03-12-13 OPCOtsego Police Commission Minute March 12, 2013 Present: Dana 1 anDe B rg, Paul Fields, Denise Andrusko,. Rob VanDenBerg, Mayor Jessica Stockamp,. Ross D rnant, Jim Breltb ch, BJ De o r. Police officer; Pete Meeting called to order at; 6:30p.nn. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVED M IN UTES from: February 12, 2013—Approved OPEN FORUM minute limit): Complaint of a soowmobiler driving on School property and city walking trail, Pete and City will follow up on damages. Law Enforcement Updates & Discussion — Snowmobile complaint. Old Business: June 11, 2013- Otsego Safety Camp- will be posted in the View and on the Otsego pity website. Volunteer's welcome- must stop at City Hall and have a background check done. New Business: Elect CommIssion Officers 9 hair- Denise—Motion approved a Vice Chair- Roby Motion approved 0 Secretary — Dana — Motion approved Otsego Lions Adopt- A- Street Application — Motion approved Cit} Council Meeting Updates- clothing note worthy City Council M t!ng Assignments: 0 Marcor 25th -Jim a April 'h_ Denise N ext Me dng: April 9,, 2013 @ 6:30 p - m . Meeting ting Adjourned 7:50 p.m.