David Drown - ProposalFaribault Office: 1327 Merrywood Court Faribault, MN 55021 (612) 920-3320x109 | fax: (612) 605-2375 gary@daviddrown.com www.daviddrown.com DDA David Drown Associates, Inc. Sent via email only October 31, 2016 Mr. Adam Flaherty Finance Director City of Otsego 13400 90th Street NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mr. Flaherty, David Drown Associates (DDA) is pleased to submit a proposal to assist the City of Otsego with a search for your next City Administrator. Our firm has extensive experience with local governments, and we thoroughly understand the complexities faced by City Councils in Minnesota. More specifically, I lived and worked in Sherburne County and am very familiar with the area and the opportunities Otsego has in the future. In addition, I completed the Sherburne County Administrator search three years ago. We are committed to providing the most professional service and making sure our clients receive the services they want and need. DDA is a small firm by design. We do not have a vast organizational hierarchy to support and, as a result, can provide cost effective services to our clientele. The attached proposal includes several elements that sets us apart in our approach to providing this service. Highlights include:  Knowledge: Our firm comprehensively understands local government in Minnesota.  Communication: We will be on site 5-7 times throughout the search process and will provide weekly email updates to the City Council throughout the process.  Adherence to deadlines: When the Council adopts a deadline, we will meet it.  Background check process: Instead of doing a comprehensive background check on a single finalist, we do a comprehensive background and reference check on all finalists interviewed by the Council.  Work Personality Index: Each semi-finalist will receive a Work Personality Index and the Council will receive a full report of the results on each person.  Intellectual Profile: Each finalist will complete an intellectual profile measuring verbal reasoning, mathematical and logical reasoning, and overall mental aptitude.  Fee: Our fee is truly all inclusive, and the Council will not have to worry about any additional costs for the search process.  Our approach is fresh and uniquely focused on meeting your individual needs. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Gary Weiers David Drown Associates Enclosure City of Otsego: City Administrator Search Proposal Proposal for the City of Otsego City Administrator Search October 31, 2016 David Drown Associates, Inc. City of Otsego: City Administrator Search Proposal Contents of the Proposal  Description of the Firm  Process Details  Approach to the Process  Fees  Service Team  Assurance  Timeline  References Description of the Firm Approach to the Process For 18 years, David Drown Associates (DDA) has provided Financial Solutions, Tax Increment Financing, Economic Development, Strategic Planning, Executive Searches, and other services to cities and counties throughout Minnesota. With over 435 local government clients, we have a deep understanding of the workings of local government in Minnesota. DDA recently completed searches for Three Rivers Community Action, Inc., Willmar Municipal Utilities, and the Cities of St. James, Isanti, Motley, and Lake City, Minnesota. A list of completed searches from the past two years is included later in the proposal. We are currently in various stages of searches for the Cities of Willmar and Baxter, Minnesota. In addition, we did the Administrator search for Sherburne County three years ago. Our approach to this search will be to focus on finding the best fit for the City of Otsego. This is accomplished, first and foremost, by listening to what you are saying, understanding your goals and objectives, and building the search process off of that foundation. After gathering background information, we comprehensively advertise the position and make sure that the posting gets into the hands of prospective candidates. In some cases, those persons are not active job seekers, so we will make every effort to find those folks through direct outreach efforts. After the posting closes, an analysis of candidates will be completed so that, when the semifinalists are presented to the City Council, you will be confident that these people are the best matches from the submitted applications. After the Council selects the finalists, these candidates will be fully researched, and all necessary hiring information will be available prior to the Council making a decision. Communication with the City Council and staff is a high priority. In addition to Gary Weiers being on site regularly, the City Council will receive weekly email updates and he will always be available for questions. City of Otsego: City Administrator Search Proposal Our team will be led by Gary Weiers. He joined DDA in 2013 after completing over 20 years of county government management experience, the last 11 years as County Administrator in Rice County. Prior to becoming Administrator, Gary served as the Social Service Department Director in Rice County, and worked as a Social Service Supervisor in Mower County and your neighbor, Sherburne County. Gary received his bachelor’s degree from the University of St. Thomas, and has honed his skills by working his way up from an entry level social worker position to be the head of a $50 million organization with over 350 employees. Gary will be assisted by firm President David Drown, but the vast majority of work will be directly performed by Gary. It is likely that Gary will be the only person that you will see, and you will see plenty of him. In addition to conducting executive searches, Gary has done work with communities on sharing services, organizational analysis, strategic planning, and other management related work. Gary Weiers David Drown is the President of DDA and founded the company 18 years ago to provide a wide array of services in a cost effective, efficient, and professional manner, and to enhance the quality of services to cities and counties in Minnesota. The vast majority of our work is done in outstate Minnesota. As a result, we have a deep understanding of the unique needs of cities throughout Minnesota. David will lend professional support and input where needed. DAVID DROWN Service Team “Gary Weiers has done a fantastic job for us. He communicated with us throughout the process and kept it moving forward. Gary fit in with our culture immediately and helped make this very important process fun.” -Steve Stotko Mayor of Winsted, Minnesota City of Otsego: City Administrator Search Proposal Tentative Timeline ITEM TASK COMPLETION DATE Decision by City Council to proceed November 28, 2016 Information gathering  Meet individually with Council Members  Meet with department heads in a group session  Gather all pertinent background information  Gather salary information and review job description December 19, 2016 Professional profile  Develop position profile and advertisement January 3, 2017 Approve position profile  City Council approves profile, job description, salary range, and hiring process January 9, 2017 Candidate recruitment  Post position immediately upon approval of profile  Comprehensively advertise  Email and phone calls to prospective candidates January 10- February 7, 2017 Screening of applicants DDA will review and rank applicants based on job related criteria and select semifinalists February 8, 2017 Initial review process Each semifinalist will complete a questionnaire pertaining to their qualifications and experience. In addition, a work related personality index will be done on each candidate and Gary will talk with each can- didate about their interest and qualifications. February 17, 2017 Selection of finalists  City Council reviews semifinalists and selects finalists for inter- views  If a committee is used to conduct initial interviews, they would select the finalists  DDA will notify candidates not selected as finalists February 27, 2017 Background check of all finalists selected for interviews  Includes:  Criminal background: county, state, national  Sex offender registry  Social Security number verification  Employment and education verification  Credit Check March 14, 2017 Reference check on all finalists DDA will conduct reference checks with current and former employers on all finalists March 14, 2017 Intellectual profile DDA will administer an intellectual profile measuring verbal reasoning, mathematical and logical reasoning, and overall mental aptitude March 14, 2017 Presentation of finalists DDA will present the Council information including:  Summary of references  Results of background checks  Personality index reports  Resumes, etc. March 17, 2017 Interviews DDA will prepare all interview materials and be present at all interviews and other functions. It is recommended that interviews be at a special meeting March 23 and 24, 2017 Decision City Council will select candidate for offer March 24, 2017 Offer and agreement DDA will negotiate agreement with selected person March 25, 2017 Projected start date New Administrator begins April 24, 2017 Follow up DDA will follow up periodically with the new Administrator April 2018 This timeline is tentative. The final timeline will be set after the City Council’s decision to proceed. City of Otsego: City Administrator Search Proposal Step 1: Information Gathering Step 2: Development of Position Profile Step 3: Advertisement and Recruitment After Council approval of the profile, DDA will comprehensively advertise the position and make direct contact with possible candidates who are not active job seekers. Some of the places the position will be advertised include: League of Minnesota Cities, International City/County Management Associa- tion, Minnesota Association of City/County Managers, Association of Minnesota Counties, and munici- pal associations in Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota, and South Dakota. In addition, the posting will be shared with professional networks through Minnesota State University Mankato, Hamline University, and the University of Minnesota. Regular communication with candidates will occur throughout the process. The simple DDA online application process will be used unless the City prefers to use an ex- isting City methodology. Step 4: Initial Screening and Review Process Details DDA will meet individually with each Council member to gather information about City Administrator attributes, organizational goals, and other priorities. We will also facilitate a group meeting with the department heads to hear their input about candidate skills and abilities. At the same time, the job description will be reviewed, and we will gather relevant comparative salary information for consideration by the Council. Based on the information received from the City Council, DDA will develop a professional position profile that is customized to present the City of Otsego in the most positive manner and provides prospective candidates with meaningful information. A draft will be presented to the City Council for consideration