ITEM 3.2A 4.8.2013 MinutesOTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER Aril 8,, 2013 7:00 PM CII to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockrnp called the meeting to order at 7.08 Pfd. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica St ck mp; Coun ilmer ers: Vern Heidner, rk nwald. Councilmemb r Jason W rehime arrived at 7:28 PM, Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; R Andy MacArthur,. City Attorney; Ross Demant,, Parks and Recreation City Clerk, I T r= r A Doug Schroeder and Tori in Wagner, City Engineer{ Manager and Tari Loff, Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the PIedge of Allegiance, 11 Open Forumt Special Presentation: Thank you certificates to the Boy Scouts for the Otsego Easter Ecig Event. Parks and Recreation l a ger Ross Demant and the City Council presented certificates and thanked the Boy Scouts and helpers for their work with the Otsego Easter Egg Event. Otsego River Riders Representative Pat Hilden, 7094 Odell Avenue gave ars update, . Consider agenda roval. CM Heldner motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CM Schroeder, All in fryer. Motion carried. , Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 1 Approve Claims List, 12 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. s. A. March 20, 2013 Special Meeting. B. March , 2013 Meeting. 3.3 Approve hiring Seasonal Staff. 3.4 Approve Three Buyers Fitness 5K Special Event Permit, 3.5 Approve Proposal for Well 3 Flog Control. CM Heidner motioned to approve as written. Seconded by CNS Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried. . Public Works. 4, 1 of e o Creek update. City Engineer Wagner gage ars update. City staff is reviewing some options and will be bringing them alone with cost estimates to the Public Works Subcommittee for review. 4,2 70th StreetCSH 37 Intersection Desici. A, Consider Cooperative Agreement with Wright County regarding_ City design and construction of CS H 37 from Oakwood Avenue to Odean Avenue. B. Preliminary esicin....L y ut , City Engineer Wagner presented the options of design layouts. CIS Warehime said he feels option 3 is very dangerous with going into the roundabout at a curve, Mayor Stockamp said that she has had conversation with a resident from an affected property and he was concerned with a ."T" intersection. The resident had stated the affected property owners were assuming it would be a roundabout as presented to them earlier, There was discussion on moving the curving on option I Myr St ckamp asked for clarification; if a "r intersection was chosen, would there be a stop light; City Engineer Wagner said it would have to be traffic warranted, but it is possible in the future. City Engineer Wagner said City staff is looking for some direction from the City Council n what option to recommend t Wright County. CM. H idn r said he lilies option 3. Mayor St ck mp stated she likes option 3 with changes t the curve. CM Warehime said he originally liked option I but now leaning towards option being it would affect the property owners the least; he recommended cutting the curves out as much as possible. CM Schroeder agreed with option 3 with the improvement suggested t the curve. CM Darkenwald stated he liked the first option for a roundabout but he prefers a ""T" intersection on a County round rather than a roundabout. CM H idn r said he doesn't like roundabout either but prefers it to a ."T" intersection. CM Warehime said he prefers a "T." H does not like a roundabout. CM W r hime also stated he wants the safest possible option. Mayor Stockamp agreed. CM Hildnr motioned to approve roundabout option number 3 with modifications to curve as stated. seconded by CM Schroeder. Motion carried -L CM Darkenwald opposed. City Engineer Wagner presented the Wright County Cooperative agreement. Mayor Stockamp questioned the reasoning for the County not helping to fund the trail. City Engineer Wagner said it is Wright County's policy that every city pay for the trail and take it over. City Administrator Johnson said City staff can research grant opportunities. CM H idn r asked if Wright County drafted this agreement. City Engineer Wagner said yes and that the City Attorney and he had reviewed and made changes and the County accepted those changes. CM Heidner- had the following recommendations for the agreement; on page 3 remove the curb and gutter; remove the utility work further down on that page; on page 6, second paragraph add another paragraph saying should the County cause changes, they pay for them. The City Council agreed to those changes. CNS Darkenwald stated he will be voting in favor of this agreement but he stili does not agree with the roundabout. CM H ldn r motioned to approve Cooperative Agreement #13-52 t i n the City of Otsego and Wright County regarding Funding Participation and Construction Agreement for Improvements to CSAH 37 from the intersection of 70th Street east to od an Avenue with the changes suggested. seconded by Mayor Stockamp. All in favor, Motion carried. . City Council Deports and Updates. CM Schroeder said he spoke with Pastor Pagh from Christ Lutheran Church, and he would like to discuss with the City the options for a temporary outside building for Ire -school. City Planner Licht said it is allowed through an IUP. City Planner Licht will work with Mr. P gh. Cid Schroeder also stated he is working with Jacob Postuma's on his Eagle Scout project. The monument will need a full footing under it,. and he has been working with hire on that, Staff Reports and Updates. City Engineer Wagner reviewed the roof issue at the WV TF. The City Council directed the City Attorney to sena a letter to Rice Lake and Stantc once City staff has the final cost number. CM ark nwald suggested sending some of the photos along with itR CIS Warehime said when he met with the Fire Board; they requested he attend the fire departments monthly meeting in Albertville. CM W rehime said he thins these meetings will be o good thing The City Council agreed. Mayor Stockamp, said she would like to attend some as Drell. City Administrator Johnson said City staff had met with Duke last geek on their Gateway Agreement related to taxabatement; Duke is trying to attract o large facility and Dude is requesting flexibility within the existing agreement relative to tax abatement, She indicated there are options available to accomplish that goal and further indicated she had discussed this with the City Attorney. City staff is looking for direction from the City Council, The City Council agreed to continue discussions with Duke, City Engineer Wagner ner said the contractors working on the WWTF roof have asked for an extension to construction hours. They would like to work from 7 am to sunset, The City Council denied the request being it is close to residential areas. 7, Adjourn. off. CM Warehime, motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8;29 PM. ATTEST: Tamil Loll, City clerk 3 Mayor Jessica Stocam