ITEM 3.3A PSC 3.13.2013 MinutesIDEM 3w3,Ak Otsego Police Commission Minutes March 12, 2013 Present: Dana VanDen Berg, Paul Fields, Denise An r s o, Rob VanDenr , Mayor Jessica St ckam , moss Dema n , Arn Breitba h 1 De oer, Police Officer; Pete Meeting tin alled to order at: :30p.mi, Inforunatlonal Handouts reviewed. Received and reviewed. Agenda: APPROVE[ MINUTE from: FebruarV 12, 2013—A proved OPEN rom inure 11mit): : om lain of a sno r obiler drIvIng on School property and city walking trall, mete and City will Follow tip on damages. Law En forcemen Updates & Discussion — Sn o r nobile complaInti Old Business; June 11, 2013-- Otsego Safety Camp- will be posted in the Viet and on the Otsego City website, oltinteer} ureic tree- roust stop at City Hall and have a background check done. Now Business: vect Coeir ission officers 0 halt- Denise —Motion approved a Vice hair- Roby Motion approved 0 secrota r — Dana — Motion a pp roved Otsego Bions Adopt- - Street App lf atloil — Motion approved City CouncIl Meeting Updates- Nothing note worthy City Council Meetln Assf nMents: a Harem 25thi Jim a April8th_ Denis Next Meeting; April 91 2013 @ 6:30 pitma Meeting Afore 7;50 p, M t