and approval prior to advertising. DDA will complete a comprehensive analysis of every application received and determine semifinalists based on job related criteria. Each candidate will be assigned a questionnaire, they will complete a work related personality index, and Gary will conduct an initial phone consultation with the semifinalists. Their completed questionnaire and personality index, along with all application information, will be presented to the City Council prior to selection of finalists to be interviewed. At this point in the process, those not selected as finalists by the Council will be notified by DDA. City of Otsego: City Administrator Search Proposal Step 5: Selection Step 6: Offer After interviews are complete, we will assist the City Council with deliberations and facilitate the offer to the selected candidate. We will negotiate the terms with the candidate based on the parameters established by the City Council. Step 7: Follow Up If requested, DDA will assist the new Administrator in establishing position priorities with the City Council. In addition, we will make periodic contact with the new Administrator for at least the first year of employment. After the City Council selects finalists, DDA will complete comprehensive background screenings including criminal history, civil court history, verification of employment, verification of education, driver’s license review, credit check, and other items. Along with background checking all finalists, Gary will personally check employment references on each person. In addition, DDA will administer an intellectual profile measuring verbal reasoning, mathematical and logical reasoning, and overall mental aptitude. Prior to the final interview, the City Council will receive a report including resumes, candidate questionnaire, background check results, reference information, a work personality report and intellectual profile on each person. Early in the search process, Gary will discuss possibilities for community involvement through a meet and greet event or other options and, if an event takes place, it will be coordinated with the final City Council interviews. Prior to interviews, Gary will prepare questions and then facilitate all interviews and other activities the City Council determines appropriate. Our goal is to make the process smooth and painless so the City Council can focus all its energy on finding the right person for the job. City of Otsego: City Administrator Search Proposal List of Search Clients From the Past Two Years Fees In addition to the specific references listed on the following page, the City of Otsego is encouraged to speak with any of the entities listed above. DDA is currently conducting searches for the Cities of Baxter and Willmar, Minnesota. The fee for the search process is $16,000. This all-inclusive fee covers professional services and all expenses including travel, advertising, personality index, intellectual profile background checks on all finalists, etc. This proposal represents a full service City Administrator search option. Other less comprehensive options are available should the Council decide some of search components are not needed or can be performed by City employees. Entity Type of Search Entity Type of Search City of St. James, MN Manager Three Rivers Community Action Executive Director City of Motley, MN City Clerk/Treasurer City of Isanti, MN Finance Director City of Lake City, MN Finance Director/Treasurer Willmar Municipal Utilities General Manager City of Olivia, MN Finance Director Dodge County, MN Administrator Rice County, MN Administrator City of Marshall, MN Administrator City of Fergus Falls, MN Administrator Pope County, MN Administrator City of Winona, MN Manager City of Lake City, MN Administrator City of Willmar, MN Administrator City of Montrose, MN Clerk/Treasurer Jackson County, MN Coordinator City of Pequot Lakes, MN Administrator Winona County, MN Administrator City of Little Falls, MN Administrator City of Winsted, MN Administrator Steele County, MN Administrator City of Northfield, MN Engineer/PW Director City of Cokato, MN Administrator City of Cokato, MN Clerk City of Howard Lake, MN Administrator Chippewa County, MN Family Services Director City of Northfield, MN Administrator City of Otsego: City Administrator Search Proposal Greg Zylka Mayor, City of Little Falls Administrator Search Phone Number: 320-360-3584 Email: gzylka@charter.net Pete Zimmerman Mayor, City of Howard Lake Administrator Search, Organizational Planning Phone Number: 952-457-4503 Email: pzimmerman@ci.orono.mn.us Mike Hartwell HR Director, City of Fergus Falls Administrator Search Phone Number: 218-332-5440 Email: mike.hartwell@ci.fergus-falls.mn.us Scott Rachels Council Member, Fergus Falls Administrator Search Phone Number: 218-770-9290 Email: scott.rachels@ci.fergus-falls.mn.us Steve Stotko Mayor, City of Winsted Administrator Search Phone Number: 320-485-2366 Email: stotko@winsted.mn.us Steve Jacob Commissioner, Winona County Administrator Search Phone Number: 507-534-2554 Email: sjacob@co.winona.mn.us Erica Zweifel Council Member, City of Northfield Administrator Search Phone Number: 507-663-7131 Email: ericazweifel@gmail.com Galen Malecha Commissioner, Rice County Administrator Search Phone Number: 507-645-6041 Email: gmalecha@co.rice.mn.us References Assurance If the newly hired Administrator leaves the organization within the first 24 months of employment, DDA will complete another search without professional service fees. Only actual expenses will be billed to the City.