01-09-13 PR ITEM 3_1
JANUARY 9, 2012
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Torresani called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Peter Torresani; Vice -Chair Charles VonBerg; Commissioners; Mike
Brumm and Susan Krekelberg; City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and
Councilmember Doug Schroeder; City Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation
Manager and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing.
1. Open Forum:
No items
2. Consider Agenda Approval: Parks and Recreation Manager Demant requested to
change the order of Items 4.2 and 4.1.
CM Krekelberg motioned to approve the agenda as amended. Seconded by
Vice Chair VonBerg. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider the Following Minutes:
3.1. December 12, 2012 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Vice Chair VonBerg motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Seconded
by CM Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business:
4.1. TRSA Agreement
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant updated the commission on the agreement with
TRSA regarding the construction of a soccer complex noting the original budgeted
amount of $585,000 has been reduced to $342,000 due to modifications to the parking
lot. TRSA has offered to contribute $100,000 towards the construction as part of the
agreement. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said that we will maintain the
playfields during the course of this agreement. CM Krekelberg asked what the
development schedule was and what the expectations are. Parks and Recreation
Manager Demant stated that the most optimal date to plant grass would be summer,
around August 15 and should be able to be scheduled for use by summer 2014.
Steve Zoubek, of TRSA thanked the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council
for taking the time to approve this agreement.
CM Krekelberg motioned that City Council adopt the agreement between the
City of Otsego and TRSA. Seconded by CM Brumm. All in favor. Motion
4.2 Prairie Center Use Policy.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant presented a draft of the Prairie Center Use
Policy and the Alcohol Use Policy noting that these items will be combined as one
discussion item. Information gathered on requirements for these policies were obtained
from neighboring city policy guidelines. He went on to state that alcohol is only
allowed to be served under a caterer's permit if groups are of 100 or more in Monticello
and 80 or more in St. Michael ,they also require a security officer on sight who is able
to card when alcohol is served. Both cities also have language that allows them to
require security as they see fit. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant went on to say
that rental space in Prairie Center will be prioritized for groups, organizations,
businesses and individuals within the City of Otsego. Rental space available, whether it
is the entire room, carpet side or tile side, will be rented on a case by case situation.
Group rental will be on a specific night chosen by staff with the intent of having the
building staffed during the rental. Reimbursement of payment will not be granted for
inclement weather unless the City closes the building down for that reason. Discussion
of credit card transactions and payments, noting that credit cards will not be charged
until the payment is due. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant reassured CM
Krekelberg that amendments to the policy may be made at any time.
Chair Torresani Motioned to recommend that City Council approve the Prairie
Center Reservation Policy and Alcohol Use at Prairie Center as proposed.
Seconded by CM Krekelberg. All in favor. Motion carried.
4.3. Alcohol Policy for Prairie Center.
5. New Business.
5.1 Field Use Policy.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said that City Staff saw the need to revise the
existing Field Use Policy. The changes address the appropriate use of the playing fields
in regards to the sports that use them. Commission members were concerned about
Section 05.03.02, 3a -3g and 4 of the Park Field Use Policy which refers to priority
scheduling. Chair Torresani asked if the ball fields would be used if a lacrosse or rugby
team asked for field use. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant stated that he would
try to make every attempt to find an alternate location for teams like rugby or lacrosse
before considering putting them on the softball /baseball fields. CM Krekelberg said
section should be changed to say Official athletic programs of K -12 schools
that serve residents of Otsego. CM Brumm asked that if there was something they
could leave open in this policy that when and if something arises, it could be changed.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said the revisions to the policy can be made at
any time.
Chair Torresani motioned to recommend that City Council adopt the Park
Field Use Policy with the amendments to Section 3.a, a new 3.c to state
priority use of ball fields based on donations and to change 4 to say official
athletic programs of K -12 schools that serve Otsego residents. Seconded
By CM Brumm. All in favor. Motion carried.
5.2 Programs for Summer 2013
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said he talked to the Otsego's Police
Commission about partnering up with the Parks and Recreation Commission to do a
safety program along with the servicing fire departments and Wright County Police
Department and a possible helicopter fly -in. A bike rodeo was also an idea unless
Otsego Elementary has this event planned. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant
asked the Parks and Recreation Commission if they had any other suggestions at this
time. The discussion of neighborhood get - togethers, forming neighborhood softball
leagues and races through the different parks was discussed. Parks and Recreation
Manager Demant said a possible mud run would be good also, noting that the Roger's
Dance Team did a great job in volunteering for the 5K run and may be interested in
helping if this event materializes. Discussion of having an open house for the new City
Hall and Prairie Center or a new resident picnic in Prairie Park. Parks and Recreation
Manager Demant updated the commission on Otsego events noting Toddler Tot Open
Time has been well attended. Dates for future Parks and Recreation events have been
scheduled for the upcoming year. They are as follows: Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday,
March 23, 2013, Pumpkin Patch is Saturday, October 19, 2013, Santa Day is Saturday
December 13, 2013 and Easter Egg Hunt 2014 is scheduled for Saturday April 12, 2014.
6. Parks and Recreation Manager Update.
Parks and Recreation Manager Demant said Holiday Inn Water Park employees are very
excited to have the Parks and Rec Days scheduled for January 21, 2013 and Midwest
Archery was pleased with 23 in attendance for their event. The ice rink at City Hall has
also drawn the attention to quite a few skaters. Commissioner Brumm requested they
add more benches, garbage cans and maybe some cheap red nets for hockey play.
The lights need to be a little more angled to cover the rink area more. Parks and
Recreation Manager Demant said maybe next year the department can focus more on a
hockey rink. Parks and Recreation Manager Demant also noted that they are trying to
get the timing together for the mailing of the Otsego View and the Parks and
Recreation Program as to have one mailing for both.
7. City Council Reports.
No items
8. Adjourn by 10 PM.
CM Krekelberg motioned to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Vice Chair
VonBerg. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:59 PM.
Written by Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing