11-15-16 Heritage Preservation Commission Minutes11-15-16 Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission Present: Zonja Matushenko, Gail Anderson, Chris Wilson, Toni Seroshek Mayor Jessica Stockamp, guest Kristin Larson Our meeting was called to order at 6:05pm. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. Business cards specifically for OHPC were distributed to Commissioners and Mayor; Commissioners were very pleased with their presentation. Kristin Larson, teacher from Rogers High School and a resident of Otsego, introduced herself as Coordinator of AVID studies and social studies. She applied for and received a grant to enter into an intergenerational story telling project with the 25 AVID students who will be using video media to help local senior citizens to tell their historical stories This project will be completed by the end of the school year 2017. We asked Kristin to consider using Guardian Angels living facilities as a location since many residents there are former Otsego residents. We offered to help them in their project in any way and asked Kristin to consider how we might use their materials if that is appropriate. For instance, if the youth were willing to present their videos publically and have the resident’s permission, we could use the Otsego Prairie Center as a location at no cost, Mayor Jessica suggested. We offered to review the questions her students will ask and Kristin will check with us if needed or wanted. We would be most interested in receiving a copy of their materials from anyone formerly living in Otsego who is willing to let us archive them. We are very interested in any of their stories or pictures. Kristin will continue to communicate with us through Zonja. Minutes of the last meeting were approved. The Commission moved, seconded and passed giving Kristin a set of Otsego history books to Kristen for use in her classes. Meeting adjourned at 7pm. Next meeting will be December 14 at 7pm. Gail Anderson, Recorder