking paths for residents will be incorporated into the site EXISTING WETLANDS Disruption and displacement of existing wetlands on the site will be avoided as much as possible. The master plan shows a proposed drive along the east passing through a small portion of an existing wetland. The disturbed wetland will be replaced on the site at a 2:1 ratio. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE and WATER SERVICE There are three proposed options for sanitary sewer service and water service for the project. Option 1 - Reuse of Existing Septic System and Wells • The site's existing sanitary system consists of septic holding tanks that serve the Bluffhouse on the northeast side of that building. The tanks are periodically pumped and hauled. Septic tanks and a drainfield serve the Courtyard Square building and Restaurant building and are located to the west. These septic systems would continue to serve these buildings and be upsized as required to serve the proposed buildings. If required, all parts of the existing septic systems would be modified/upgraded to be compliant with current codes. wa COM AI Ltt+i11� Architecture Riverwood Senior Living Master Plan Narrative 11/08/2016 p. 3 • The existing three buildings are currently served for potable water and afire suppression system by three existing wells Building Name Well Capacity Pressure "Bluffhouse" Building 8" @ 40 gpm 60 psi "Courtyard" Building 4" @ 25 gpm 60 psi Restaurant Building 4"@ 25 gpm 60 psi • It is anticipated that the existing wells will be able to accommodate both potable water and a fire suppression system for new and existing buildings. Option 2 - Connection to City Sanitary Sewer and Reuse of Existing Wells • It is understood that the City lift station to the west is designed to accommodate 150 units with 10 units currently using its capacity. A capacity for 140 units is available. • The existing septic system currently serving the site will be abandoned in favor of connecting to the existing City sanitary sewer system by the construction of lift stations on the site and the construction of a forcemain route along County Road 39 westward towards the City lift station. The forcemain would then travel north directly to the lift station and connect. • If required, a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system would be installed as part of the new sewer connection for the proposed project. • Abandonment of existing septic tanks and drain fields will comply with MN rule 7080.2500. Permitting and regulatory approval will be required by Wright County, City of Otsego and Minnesota Pollution control Agency prior to construction of proposed sewer improvements. • A diagram showing the proposed force -main route s is attached. • Reuse of the existing wells would occur as described in Option 1 Option 3 - Connection to Citv Sanitary Sewer and Connection to Citv Water Service • Connection to the City sanitary sewer would occur as described in Option 2 • Connection to City water service would occur with the construction of anew 8" line from a point approximately 1/2 mile to the west along County road 39. • A diagram showing the proposed water service route is attached. VcaenNuu�n Living Architecture \ I \ i Future Independent Living Villa Homes I _ with attached garages (Future) 1 Existing Guest Suites I - ! repositioned into 30 units of 'I Memory Care Bluff edge i ad t / New Memory Care — ' Cour v / V / - / / Fire apparatus - i hammerh' acl i Walking paths New parking Existing Guest Suites repositioned into 30 units of Memory Care Existing Duplex New building entry and link for Memory Care residents and guests Existing delineated ' I_ New building link to pool for IL and wetland AL and IL. g / AL residents — Common Areas t` Fire apparatus I I Patio & I Walking— access road ; i I Trellis paths Independent I I 3 Story Assisted Living Living with i I L 60 Units ' I underground i I parking 20 Units (Future) I_ Porte Cochero at \ - \ AssistedliLiving Entry * ': Parking Fountain Parking Walking paths Existing delineated - C °.. wetland —... Existing Pub, Restaurant and Kitchen to serve new senior living campus 1111.1j1j11j �1f%•IIIf! : Area of proposed Senior Living on Property North t Location of 1 Relocated drive aligned with Count `� y Road 39 NE 9 .g / County Road 19 to south _ . existin sign Concept Plan Review Riverwood Senior Housing Master Plan WAI November 8, 2016 Otsego, MN CONTINUUM an GLIA company ./ Service Drive 'i New drive to ' I Memory Care j ' II Existing \\ delineated I \ wetland .I New wetland equal to existing j wetland ; displaced_ 1111.1j1j11j �1f%•IIIf! : Area of proposed Senior Living on Property North t Location of 1 Relocated drive aligned with Count `� y Road 39 NE 9 .g / County Road 19 to south _ . existin sign Concept Plan Review Riverwood Senior Housing Master Plan WAI November 8, 2016 Otsego, MN CONTINUUM an GLIA company