11-09-16 Public Safety Commission MinutesOtsego Safety Committee November 9, 2016 Meeting Minutes Call to Order. Public Safety Chair Chuck Schauss called the meeting to order at 6:30PM. Roll Call: Jim Breitbach, Greg Hubbard, Bill Abderhalden, Chuck Schauss. Council Members: Jason Warenhime. Absent : Mark Driste, Tina Driste. 1. Approved Agenda Commissioner B. Abderhalden made motion to approve seconded by J. Breitbach. All in favor. Motion carried. 2. Open Forum Bill—construction crew on 85th were working with no safety vests on. 3. Public Safety Police/ Fire/ Ambulance updates. AFD- Chief Bullen Elk River had a fire today and they won’t make it tonight. RFD- Nothing, reports attached. ERFD- Not in attendance. Wright County sheriff—Reports attached. Jason Oltmann gave a presentation on the drug trends in wright county. 4. Old Business - Presenting the CERT program to City Council next Monday. - We got the map with the Fire response times. 5. New Business Nothing 6. City Council Meeting updates No updates 7. City Council Meeting Assignments November 14th—Chuck December 12th—Bill Commissioner Breitbach made motion to adjourn and seconded by commissioner Abderhalden. All in favor. Motion carried. Written by: Gregory Hubbard