ITEM 3.2B 3.25.2013 Minutes1 7rM 3 . 2 OTSEGO CITYCOUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER March 25, 2013 7:00 P Call to Order. Myr Jessica St ck mp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PNS. Boll all: Mayor Jessica St ck rnp; Councilmembers ; Vern H idn r', Jason W r him , Doug Schroeder and Toni Drinwld. Staff`: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney and Tari LfF, City Clerk. Pledof Allegiance= Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. Joel Koll s, 8925 Mason Avenue, has concern with the Otsego Creek; he stated there has been new surge of water every day since about the first of February and the first culvert i engulfed by ice. He is wondering what is going to be done. City Engineer Wagner said that he and the Street Maintenance Supervisor have been monitoring it. The City Council directed City staff to gather information and bring back to the City Council and also to Mr. Koll s. Tri► Boyle, 8243 Needham Avenue, spoke regarding item 5.2. Mr. Boyle has concern with the flooding to the south of the proposed project and asked if anything was going to be done with that. City Engineer Wagner said the city received a petition for the north section only. He explained that a project to the south would require the sane noticing requirements. Heather Eider, New River r- M dic l Center Representative, said on April 1 the Hospital name will change to CentraCare Health Monticello. . Consider acienda approvalt City Planner Licht said he would like to clarify iters 3.6 on the consent agenda; the Otsego Lions would like to adopt 88th Street to Quaday Avenue by Target as well. CM Heidn r motioned to approve as clarified. Seconded by CMSchroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. . Consent Agenda. Non -controversial it . 3A Approve Claims List. 3,2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. March 11, 2013 Meeting. B. March 11, 2013 Special Meeting. 3.3 Received Commission Meeting Minutes. A. Police Commission February 1 , 2013. B. HPC February 1, 2013. Parks and Recreation Commission February 1 , 2013. 3,4 Accept certificates of commendation for the west and East WWTF. 3.5 Approve Agreement between the City of Otsego, Appello Group, LLC, and 21t Century Bank for Great River Centre 3,6 Approve Otsego Lions Adopt- -Street. 3,7 Authorize submission of Community Partnership Grant with CenterPoint Energy. 3,8 Approve authorization to advertise for seasonal employees. .9 Adoption of Resolution 2013-15 Declaring Certain City Property Surplus Property and Authorizing Sale. 3.10 Approve contracting with H k nson Anderson for design work on the proposed Prairie Park Soccer Complex. 3.11 Approve the quote from HTG Architects for consulting services. CM Heldner actioned to approve as written, Seconded by CM Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried,. Public Hearing ,1 Pro used City Propeft Tac Abatement for Commercial Prop Lot Block 1 MississJippl Shores Eight. Addition. A, City Clerkattests to legal notice, B. City Attorney Comments. C. Public Comments. D. Close the Public Hearin. City Clerk Loff attested that all the proper noticing, publishing and posting has been completed. City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the hearing process. City Administrator Johnson gave project update. Bayer Stockarnp opened the Public Hearing at 7 34 PNS. Hearing no comments Mayor Stockrp closed the Public Hearing at 7:35 Ply. M D rl erlw ld thanked City Administrator 3ohnson and the EDA Committee for the work they did and said he feels this is a great for Otsego; it pays for itself and brings jobs to the community. CM Schroeder motioned to approve Resolution 2013-16 approving Tax Abatement for Northern L & L Properties and Family Speech and Therapy Services,, LLC. Seconded by CM. Darkenwaid. All in favor. Motion carried. Public Works: 5,1 7th StreeH 37 Intersection Desi n r City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report. City Planner Licht stated a letter was mailed out to the effected property owners the Thursday after the last City Council meeting City Administrator Johnson said the information has been posted on the City website as well, City staff received no comments from the netitfed residents. CM Heldner recommended shifting the roundabout 50 feet southeast of the center of existing intersection. 4 CM Darkenwald said he doesn't know why a roundabout on Cry load 39 is being considered and that he would rather have a "T" intersection. He stated people will use it either way, CM w rehi a said he prefers a "T." City Engineer Wagner suggested signage directing the regional traffic. CM Schroeder asked how much control we have over the signage. City Engineer Wagner said the City can request additional signage if that is what the City Council wants, and he feels the County will accept the request. Mayor Stockamp said she thinks there will be increased traffic and that when they met with the effected property owners along there the properly owners had concern with that. She feels the roundabout is the best option. CM Heldner suggested a smaller roundabout but still moving it the south. CM Schroeder said he agrees there will be an increase in traffic with a "T"and d the fact that the citizens had concerns he agrees with the roundabout. CM w rehime said he is having a hard time seeing a difference in traffic} He prefers a "T.", CM Darkenw ld stated he thinks the traffi The City Council directed City staff to design a roundabout type intersection and bring back to them for review before presenting it to the County Board, 5.2 Consider Authorizing Plans and Specifications for Storm Water Improvement of Needham Avenue -South of 85th Street, City Engineer Wagner reviewed staff report, City Engineer Wagner said he mot with Mr. Crosbie at 8331 Oakwood Avenue and said he does have some valid points regarding his drainage. CM rk nwald asked Mr. Crosbie if that current drawing looks more like hoer his propel drains. fir. Crosbie said yes. CM Dart enwald motioned to approve Resolution 2013-17 Authorizing preparations of Plans and specifications for Needham Avenue storm 'Fater Improvements. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion n carried. Mayor Stockamp asked what the process is to move forward with the south portion. City Engineer Wagner said a petition from the property owners rs v o ld begin the process. He said he can look at the drainage situation and bring information back to the City Council for review. Tire Boyle{ 8243 Needham Avenue, said he would like to see the most cost affective gray to flx the issue but he is not interested as a taxpayer to pay for the study, 6. City Council Reports and Updates. CM Darknrald gave ars update on the testifying at the State Capital regarding the Transportation Plan, Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson reviewed d the Certificate of Commendation for the WVFF that was on the consent agenda. his. Johnson also stated that City staff will have the PeopleService contract recommendations on April 8. 8s Adjourn. CM Darkenwaldmotioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM War hime= All in favor= Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:45 Pi. ATTEST: Tangy! Loll, City Clerk Mayor Jessica Stolam