ITEM 3.2C SCC 11.14.2016 MinutesITEM 3.2C SPECIAL MEETING CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, November 14, 2016 6:OOPM Otsego Prairie Center Call to Order: Mayor Stockamp called the meeting to order at 6:0013M. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Council members Tom Darkenwald, Vern Heidner, Doug Schroeder, Jason Wareime; Charles Schauss, Public Safety Commission; City staff: Adam Flaherty, Interim City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Chief Eric Bullen, Albertville Fire Department. CERT Program Discussion. Commissioner Schauss handed out a revised version of the CERT program proposal and reviewed changes in the document. Commissioner Schauss said background checks would be done by the City through BCA and cost $30/candidate or $450 total. Chief Bullen said there would be no additional costs from Albertville Fire for the CERT program. Commissioner Schauss said criteria for membership would be completion of training and training maintenance. Commissioner Schauss said the document is to clarify that the City Emergency Manager is added to the activation list. Commissioner Schauss said the next steps if the City Council wants to proceed would be drafting operating procedures for the CERT program. Mayor Stockamp said she contacted the City of Bloomington for example procedures but they don't have them. Mayor Stockamp said that the CERT program is not used and members are encouraged to join the volunteer fire fighter program. Council Member Warehime said Sherburne County only utilizes their CERT program during natural disasters. Mayor Stockamp said that the revised CERT proposal did not include all of the changes outlined by former City Administrator Lori Johnson provided to Commissioner Schauss following the Special City Council meeting on October 24, 2016. Interim City Administrator Flaherty said that the comments would be forwarded to Commissioner Schauss again. Mayor Stockamp questioned the language that the CERT program would operate outside of Otsego, which the City Council did not support at their prior October 24, 2016 discussion. Chief Bullen said that Wright County is working on a county -wide Mutual Aid agreement, which the CERT program could be included, and that Elk River Fire and Rogers Fire could participate. Interim City Administrator Flaherty said that the CERT program would be addressed the same as other City volunteers for liability and insurance purposes. Council Member Warehime suggested limiting the CERT program to Otsego initially, which can be expanded in the future. The consensus of the City Council agreed. Otsego City Council Special Meeting November 14, 2016 Page 2 Commissioner Schauss said he had researched smartphone apps to activate the CERT program. Wright County Dispatch would send an email activating the CERT program, which would then send an alert to the Team Members smartphones by push notification. Commissioner Schauss said the cost of the app is $5 per smartphone or $75 total. Chief Bullen said that Albertville Fire uses the same app. Chief Bullen also said that Wright County is bidding a new alert system that would be used county -wide and the CERT program could use this as well. Commissioner Schauss reviewed the membership and selection of the CERT proposal. Mayor Stockamp said that the proposal did not include the change in the criteria previously provided by former City Administrator Johnson discussed by the City Council on October 24, 2016. The consensus of the City Council is to use the proposed language. Interim Administrator Flaherty asked what the minimum strength needed is for the CERT program. Commissioner Schauss said 10 to 15 members who would be solicited through the Star News, City website, City newsletter, and personal contacts. Mayor Stockamp said that the City Council discussed at their prior work session that the City Council would appoint members to the CERT program after a recommendation by the Public Safety Commission. Commissioner Schauss said he would revise the proposal. Commissioner Schauss reviewed the proposed CERT program organization; the document is to be revised to include the City Emergency Manager. Chief Bullen addressed appointment of a member of the Albertville Fire Department saying he would ask for approval from the Albertville City Council Fire Subcommittee and full City Council in January 2017. Council Member Heidner said he does not support having CERT members going into private home to check smoke or carbon monoxide detectors as outlined in the proposal due to liability and public safety concerns. Commissioner Schauss said the language is included in the proposal as an option to decide in the future. Council Member Warehime suggested to leave the proposal as is and consider in the future. Mayor Stockamp asked about the return for CERT equipment when a Team Member leaves. Council Member Schroeder said to have the City Attorney draft a form that Team Members would sign requiring return of City equipment. Interim City Administrator Flaherty asked if Wright County has agreed to dispatch for the CERT program when activated. Chief Bullen said yes. Mayor Stockamp asked about use of Prairie Center if the CERT program is a volunteer organization. Chief Bullen suggested that the CERT program include minimum commitment to assist with the Otsego Prairie Festival. Council Member Warehime suggested assisting at other City events and Council Member Schroeder suggested Safety Camp. Mayor Stockamp asked about league sports or tournaments at City parks for basic first aid. Commissioner Schauss said that an EMT is typically required for such events. Otsego City Council Special Meeting November 14, 2016 Page 3 Chief Bullen suggested changing the meetings from monthly to quarterly. Commissioner Schauss agreed. Interim City Administrator Flaherty said that the City Attorney had reviewed the CERT proposal and had no issues or objections at this time. Mayor Stockamp asked what the timeline is for starting the CERT program. Commissioner Schauss said goal is to start advertising for members in January 2017 and training in March 2017, Council Member Warehime said that schedule is too aggressive. Chief Bullen said a May/June 2017 timeframe was more realistic. Council Member Heidner asked when the City would need to purchase equipment. Commissioner Schauss said that equipment would be purchased after training was complete with a cost of $65 per Team Member. Interim City Administrator Flaherty asked if the City Council would review advertisements for Team Members. Consensus of the City Council was that City staff would review the advertisements. Council Member Heidner repeated that the next steps would be 1) draft operating procedures, 2) City Attorney review, 3) City Council approval, 4) advertising. Mayor Stockamp said that the draft procedures should be forwarded to the Public Safety Commission for their recommendation prior to consideration by the City Council. Council Member Warehime said the CERT procedures could be included on the Public Safety Commission meeting agenda for January 2017. Council Member Heidner noted that the procedures must address media contacts consistent with existing City emergency management procedures. The consensus of the City Council is to move forward with the CERT program as discussed at the work session this evening. 2. Adiourn. Council Member Warehime motioned to adjourn at 6:52 PM. Seconded by Council Member Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. Jessica L. Stockamp, Mayor ATTEST: D. Daniel Licht, TPC/City Planner