ITEM 3.7 Biosolids HaulOr - CITY O I* Ot f9 14INNE Oi Request for City Council Action . Nf_ DE- 1APAkf � 1 1111111 : :.n ::: _ ..._S_ : REQUET R::: Y .. ........._. n. MEETING DATE: Utilities Kurt i elder ei r, Utility Apr!122, 2013 BAC U D/JUSTIFICATI N: Operations Supervisor nozzles of the storage tank. . The haul is anticipated to be 300,000 gallons, completed on existing Pf ESE TE (s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM Consent agenda Lori John , City Administrator 3.7 Biosolids Haul r - [Ti=m n 1=T I I RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Schluender Construction Company to complete the spring bis lids haul. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? ISA PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? Yes No BAC U D/JUSTIFICATI N: Staff is requesting a spring haul for bins lids from the West WWTF t allow for inspection of the mixing nozzles of the storage tank. . The haul is anticipated to be 300,000 gallons, completed on existing designated local sites, Incorporation of material to be conducted by farmer. Three quotes were received. SchluenderConstruction Company provided low quote and has completed hauling for the City in the past. The haul will occur after road restrictions are removed and City staff will designate the haul route. The Public Works Subcommittee reviewed the quotes at their meeting on April 16, 2013 and recommends approval of Sch lender C nstructien Com pa ny t complete the project. SUPPORTING TIN DOCUMENTS: (X) ATTACHED Proposals MOTION: (Please word motlon as you would like It to appear In the m1nutes, Motion to approve Schiuend r Construction Compa for a biins lids haul for $0.2875 per gallon. Approval contingent on read restrictions not being in effect, the City to designate routing and contractor rust avoid tracking debris onto roads. BUDGET I F ATIO FUNDING: BUDGETED: (X) YES 602 —Wast water Utilities ACTION TAKEN APPROVED AS REQUESTED a DENIED o TABLED n OTHER (List changes) COMMENTS: Jill Rvmer From; STEPHANIE <rso ker@ 1 yt1.00 Seat. Monday, April 51,201 . Ail ` A Jill Rymer Subject:FW: los lids haul project Spring 201-3 April 15, 2013 Jill Rymef City of Otsego 13400 ge St NE Otsego MN 55330 Thank youfor, for,the requast of a quote for the spring 2013 blasollds hauling project. Please enter the following as our bid for the project. The cost ` d all'pumping and haullhg, which I u fuel n ' labor, of the materl'al'at the permitted sites as listed in Stour email. The price per gallon i $ .025. The mobilization Iron charge is $ 800.00, Please call me at 320#250-3210 if you- have any questions. Tha A you and I look Wa�cd 't �r1ng-ftom'you soon. Roger Boecker Schluender Construction. Company 3331 80th Street Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763-,295-5784 Fax: 763,,296,-5544 City of Otsego Aft; Jill West Plant Apro-x. 300,000 gallons @.02875 Note; To- be disc i -n by farmer OR Add $750 if done by us 4/8/2013 Proposal Sludge Haul Total $8,625.00 Robert Schluendeir Jill Rymer ,dim peterson ^ Fergus Power Pumps Inc im @prtoi. or Sent: Friday, April. 1 , 2013 11:13 TOO Jill Rymer it subject: Biosolids Hauling for City of Otsego, Sprint 2013 4 Man u- e-ment 1*4 MN 56537 24978 � 229th tr r Falls, l -i ne 1 - 67' 2 mail. r April 123,2013 Ms. Jill Rymer People SeIieo Inc. E: Biosolids Hauling for Cid of Otsego, Spring 2013 Dear Ms. Rymer, Thank -yuu'for the opportudty, tO Offet a - Po al for hauling and 1wid applying Biosofids from the Otsego Wastewater Treatment West Facility. According to your email, we understand the following to be true. `�Thereoare approximately a totd of 300,000 gallons of Biosolidsat the west plant, to haul and dispose of a permitted field sites for City of Otsego. PowerFergus Pump Inc will provide quote for the hauling and surface application of Biosolids. jUergu,s power pump, 11w. will ered 4 appmae 2 -os away from Mst PIWIL Fergus Power Pump, Inc. will suPPIY p all c o f necessary to -rol o , haul and surface apply ,00,000 gallons and Provide a quote as follows: - Land Application o ,00 gallons @ $0,043 $12 900,00 Land Applicationiolld will e conducted as a � Minnesota ol. u ti Control- Agency, I CS. and EPA Rules within regard to land applicatioti of Biosolids. Fergus. Power pump is MPCA TYPe IV Certified lCorpor. Vale 2 Ms. Jill Rymer People Service Inc. fuel surcharge w'1 beaddedshould- the rice ue be -o r . o gallon, per o -01 usage -peg ' unit All equipment necessary will e full'of fael at the start of the p1roject and r f kd at the end of the end of the IF project. a Surcharge *c tee fu$185--$150 = . ' gallons and per-unit We will need to have a current analysis of the Biosolids and a copy of letter of authorization of the permitted site before lana application can take place. I have oto o r �c t pease not hesitate -to ., Sincerely, Witch �rStTon.1 'ri - nt