ITEM 3.2B 4.8.2013 MinutesSPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE IE CENTER April 8, 2013 Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stckrp olled the meeting to order at 8:46 PILI. II Cali: Mayor Jessica St ck ; C ncilmemb rs: Vern Heidner, Jason Warehime., Doug Schroeder and Tom Darkenwald. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator and Tam! Loff, city Clerk. Review P inary End of 1r Finances and 2013 Market Rate Adjustment. City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report. There was discussion on the pay plan. The City Council stated the system has never really been used as intended. The city Council directed City Administrator Johnson to review the existing plan and to recommend changes to the plan to focus on performance, job goals, and increased skills. This will be dome simultaneously with the previously approved project to update the job descriptions; The Council requested that the pay plan recommendations b brought back to the council within the next 12 months, There was discussion on possibly changing the step increases to July. Mayor Stock amp stated she would like to see set dates in the future for approval of the Market Rate Adjustment and the effective dates of the Market Rate Adjustment and step increases. The City Council agreed. CM Schroeder motioned to approve o effective April 1S, 2013, Seconded by C Market state Adjustment to the pay plan Dar en raid. All in favor, Motion carried. 2. Water and Wastewater Operations contract U d tef City Administrator Johnson presorted the staff report* The City Council agreed that City staff propose a counter offer to PeopleService and also directed the city Administrator to advertise for staff to operate the facilities as outlined in her staff memo. The City Council reviewed job descriptions for the Lead Utility Plant Operator and Utility Plant Maintenance Wort er. No changes were recommended. . Review Administrative Services Director Selection Pr City Administrator Johnson asked for input from the Council on their desired involvement in the screening of applicants, The City Council directed city Administrator Johnson to start the screening process. Once the applicants aro narrowed down to those going to the next stop in the screening process, the applicants will meet with screening panels of no more than two city Council members, The final candidate(s) will be selected and then will be interviewed by the City council . Ad„rn CM Warehi e motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Darkenwald, All in favor. Motion carrieds Adjourned at 10:30 P * ATTEST: Tangy Loll, City Clerk Mayor Jessica Stockamp