02-13-13 PR ITEM 3.1
FEBRUARY 13, 2013
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Commissioners: Charles VonBerg, Susan Krekelberg,
and Mike Brumm. City Council: CM Doug Schroeder and Mayor Jessica Stockamp. Staff:
Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager and Tami Loff, City Clerk.
1. Open Forum.
Life Scout Jacob Wessel said he is requesting to put in a Military tribute in front of the
Prairie Park flag pole. He has some current funding to support the project and will be
fundraising for the remainder. Jacob provided the Commissioners a site plan and said
he would like to do the project this spring or summer. Parks and Recreation Manager
Demant said this is an informational presentation and that Jacob will he will bring back
a formal proposal in a month or two. Chair Torresani asked if this tribute will go in the
current ring. Jacob said yes it will be placed in the island. Chair Torresani asked an
estimate project cost. Jacob said about $3,700.
Otsego Little League Representative Aaron Cavanagh gave an update. Chair Torresani
asked how many Otsego residents enrolled in the league last season. Mr. Cavanagh
said 31 Otsego residents and 2 residents of Rogers.
2. Consider agenda approval.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant requested to move items 4.1 and 4.2 to 5.1 and
5.2 under New Business instead of Unfinished Business.
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to approve as amended. Seconded by
Commissioner VonBerg. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider the following minutes.
1.1 January 9, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to approve. Seconded by Commissioner
Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business.
No items.
5. New Business.
5.1 Prairie Park Shelter Fees.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the staff report. Commissioner
Krekelberg asked if staff will be come in to clean up after each reservation. Parks and
Recreation Manager Demant said city staff is considering having staff come in on
Sundays. Chair Torresani concern with three hours he suggested still defining the hour
and said he thinks there should be three time slots. Commissioner Krekelberg asked if
there is a schedule available for applicants to see the dates available to rent. Parks and
Recreation Manager Demant said it will be available on the Parks and Recreation
registration website. Commissioner Krekelberg asked if there have been any complaints
on the shelter always being reserved. She would like to see a time available for people
to freely use the shelter. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said there have been
no issues. The Commissioners agreed more time slots may be needed and that the
schedule should be available on the website.
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to recommend the City Council adopt the
revised Park Shelter Reservation Policy and Fee Ordinance. Seconded by
Commissioner VonBerg. All in favor. Motion carried.
5.2 Neighborhood Play Field Use.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented the staff report.
There was discussion on the use of Frankfort park for organized practices and the lack
of parking at Frankfort Park. Chair Torresani said as long as it is practice only it should
be fine because usually parents are just dropping off for practice. There was discussion
on using Zimmer Park for practices and games. Commissioners questioned on if fencing
was needed for games. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant talked on installing
temporary fencing which can be removed when not in use. CM Schroeder
recommending getting a quote on temporary fencing. Parks and Recreation Manager
Demant said he would work with the organizations on helping with the cost of the
fencing. Chair Torresani said with the field scheduling you that we may need to check
with softball because last year they dropped their house program and went to travel
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said yes he will be in contact.
Chair Torresani motioned to recommend that Frankfort Park be scheduled for
practice and Zimmer Park scheduled for practice and games pending the cost
of fencing. Seconded by Commissioner Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried.
6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant gave the Commissioners an update.
7. City Council Reports.
CM Schroeder gave the Commissioners an update on the status of the applicants for the
open Commissioner Chair seats. CM Schroeder also gave a statement on the Otsego
Commissioner VonBerg said he will not be at the next Parks and Recreation meeting.
8. Adjourn.
Commissioner Krekelberg motioned to adjourn. Seconded by VonBerg
Commissioner. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Written by Tami Loff, City Clerk