03-13-13 SPR ITEM 3_2
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
7:30 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Vice -Chair Charles VonBerg; Commissioner; Susan
Krekelberg; Absent: Commissioners Mike Brumm, Rose Cassady, Kathy Roberts and
Triste Freeberg; City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; City Staff: Ross Demant, Parks
and Recreation Manager, Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing, Pat Launderville, Parks
Lead, Amy Stemler, Recreation Program Lead and Connie Schwecke, Parks and
Recreation Assistant.
1. Parks and Recreation Planning Session:
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave a recap of how things have been moving
along with Parks and Recreation Commission and asked them how they want to move
forward. Chair Torresani stated at some time in the future he would like to have the
City Council go over the Commission's roles again, he also wanted to confirm that there
were still two open seats on the commission. Parks and Recreation Manager said the
goal is get good quality programming and staff, noting that any feedback is helpful. A
tour of the parks will be scheduled for some time in May. City Planner Dan Licht and
Parks Lead, Launderville will be asked to accompany the Commission on this tour.
Parks and Recreation Manager asked the Commissioners to be aware of anything
needed in the parks and to report to him, whether it is garbage overflowing, tennis nets
missing or sprinklers going off at an untimely hour. Parks and Recreation Manager
Demant told Commission members to feel free to come down any time to discuss ideas
or concerns they may have.
2. Any other items:
CM Krekelberg offered to do proofing of the website and note back to Parks and
Recreation Manager Demant of any changes. A posting for assisting Amy Stemler fill
the Little Libraries will be put on the website. Connie Schwecke will purchase bunny
ears and candy for Easter Egg Hunt event and will also make signs for this event.
3. Adjourn:
CM Cassady motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Chair Torresani. All in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:35PM
Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing