ITEM 6.1 Otsego/Dayton Emergency Water Interconnection ReportOtsceF o MINNESOTA 111:— DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works REQUESTOR: City Engineer Wagner MEETING DATE: December 12, 2016 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner Interim City Administrator 6.1 Flaherty AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends City Council accept the Otsego/Dayton Emergency Water Interconnection Report dated December 2016 and authorizes staff to forward the report to City of Dayton for their review. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No No BACKGROUNDIJUSTIFICATION: The City of Dayton approached the City of Otsego requesting a water connection for emergency purposes only. Currently, the portion of the City of Dayton known as the "historic village" lacks the ability to provide standard fire protection typical to urban areas with municipal services. The City Council of Otsego wanted assurances that an interconnection of the two public water systems in no way compromises the City of Otsego's ability to provide service to its users. The report was completed in accordance to the agreement signed by both Cities and costs to complete will be reimbursed to the City of Otsego by the City of Dayton. The final scope of the report also included reviewing the interconnections resultant flow and pressure at a strategic location within the City of Dayton, estimated costs for alternative piping, exhibits depicting location of the interconnection and corresponding required easements and any other potential issues or regulations that may need to be resolved or permitted. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: X ATTACHED NONE • Otsego/ Dayton Emergency Water Interconnection Report MOTION: (Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes.) Motion to accept the Otsego/ Dayton Emergency Water Interconnection Report and authorize staff to forward the report to the City of Dayton for their review. BUDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED: X YES City of Dayton NO OTSEGO/DAYTON WATER SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION REPORT December 2016 OtCITY OF 0 MINNESOTA I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. a ner L26052 December 6, 2016 onald J. ic. No. Date TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................1 ANALYSIS OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO EAST WATER SYSTEM.....................................................1 ANALYSIS OF THE CITY OF DAYTON WATER SYSTEM............................................................... 2 EASEMENT FOR INTERCONNECTION............................................................................................... 2 POTENTIAL ISSUES REGARDING INTERCONNECTION OF THE WATER SYSTEMS ..............: 3 CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................................................... 3 APPENDIX APPENDIX A - OTSEGO EAST WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (SPREADSHEETS AND GRAPHICS APPENDIX B - DAYTON'S "HISTORIC VILLAGE" WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS (WATERCAD PRINTOUTS, SUMMARY TABLE AND ENGINEER'S OPTION OF COST) APPENDIX C - SCHEMATIC OF INTERCONNECTION AND EASEMENT APPENDIX D - MDH DRAFT POLICY OF INTERCONNECTION OF PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS Introduction The City of Dayton (Dayton) has approached the City of Otsego (Otsego) requesting a water connection for emergency purposes only. Currently, Dayton lacks the ability to provide standard fire protection to an urban portion of their City known as the "the historic village". Otsego required a report to provide assurances that they can support Dayton's emergency needs without compromising their own ability to provide all municipal water services to the citizens of Otsego. Other items that will be reviewed within the report is the resultant pressure and flows that can be expected at a selected point in the Dayton system, along with the location, the required size of watermain, and potential cost of the connection. Lastly, the report discusses Minnesota Department of Health's (MDH) requirements regarding any interconnection of municipal water systems. Analysis of the City of Otsego East Water System Hakanson Anderson has reviewed the Otsego East Water System to provide standard fire protection to Dayton's "historic village". Standard fire protection for a water system in this report is considered providing 2,500 gallons per minute for 3 hours. Analysis of the Otsego East Water System focuses on the ability to supply Dayton 2,500 gallons per minute of water for 3 hours and not cause any issues with continuing to provide service to the Otsego system users. Analysis of the interconnection and Dayton system's ability to convey 1,000 gpm at a hydrant at a minimum of 20 psi is reviewed in the next section of the report. Parameters for the analysis are: 1) Provide 2,500 gpm for 3 hours for standard fire protection 2) Evaluate with Otsego's pumping capacity with Well #8, its best production well out of service at the time of need; water supplied from only Well #3 and Well #6. 3) Evaluate during a peak day demand 4) Maintain 20% reserve in water tower volume for continuation of domestic pressure needs 5) Considered with Water Tower #3 and Water Tower #1. It should be noted that at the time of the report, Water Tower #1 and Well #6 are not in service but are expected to be in service by June of 2016. That timeline will likely coincide or be prior to the potential interconnection. Our analysis of the effects of an emergency fire need in Dayton determined that the Otsego East Water System has the capability and the capacity. With continued growth within Otsego's East Water System estimated at 100 Residential Equivalent Connections (RECs), Otsego would not need to add flow or storage capacity until the year 2031 to meet all of the parameters as noted above. If both Otsego and Dayton had simultaneous fires and 5,000 gpm for 3 hours were required, addition flow or storage capacity would not be needed until 2021. The likelihood that all of the parameters and simultaneous fires occurred is so remote as to be unrealistic though. The data for the Otsego East Water System is included in Appendix A Page 1 Analysis of the City of Dayton Water System Hakanson Anderson has reviewed Dayton's "historic village" water system with respect to the interconnection and the ability to convey water and resultant pressure at a hydrant near St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. The hydrant was chosen due to the higher elevation and furthest distance from the water pressure source. This location should be very good indicator to minimum flows and minimum pressures that Dayton would obtain in each scenario. Other hydrants within the Dayton "historic village" would thus have slightly higher pressures and volumes. A typical minimum flow any hydrant should be able to provide is 1,000 gpm at 20 psi. All options considered can supply a single hydrant at 1,000 gpm at 20 psi. An entire system should be able to provide 2,500 gpm for 3 hours by using several hydrants. Our analysis has determined the Dayton water system would not be able to provide 2,500 gpm without major changes due to the length of the connection and the size of the existing Dayton system watermains. Four different options were reviewed to allow Dayton to make an informed decision if they would like to proceed. For each option, we determined flow capability with the corresponding pressure. An engineer's opinion of cost for each option was calculated. Options to replace the watermain under 62nd Street between Wright CSAH 36 and Richardson Avenue with a largeR watermain or provide a loop within the Ranch Acres development were also analyzed to determine if an increase in watermain sizing or an addition of a watermain loop is warranted. Dayton should be aware that in order to provide fire protection, pressure and velocities will increase in trunk, lateral and private lines within Dayton's water system and those increases could cause unforeseen issues. See Appendix B for pertinent datA regarding the four options and estimated costs. Easement for the Interconnection The nearest current viable connection in Otsego is located at the north end of Randolph Avenue near what would be 60t" Street. Otsego has a 12" watermain at that location. The interconnection would follow the same alignment as the forcemain which serves Dayton's "historic village". The watermain would need to be located near the section line between Section 1 T120N R23W and Section 36 T121N R23W. The existing forcemain is located within an easement that consists of the northern 30' of Section 1 T120N R23W. The interconnection watermain must maintain a minimum of 10' horizontal clearance from the sewer forcemain to meet MDH requirements and 10 State Standards. Due to the fact that Section 1 has been preliminary platted by Lennar for the housing development Meadows of River Pointe and was designed without the additional easement, the logical location for additional easement needed would be to the north of the section line within Section 36. If the watermain was constructed near or on the section line, a 15' wide utility easement along the southern extents of Section 36 would be sufficient. The interconnection watermain would then bend 90 degrees to the north following Wright CSAH 36 to 62nd Street where connection to the 6" watermain of Dayton's water system would occur. A right of way permit from Wright County would need to be obtained for placement of watermain within the right of way if there is sufficient space. The existing forcemain is located to the west and adjacent to Wright CSAH 36 and within the righ-of- way. The watermain would likely need to be located to the east and adjacent to Wright CSAH Page 2 36 if it were to be within Wright County right of way. If a right of way permit is not allowed by Wright County, a utility easement a minimum of 20' wide would be needed west of the Wright CSAH 36 right of way between 60th Street and 62nd Street. For the report purposes, we will include the utility easement between 601h Street and 62nd Street along the west side of Wright CSAH 36. Appendix C includes a schematic of the connection and easement. Potential Issues regarding Interconnection of the Water Systems As stated earlier in the report, the Dayton system will inevitably incur greater pressures and higher velocities if the two systems are connected and the emergency valve is opened. The Dayton City Engineer should evaluate the potential issues that may arise to portions of the system including and private lines within older homes and businesses. The MDH has recently taken a different approach in reviewing interconnection of water systems due to the recent issues in Flint, Michigan. Changes in water types can cause corrosive issues with older piping. In this instance, both water types are similar as they are both ground water and treated similarly. The interconnection would also be deemed short term under their draft policy for Interconnection of Public Water Systems. The MDH is more concerned with interconnections deemed interim or long term. The MDH will review the construction plans, potential major pressure changes, and water composition difference prior to permitting the interconnection. Our preliminary discussions with MDH did not raise any concerns and our opinion is the interconnection is viable. Appendix D includes the MDH Draft Policy on Interconnection of Public Water Systems. Conclusion The current City of Dayton's existing water system does not provide the "historic village" urban type fire protection. Completing a water connection to Otsego East Water System for emergency service needs has been determined as feasible from an engineering stand point and will provide individual hydrants with 1,000 gpm at 20 psi. Economically, the Dayton will need to determine which option best suits their needs. Many issues will need to be addressed in a Joint Powers Agreement between the two Cities, but it is our opinion, none of those should be problematic for either side and the agreement would likely outline ownership, liability, cost participation and operating procedures. Page 3 APPENDIX A General Notes: System Capacity - WT#3 and WT#1 and Wells #3, #6 and #8 w/ Odd/Even 1. The firm capacity of the East Water Tower and Well System is approximately 1700 gpm. 2. Average Daily Water Usage @ 350 gpc 3. Average daily demand of 350 gpd/REC, this equates to approximately 1698 RECs on the East Water Tower and Well System. Individual Facility Capacities: Facility Capacity Well No. 1 gpm Well No. 2 gpm Well No. 3 700 gpm Well No. 6 1,000 gpm Well No. 8 1,450 gpm Water Tower No. 1 400,000 Gallons Water Tower No. 3 1,000,000 Gallons System Capacity Calculations: Existing Conditions': Firm Pumping Capacity': 1,700 gpm Required Fire Flowz: 2,500 gpm Fire Flow Duration (hrs): 3 hrs Total Fire Flow Demand: 450,000 gallons Average Day Demand: 594,000 gpd Peak Day Demand Volume8: 1,782,000 gallons Peak Day Demand 3: 1,485 gpm 3 hr Peak Day Demand: 267,300 gallons 20% Reserve4: 356,400 gallons Total Water Required: 1,073,700 gallons Total Firm Pumping (3 hrs): 306,000 gallons Total Storage Required: 767,700 gallons Existing System Capacity: Total Firm Pumping (3 hrs): 306,000 gallons Total Storage Available: 1,400,000 gallons Total Water Available: 1,706,000 gallons QTwR = QTFFD + (3hr x 60min/hr x Pp)/(20hr x 60min) + (0.20)Pp QTwR = Total Water Available (gallons) QTFFD = Total Fire Flow Demand (gallons) Pp = Peak Day Demand (gallons) Solution: 1,126,000 gallons = 450,000 gallons + 3Po/20 + 0.20Po 1, 400, 000 gallons = 0.35P p P p = 4, 000, 000 gallons Average Daily Demand": 3,585,000 gpd REC Capacity (350 gpd/REC): 3200 1 Firm pumping capacity represents the capacity of the system with the largest well out of service 2 Per recommended standards referenced in Otsego Water Study 3 Peak day demand rate based on 20 hour day 4 Reserve is 20% of peak day demand volume 5 Total Water Required (or available) = Total Fire Flow Demand + 3 hr Peak Day Demand + 20% Reserve 6 Total Storage Required (or available) = Total Water Required (or available) - Total Firm Pumping (3 hrs) 7 Based on 2016 Water Usage Records supplied by Kurt Neidermeier 8 Assuming a ratio of maximum demand to average demand of 3.0 REC Projections (see Chart): Y-Axis X-Axis RECsNear 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 300 Existing Capacity 2016 2020 Year 2025 2030 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 3,200 1,778 1,858 1,938 2,018 2,098 2,298 2,498 2,898 3,200 1,878 2,058 2,238 2,418 2,598 3,048 3,498 4,398 3,200 1,978 2,258 2,538 2,818 3,098 3,798 4,498 5,898 3,200 2035 2,078 2,458 2,838 3,218 3,598 4,548 5,498 7,398 31200 2040 2,178 2,658 3,138 3,618 4,098 5,298 6,498 8,898 3,200 Q F- 2 W `W W O_> 7 00 C y� M yyM; T1. N m C m C) U T F- 1 A c� CL w U E d N A U) 1 N d 'a L 3 0 H m N W L a) U W O LO r L U W w 0 0 N L y_ co L L"' L m W (n \ \ W U U U U W W o � r ry O O O O O N r co Co d E U) � U U) W U O CD QCN X M CO uW U u 00 rn r C �� iU <W W Of I • O O O N O o U O d W M w O O O N m Cl) O N M O N c9 N 0 N N O N r O O N O 0 r L m General Notes: System Capacity - WT#3 and WT#1 and Wells #3, #6 and #8 w/ Odd/Even 1. The firm capacity of the East Water Tower and Well System is approximately 1700 gpm. 2. Average Daily Water Usage @ 350 gpc 3. Average daily demand of 350 gpd/REC, this equates to approximately 1698 RECs on the East Water Tower and Well System. Individual Facility Capacities: Facility Capacity Well No. 1 gpm Well No. 2 gpm Well No. 3 700 gpm Well No. 6 1,000 gpm Well No. 8 1,450 gpm Water Tower No. 1 400,000 Gallons Water Tower No. 3 1,000,000 Gallons System Capacity Calculations: Existing Conditions 7 : Firm Pumping Capacity: 1,700 gpm Required Fire Flowz: 5,000 gpm Fire Flow Duration (hrs): 3 hrs Total Fire Flow Demand: 900,000 gallons Average Day Demand: 594,000 gpd Peak Day Demand Volume8: 1,782,000 gallons Peak Day Demand 3: 1,485 gpm 3 hr Peak Day Demand: 267,300 gallons 20% Reserve4: 356,400 gallons Total Water Required: 1,523,700 gallons Total Firm Pumping (3 hrs): 306,000 gallons Total Storage Required$: 1,217,700 gallons Existing System Capacity: Total Firm Pumping (3 hrs): 306,000 gallons Total Storage Available: 1,400,000 gallons Total Water Available: 1,706,000 gallons QTwR = QTFFD + (3hr x 60min/hr x Pp)/(20hr x 60min) + (0.20)Po QTWR = Total Water Available (gallons) QTFFD = Total Fire Flow Demand (gallons) Pp = Peak Day Demand (gallons) Solution: 1,126, 000 gallons = 450,000 gallons + 3PD120 + 0.20P p 1, 400, 000 gallons = 0.35P o P o = 4, 000, 000 gallons 520.8571 Average Daily Demand": 1,782,000 gpd REC Capacity (350 gpd/REC): 2220 Firm pumping capacity represents the capacity of the system with the largest well out of service 2 Per recommended standards referenced in Otsego Water Study 3 Peak day demand rate based on 20 hour day 4 Reserve is 20% of peak day demand volume 5 Total Water Required (or available) = Total Fire Flow Demand + 3 hr Peak Day Demand + 20% Reserve 6 Total Storage Required (or available) = Total Water Required (or available) - Total Firm Pumping (3 hrs) Based on 2016 Water Usage Records supplied by Kurt Neidermeier 8 Assuming a ratio of maximum demand to average demand of 3.0 REC Projections (see Chart): Y-Axis X-Axis RECsNear 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 300 Existing Capacity 2016 2020 Year 2025 2030 1,698 1,698 1 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 2,220 1,778 1,858 1,938 2,018 2,098 2,298 2,498 2,898 2,220 1,878 2,058 2,238 2,418 2,598 3,048 3,498 4,398 2,220 1,978 2,258 2,538 2,818 3,098 3,798 4,498 5,898 2,220 2035 2,078 2,458 2,838 3,218 3,598 4,548 5,498 7,398 2,220 2040 2,178 2,658 3,138 3,618 4,098 1 5,298 6,498 8,898 2,220 MINNEAPOLIS FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU POLICY # 5-2 WATER SUPPLIES Original issue 1- 02- 01 Last revision 8-16-05 Page 1 of 2 ISSUE: An adequate water supply for fire-fighter is to be provided for every building or facility. CODE REQUIREMENTS: The fire code requires an adequate, on site water supply for new buildings and facilities. PROBLEM: The MSFC gives general guidelines and does not list specific requirements for water supplies. This policy lists specific MFD requirements. MFD ACCEPTABLE COMPLIANCE: Fire hydrants that receive water from the Minneapolis Water Works system are the only acceptable water supply. 1. Location and number of hydrants: a. All parts of the exterior of a new building or facility are to be within 400 feet of a hydrant which is located on a fire vehicle access road. (MSFC) Exception: The distance between hydrants may be up to 600 feet for buildings protected throughout by a sprinkler system. (MSFC) b. The spacing and number of hydrants is to be based on a MSFC Appendix. c. Hydrants are to be located within 15 feet of a fire vehicle access road, but no closer than 40 feet of a building of combustible construction or of openings in buildings of noncombustible construction. A 4'/2 inch outlet is to face, and be perpendicular to the fire vehicle access road. Hydrants that are located in or near drive lanes or parking spaces are to be protected by bollards (the bollards are to be located at least three (3) feet from the hydrant). There is to be no parking within 10 feet of the front of hydrants. d. Fire department connections (Siamese connections) that serve sprinkler and standpipe systems are to be located within 150 feet of a city fire hydrant as measured along a fire vehicle access road, (a city hydrant is one that is directly connected to a city water main and maintained by the Minneapolis Water Dept.). 2. Amount of water and pressure requirements: Each hydrant is to provide at least 1,000 gpm at 20 psi with as many hydrants flowing as necessary to meet the fire flow requirements as determined in the MSFC Appendix for fire flow. 3. Types of hydrants: a. City hydrants: May only be painted by the city. b. Private hydrants: - Piping supplying a hydrant is to be at least six (6) inch #5-2 page 1 of 2 z _0 F- V cn W Z 0 L. V W uw 0 5 Lu U. J Z m 0 F- Q 0 U O O 0 0 -O O O O O N Lr Ln O O +' lD O lD N m m Ln o E m m �t o v� v)- <n v" w N G m Z 2 U N Q Q Q 00 m Q Q N N Q Q Ln M N Q L v d 3 N VI 47 a` 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O O O O O O O O 0 0 o 0 m O O 0 Ln O o O m O o 0 m 0 O 0 Ln 0 O 0 m 0 O O Ln 0 O O m LL ci c-I N N c-I c-I N N �--I ci N N c-I ci N N v c N O Z Z Z p a O O J G7 O 'a v X X N lD Ln C N tD N N in c O - - - - 'F. N N N lD V Gi a-1 c-I a-f c-i c C C O V C O CcI N M CY 2 WaterCad Option 1 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Scenario Summary ID 2940 Label West Side Distribution System Notes Active Topology Base Active Topology Physical Base Physical Demand Demand Alternative - 1 Initial Settings Base Initial Settings Operational West Side Distribution System Age Base Age Constituent Base Constituent Trace Base Trace Fire Flow Base Fire Flow Energy Cost Base Energy Cost Transient Base HAMMER Pressure Dependent Demand Base Pressure Dependent Demand Failure History Base Failure History SCADA Base SCADA User Data Extensions Base User Data Extensions Steady State/EPS Solver Calculation 24-Hour EPS Options Transient Solver Calculation Options Base <General> ID Label 4302 Notes J-9 Hyperlinks <Collection: 0 items> GIS-IDs GIS-ID <Geometry> X 83,879.29 ft Y 46,232.30 ft Active Topology Is Active? True Demand (Base) (gpm) Demand Collection Pattern (Demand) 1,000.00 Fixed Unit Demand Collection Number of Unit Unit Demand Unit Demand Unit Demand (Base) Demands (gpm) Pattern (Demand) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [ 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 1 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Customer Meter Demands Customer Pattern (Demand) Demand (Base) (gpm) Customer Meter Unit Demands Customer Number of Unit Demands Unit Demand Unit Demand (Base) Pattern (Unit Demand) (gpm) Fire Flow Specify Local Fire Flow False Constraints? Physical Elevation 901.00 ft Emitter Coefficient 0.000 gpm/psi^n Zone <None> Pressure Dependent Demand Use Local Pressure Dependent False Demand Data? Transient (Initial) Vapor Volume (Initial) 0.0 gal Water Quality Age (Initial) 0.000 hours Is Constituent Source? False Concentration (Initial) 0.0 mg/L Trace (Initial) 0.0 % Results (Fire Flow) Satisfies Fire Flow (N/A) Fire Flow (Total Upper Limit) (N/A) gpm Constraints? Fire Flow (Available) (N/A) gpm Pressure (Calculated Residual (N/A) psi @ Total Flow Needed) Pressure (Calculated Residual) (N/A) psi Pressure (Calculated Zone Lower Limit @ Total Flow (N/A) psi Needed) Pressure (Calculated Zone (N/A) psi Velocity of Maximum Pipe (N/A) ft/s Lower Limit) Pressure (Calculated System (N/A) psi Junction w/ Minimum (N/A) Lower Limit) Pressure (System) Is Fire Flow Run Balanced? (N/A) Junction w/ Minimum (N/A) Pressure (Zone) Fire Flow Iterations (N/A) Pipe w/ Maximum Velocity (N/A) Flow (Total Needed) (N/A) gpm Junction w/ Minimum Pressure (Zone @ Total Flow (N/A) Needed) Flow (Total Available) (N/A) gpm Results (Pressure Dependent Demands) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 2 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 1 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Results (Pressure Dependent Demands) Demand Shortage 0 gpm Shortfall (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Demand (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Supply Rate (Cumulative) (N/A) Supply (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Demand (Target) 1,000 gpm Results (Statistics) Demand (Minimum) 1,000 gpm Age (Minimum) (N/A) hours Demand (Maximum) 1,000 gpm Age (Maximum) (N/A) hours Hydraulic Grade (Maximum) 958.73 ft Trace (Minimum) (N/A) % Hydraulic Grade (Minimum) 958.73 ft Trace (Maximum) (N/A) % Pressure (Minimum) 25 psi Concentration (Minimum) (N/A) mg/L Pressure (Maximum) 25 psi Concentration (Maximum) (N/A) mg/L Results (Transient) Head (Maximum, Transient) (N/A) ft Pressure (Minimum, (N/A) psi Transient) Head (Minimum, Transient) (N/A) ft Air Volume (Maximum, (N/A) gal Transient) Pressure (Maximum, (N/A) psi Vapor Volume (Maximum, (N/A) gal Transient) Transient) Results (Water Quality) Age (Calculated) (N/A) hours Concentration (Calculated) (N/A) mg/L Trace (Calculated) (N/A) Results Hydraulic Grade 958.73 ft Demand Adjusted Population (N/A) Capita Demand 1,000 gpm Alert Level (Ever) None Pressure 25 psi Alert Level (Now) None Pressure Head 57.73 ft Has Calculation Messages False Now? Calculation Messages Time Message (hours) Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure (hours) (ft) (psi) Demand (qpm) 0.000 958.73 25 1,000 1.000 958.73 25 1,000 2.000 958.73 25 1,000 3.000 958.73 25 1,000 4.000 958.73 25 1,000 5.000 958.73 25 1,000 6.000 958.73 25 1,000 7.000 958.73 25 1,000 8.000 958.73 25 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 3 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 1 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure Demand (hours) (ft) (psi) (gpm) 9.000 958.73 25 1,000 10.000 958.73 25 1,000 11.000 958.73 25 1,000 12.000 958.73 25 1,000 12.048 958.73 25 1,000 13.000 958.73 25 1,000 14.000 958.73 25 1,000 15.000 958.73 25 1,000 16.000 958.73 25 1,000 17.000 958.73 25 1,000 18.000 958.73 25 1,000 19.000 958.73 25 1,000 20.000 958.73 25 1,000 21.000 958.73 25 1,000 22.000 958.73 25 1,000 23.000 958.73 25 1,000 24.000 958.73 25 1,000 25.000 958.73 25 1,000 26.000 958.73 25 1,000 27.000 958.73 25 1,000 28.000 958.73 25 1,000 29.000 958.73 25 1,000 30.000 958.73 25 1,000 31.000 958.73 25 1,000 32.000 958.73 25 1,000 33.000 958.73 25 1,000 34.000 958.73 25 1,000 35.000 958.73 25 1,000 36.000 958.73 25 1,000 37.000 958.73 25 1,000 38.000 958.73 25 1,000 39.000 958.73 25 1,000 40.000 958.73 25 1,000 41.000 958.73 25 1,000 42.000 958.73 25 1,000 43.000 958.73 25 1,000 44.000 958.73 25 1,000 45.000 958.73 25 1,000 46.000 958.73 25 1,000 47.000 958.73 25 1,000 48.000 958.73 25 1,000 49.000 958.73 25 1,000 50.000 958.73 25 1,000 51.000 958.73 25 1,000 52.000 958.73 25 1,000 53.000 958.73 25 1,000 54.000 958.73 25 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [08.11 .061 131 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 4 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 1 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure Demand (hours) (ft) (psi) (gpm) 55.000 958.73 25 1,000 56.000 958.73 25 1,000 57.000 958.73 25 1,000 58.000 958.73 25 1,000 59.000 958.73 25 1,000 60.000 958.73 25 1,000 61.000 958.73 25 1,000 62.000 958.73 25 1,000 63.000 958.73 25 1,000 64.000 958.73 25 1,000 65.000 958.73 25 1,000 66.000 958.73 25 1,000 67.000 958.73 25 1,000 68.000 958.73 25 1,000 69.000 958.73 25 1,000 70.000 958.73 25 1,000 71.000 958.73 25 1,000 72.000 958.73 25 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [08.11.06A 13] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 5 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 2 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Scenario Summary ID 2940 Label West Side Distribution System Notes Active Topology Base Active Topology Physical Base Physical Demand Demand Alternative - 1 Initial Settings Base Initial Settings Operational West Side Distribution System Age Base Age Constituent Base Constituent Trace Base Trace Fire Flow Base Fire Flow Energy Cost Base Energy Cost Transient Base HAMMER Pressure Dependent Demand Base Pressure Dependent Demand Failure History Base Failure History SCADA Base SCADA User Data Extensions Base User Data Extensions Steady State/EPS Solver Calculation 24-Hour EPS Options Transient Solver Calculation Options Base <General> ID 4302 Notes Label J-9 Hyperlinks <Collection: 0 items> GIS-IDs GIS-ID <Geometry> X 83,879.29 ft Y 46,232.30 ft Active Topology Is Active? True Demand Collection Demand (Base) Pattern (Demand) (gpm) 1,000.00 Fixed Unit Demand Collection Number of Unit Unit Demand Unit Demand Unit Demand (Base) Demands (gpm) Pattern (Demand) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [ 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 2 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Customer Meter Demands Customer Pattern (Demand) Demand (Base) (gpm) Customer Meter Unit Demands Customer Number of Unit Demands Unit Demand Unit Demand (Base) Pattern (Unit Demand) (gpm) Fire Flow Specify Local Fire Flow False Constraints? Physical Elevation 901.00 ft Emitter Coefficient 0.000 gpm/psi^n Zone <None> Pressure Dependent Demand Use Local Pressure Dependent False Demand Data? Transient (Initial) Vapor Volume (Initial) 0.0 gal Water Quality Age (Initial) 0.000 hours Is Constituent Source? False Concentration (Initial) 0.0 mg/L Trace (Initial) 0.0 % Results (Fire Flow) Satisfies Fire Flow (N/A) Fire Flow (Total Upper Limit) (N/A) gpm Constraints? Fire Flow (Available) (N/A) gpm Pressure (Calculated Residual (N/A) psi @ Total Flow Needed) Pressure (Calculated Residual) (N/A) psi Pressure (Calculated Zone Lower Limit @ Total Flow (N/A) psi Needed) Pressure (Calculated Zone (N/A) psi Velocity of Maximum Pipe (N/A) ft/s Lower Limit) Pressure (Calculated System (N/A) psi Junction w/ Minimum (N/A) Lower Limit) Pressure (System) Is Fire Flow Run Balanced? (N/A) Junction w/ Minimum (N/A) Pressure (Zone) Fire Flow Iterations (N/A) Pipe w/ Maximum Velocity (N/A) Flow (Total Needed) (N/A) gpm Junction w/ Minimum Pressure (Zone @ Total Flow (N/A) Needed) Flow (Total Available) (N/A) gpm Results (Pressure Dependent Demands) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 2 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 2 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Results (Pressure Dependent Demands) Demand Shortage 0 gpm Shortfall (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Demand (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Supply Rate (Cumulative) (N/A) % Supply (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Demand (Target) 1,000 gpm Results (Statistics) Demand (Minimum) 1,000 gpm Age (Minimum) (N/A) hours Demand (Maximum) 1,000 gpm Age (Maximum) (N/A) hours Hydraulic Grade (Maximum) 989.76 ft Trace (Minimum) (N/A) % Hydraulic Grade (Minimum) 989.76 ft Trace (Maximum) (N/A) % Pressure (Minimum) 38 psi Concentration (Minimum) (N/A) mg/L Pressure (Maximum) 38 psi Concentration (Maximum) (N/A) mg/L Results (Transient) Head (Maximum, Transient) (N/A) ft Pressure (Minimum, (N/A) psi Transient) Head (Minimum, Transient) (N/A) ft Air Volume (Maximum, (N/A) gal Transient) Pressure (Maximum, (N/A) psi Vapor Volume (Maximum, (N/A) gal Transient) Transient) Results (Water Quality) Age (Calculated) (N/A) hours Concentration (Calculated) (N/A) mg/L Trace (Calculated) (N/A) % Results Hydraulic Grade 989.76 ft Demand Adjusted Population (N/A) Capita Demand 1,000 gpm Alert Level (Ever) None Pressure 38 psi Alert Level (Now) None Pressure Head 88.76 ft Has Calculation Messages False Now? Calculation Messages Time Message (hours) Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure (hours) (ft) (psi) Demand (gpm) 0.000 989.76 38 1,000 1.000 989.76 38 1,000 2.000 989.76 38 1,000 3.000 989.76 38 1,000 4.000 989.76 38 1,000 5.000 989.76 38 1,000 6.000 989.76 38 1,000 7.000 989.76 38 1,000 8.000 989.76 38 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 3 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 W aterCad Option 2 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure Demand (hours) (ft) (psi) (gpm) 9.000 989.76 38 1,000 10.000 989.76 38 1,000 11.000 989.76 38 1,000 12.000 989.76 38 1,000 12.048 989.76 38 1,000 13.000 989.76 38 1,000 14.000 989.76 38 1,000 15.000 989.76 38 1,000 16.000 989.76 38 1,000 17.000 989.76 38 1,000 18.000 989.76 38 1,000 19.000 989.76 38 1,000 20.000 989.76 38 1,000 21.000 989.76 38 1,000 22.000 989.76 38 1,000 23.000 989.76 38 1,000 24.000 989.76 38 1,000 25.000 989.76 38 1,000 26.000 989.76 38 1,000 27.000 989.76 38 1,000 28.000 989.76 38 1,000 29.000 989.76 38 1,000 30.000 989.76 38 1,000 31.000 989.76 38 1,000 32.000 989.76 38 1,000 33.000 989.76 38 1,000 34.000 989.76 38 1,000 35.000 989.76 38 1,000 36.000 989.76 38 1,000 37.000 989.76 38 1,000 38.000 989.76 38 1,000 39.000 989.76 38 1,000 40.000 989.76 38 1,000 41.000 989.76 38 1,000 42.000 989.76 38 1,000 43.000 989.76 38 1,000 44.000 989.76 38 1,000 45.000 989.76 38 1,000 46.000 989.76 38 1,000 47.000 989.76 38 1,000 48.000 989.76 38 1,000 49.000 989.76 38 1,000 50.000 989.76 38 1,000 51.000 989.76 38 1,000 52.000 989.76 38 1,000 53.000 989.76 38 1,000 54.000 989.76 38 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V81 (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [ 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 4 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 2 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure Demand (hours) (ft) (psi) (gpm) 55.000 989.76 38 1,000 56.000 989.76 38 1,000 57.000 989.76 38 1,000 58.000 989.76 38 1,000 59.000 989.76 38 1,000 60.000 989.76 38 1,000 61.000 989.76 38 1,000 62.000 989.76 38 1,000 63.000 989.76 38 1,000 64.000 989.76 38 1,000 65.000 989.76 38 1,000 66.000 989.76 38 1,000 67.000 989.76 38 1,000 68.000 989.76 38 1,000 69.000 989.76 38 1,000 70.000 989.76 38 1,000 71.000 989.76 38 1,000 72.000 989.76 38 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 5 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 wareruau Option 3 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Scenario Summary ID 2940 Label West Side Distribution System Notes Active Topology Base Active Topology Physical Base Physical Demand Demand Alternative - 1 Initial Settings Base Initial Settings Operational West Side Distribution System Age Base Age Constituent Base Constituent Trace Base Trace Fire Flow Base Fire Flow Energy Cost Base Energy Cost Transient Base HAMMER Pressure Dependent Demand Base Pressure Dependent Demand Failure History Base Failure History SCADA Base SCADA User Data Extensions Base User Data Extensions Steady State/EPS Solver Calculation 24-Hour EPS Options Transient Solver Calculation Options Base <General> ID 4302 Notes Label J-9 Hyperlinks <Collection: 0 items> GIS-IDs GIS-ID <Geometry> X 83,879.29 ft Y 46,232.30 ft Active Topology Is Active? True Demand Collection Demand (Base) Pattern (Demand) (gpm) 1,000.00 Fixed Unit Demand Collection Number of Unit Unit Demand Unit Demand Unit Demand (Base) Demands (gpm) Pattern (Demand) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 3 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Customer Meter Demands Customer Pattern (Demand) Demand (Base) (gpm) Customer Meter Unit Demands Customer Number of Unit Demands Unit Demand Unit Demand (Base) Pattern (Unit Demand) (gpm) Fire Flow Specify Local Fire Flow False Constraints? Physical Elevation 901.00 ft Emitter Coefficient 0.000 gpm/psi^n Zone <None> Pressure Dependent Demand Use Local Pressure Dependent False Demand Data? Transient (Initial) Vapor Volume (Initial) 0.0 gal Water Quality Age (Initial) 0.000 hours Is Constituent Source? False Concentration (Initial) 0.0 mg/L Trace (Initial) 0.0 % Results (Fire Flow) Satisfies Fire Flow (N/A) Fire Flow (Total Upper Limit) (N/A) gpm Constraints? Fire Flow (Available) (N/A) gpm Pressure (Calculated Residual (N/A) psi @ Total Flow Needed) Pressure (Calculated Residual) (N/A) psi Pressure (Calculated Zone Lower Limit @ Total Flow (N/A) psi Needed) Pressure (Calculated Zone (N/A) psi Velocity of Maximum Pipe (N/A) ft/s Lower Limit) Pressure (Calculated System (N/A) psi Junction w/ Minimum (N/A) Lower Limit) Pressure (System) Is Fire Flow Run Balanced? (N/A) Junction w/ Minimum (N/A) Pressure (Zone) Fire Flow Iterations (N/A) Pipe w/ Maximum Velocity (N/A) Flow (Total Needed) (N/A) gpm Junction w/ Minimum Pressure (Zone @ Total Flow (N/A) Needed) Flow (Total Available) (N/A) gpm Results (Pressure Dependent Demands) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [08,11.06.113] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 2 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 wateruaa Option 3 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Results (Pressure Dependent Demands) Demand Shortage 0 gpm Shortfall (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Demand (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Supply Rate (Cumulative) (N/A) % Supply (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Demand (Target) 1,000 gpm Results (Statistics) Demand (Minimum) 1,000 gpm Age (Minimum) (N/A) hours Demand (Maximum) 1,000 gpm Age (Maximum) (N/A) hours Hydraulic Grade (Maximum) 997.38 ft Trace (Minimum) (N/A) % Hydraulic Grade (Minimum) 997.38 ft Trace (Maximum) (N/A) % Pressure (Minimum) 42 psi Concentration (Minimum) (N/A) mg/L Pressure (Maximum) 42 psi Concentration (Maximum) (N/A) mg/L Results (Transient) Head (Maximum, Transient) (N/A) ft Pressure (Minimum, (N/A) psi Transient) Head (Minimum, Transient) (N/A) ft Air Volume (Maximum, (N/A) gal Transient) Pressure (Maximum, (N/A) psi Vapor Volume (Maximum, (N/A) gal Transient) Transient) Results (Water Quality) Age (Calculated) (N/A) hours Concentration (Calculated) (N/A) mg/L Trace (Calculated) (N/A) % Results Hydraulic Grade 997.38 ft Demand Adjusted Population (N/A) Capita Demand 1,000 gpm Alert Level (Ever) None Pressure 42 psi Alert Level (Now) None Pressure Head 96.38 ft Has Calculation Messages False Now? Calculation Messages Time Message (hours) Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure (hours) (ft) (psi) Demand (gpm) 0.000 997.38 42 1,000 1.000 997.38 42 1,000 2.000 997.38 42 1,000 3.000 997.38 42 1,000 4.000 997.38 42 1,000 5.000 997.38 42 1,000 6.000 997.38 42 1,000 7.000 997.38 42 1,000 8.000 997.38 42 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 3 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 3 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure Demand (hours) (ft) (psi) (gpm) 9.000 997.38 42 1,000 10.000 997.38 42 1,000 11.000 997.38 42 1,000 12.000 997.38 42 1,000 12.048 997.38 42 1,000 13.000 997.38 42 1,000 14.000 997.38 42 1,000 15.000 997.38 42 1,000 16.000 997.38 42 1,000 17.000 997.38 42 1,000 18.000 997.38 42 1,000 19.000 997.38 42 1,000 20.000 997.38 42 1,000 21.000 997.38 42 1,000 22.000 997.38 42 1,000 23.000 997.38 42 1,000 24.000 997.38 42 1,000 25.000 997.38 42 1,000 26.000 997.38 42 1,000 27.000 997.38 42 1,000 28.000 997.38 42 1,000 29.000 997.38 42 1,000 30.000 997.38 42 1,000 31.000 997.38 42 1,000 32.000 997.38 42 1,000 33.000 997.38 42 1,000 34.000 997.38 42 1,000 35.000 997.38 42 1,000 36.000 997.38 42 1,000 37.000 997.38 42 1,000 38.000 997.38 42 1,000 39.000 997.38 42 1,000 40.000 997.38 42 1,000 41.000 997.38 42 1,000 42.000 997.38 42 1,000 43.000 997.38 42 1,000 44.000 997.38 42 1,000 45.000 997.38 42 1,000 46.000 997.38 42 1,000 47.000 997.38 42 1,000 48.000 997.38 42 1,000 49.000 997.38 42 1,000 50.000 997.38 42 1,000 51.000 997.38 42 1,000 52.000 997.38 42 1,000 53.000 997.38 42 1,000 54.000 997.38 42 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 4 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 3 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure Demand (hours) (ft) (psi) Wpm) 55.000 997.38 42 1,000 56.000 997.38 42 1,000 57.000 997.38 42 1,000 58.000 997.38 42 1,000 59.000 997.38 42 1,000 60.000 997.38 42 1,000 61.000 997.38 42 1,000 62.000 997.38 42 1,000 63.000 997.38 42 1,000 64.000 997.38 42 1,000 65.000 997.38 42 1,000 66.000 997.38 42 1,000 67.000 997.38 42 1,000 68.000 997.38 42 1,000 69.000 997.38 42 1,000 70.000 997.38 42 1,000 71.000 997.38 42 1,000 72.000 997.38 42 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 5 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 4 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Scenario Summary ID 2940 Label West Side Distribution System Notes Active Topology Base Active Topology Physical Base Physical Demand Demand Alternative - 1 Initial Settings Base Initial Settings Operational West Side Distribution System Age Base Age Constituent Base Constituent Trace Base Trace Fire Flow Base Fire Flow Energy Cost Base Energy Cost Transient Base HAMMER Pressure Dependent Demand Base Pressure Dependent Demand Failure History Base Failure History SCADA Base SCADA User Data Extensions Base User Data Extensions Steady State/EPS Solver Calculation 24-Hour EPS Options Transient Solver Calculation Options Base <General> ID 4302 Notes Label J-9 Hyperlinks <Collection: 0 items> GIS-IDs GIS-ID <Geometry> X 83,879.29 ft Y 46,232.30 ft Active Topology Is Active? True Demand Collection Demand (Base) Pattern (Demand) (gpm) 1,000.00 Fixed Unit Demand Collection Number of Unit Unit Demand Unit Demand Unit Demand (Base) Demands (gpm) Pattern (Demand) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [08.11.06,113] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 1 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 4 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Customer Meter Demands Customer Pattern (Demand) Demand (Base) (gpm) Customer Meter Unit Demands Customer Number of Unit Demands Unit Demand Unit Demand (Base) Pattern (Unit Demand) (gpm) Fire Flow Specify Local Fire Flow False Constraints? Physical Elevation 901.00 ft Emitter Coefficient 0.000 gpm/psi^n Zone <None> Pressure Dependent Demand Use Local Pressure Dependent False Demand Data? Transient (Initial) Vapor Volume (Initial) 0.0 gal Water Quality Age (Initial) 0.000 hours Is Constituent Source? False Concentration (Initial) 0.0 mg/L Trace (Initial) 0.0 % Results (Fire Flow) Satisfies Fire Flow (N/A) Fire Flow (Total Upper Limit) (N/A) gpm Constraints? Fire Flow (Available) (N/A) gpm Pressure (Calculated Residual (N/A) psi @ Total Flow Needed) Pressure (Calculated Residual) (N/A) psi Pressure (Calculated Zone Lower Limit @ Total Flow (N/A) psi Needed) Pressure (Calculated Zone (N/A) psi Velocity of Maximum Pipe (N/A) ft/s Lower Limit) Pressure (Calculated System (N/A) psi Junction w/ Minimum (N/A) Lower Limit) Pressure (System) Is Fire Flow Run Balanced? (N/A) Junction w/ Minimum (N/A) Pressure (Zone) Fire Flow Iterations (N/A) Pipe w/ Maximum Velocity (N/A) Flow (Total Needed) (N/A) gpm Junction w/ Minimum Pressure (Zone @ Total Flow (N/A) Needed) Flow (Total Available) (N/A) gpm Results (Pressure Dependent Demands) Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 2 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 4 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Results (Pressure Dependent Demands) Demand Shortage 0 gpm Shortfall (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Demand (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Supply Rate (Cumulative) (N/A) % Supply (Cumulative) 0.00 MG Demand (Target) 1,000 gpm Results (Statistics) Demand (Minimum) 1,000 gpm Age (Minimum) (N/A) hours Demand (Maximum) 1,000 gpm Age (Maximum) (N/A) hours Hydraulic Grade (Maximum) 1,005.78 ft Trace (Minimum) (N/A) % Hydraulic Grade (Minimum) 1,005.78 ft Trace (Maximum) (N/A) % Pressure (Minimum) 45 psi Concentration (Minimum) (N/A) mg/L Pressure (Maximum) 45 psi Concentration (Maximum) (N/A) mg/L Results (Transient) Head (Maximum, Transient) (N/A) ft Pressure (Minimum, (N/A) psi Transient) Head (Minimum, Transient) (N/A) ft Air Volume (Maximum, (N/A) gal Transient) Pressure (Maximum, (N/A) psi Vapor Volume (Maximum, (N/A) gal Transient) Transient) Results (Water Quality) Age (Calculated) (N/A) hours Concentration (Calculated) (N/A) mg/L Trace (Calculated) (N/A) % Results Hydraulic Grade 1,005.78 ft Demand Adjusted Population (N/A) Capita Demand 1,000 gpm Alert Level (Ever) None Pressure 45 psi Alert Level (Now) None Pressure Head 104.78 ft Has Calculation Messages False Now? Calculation Messages Time Message (hours) Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure (hours) (ft) (psi) Demand (gpm) 0.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 1.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 2.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 3.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 4.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 5.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 6.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 7.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 8.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 3 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 4 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure Demand (hours) (ft) (psi) (gpm) 9.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 10.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 11.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 12.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 12.048 1,005.78 45 1,000 13.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 14.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 15.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 16.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 17.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 18.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 19.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 20.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 21.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 22.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 23.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 24.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 25.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 26.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 27.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 28.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 29.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 30.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 31.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 32.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 33.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 34.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 35.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 36.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 37.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 38.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 39.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 40.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 41.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 42.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 43.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 44.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 45.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 46.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 47.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 48.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 49.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 50.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 51.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 52.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 53.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 54.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 4 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 WaterCad Option 4 1000 gpm Junction Detailed Report: J-9 Calculated Results Summary Time Hydraulic Grade Pressure Demand (hours) (ft) (psi) (gpm) 55.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 56.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 57.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 58.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 59.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 60.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 61.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 62.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 63.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 64.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 65.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 66.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 67.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 68.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 69.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 70.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 71.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 72.000 1,005.78 45 1,000 Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Bentley WaterCAD V8i (SELECTseries 6) Dayton Connection - November 2016.wtg Center [] 12/6/2016 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Page 5 of 5 Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Otsego/Dayton Watermain Connection ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE Option #1 -12" Trunk and Connect to (1) Existing 6" Item No. Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Extension Mobilization, Bonding & Insurance 5% 1 LS $13,927.00 $ 13,927.00 Bituminous Pavement Removal 424 SY $5.00 $ 2,120.00 Sawing Bit Pavement Full Depth) 26 LF $5.00 $ 130.00 Concrete Curb Removal 226 LF $5.00 $ 1,130.00 Concrete Curb B618 226 LF $15.00 $ 3,390.00 6" Watermain Removal 0 LF $5.00 $ - CI 5 Aggregate Base 153 Ton $15.00 $ 2,295.00 Cl 2 Aggregate Shouldering 5 Ton $50.00 $ 250.00 Mill Bituminous Surface 1.5" 13 SY $10.00 $ 130.00 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 20 GAL $3.00 $ 60.00 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture 2,C 36 TON $75.00 $ 2,700.00 Type SP 12.5 Non Wear Course Mixture 3,C 48 TON $80.00 $ 3,840.00 Traffic Control 1 LS $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow 48 CY $56.00 $ 2,688.00 Erosion Control Blanket - Category 2 263 SY $3.25 $ 854.75 Turf Establishment 1 LS $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Connect To Existing Watermain 2 EA $1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Salvage And Reinstall Hydrant, 6" Pipe And 6" Gate Valve 1 LS $2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 Hydrant 5 EA $3,700.00 $ 18,500.00 6" Watermain PCV C900 147 LF $30.00 $ 4,410.00 8" Watermain PCV C900 32 LF $30.00 $ 960.00 12" Watermain PCV C900 4225 LF $40.00 $ 169,000.00 16" Watermain PCV C900 0 LF $60.00 $ - 6" Gate Valve And Box 5 EA $1,350.00 $ 6,750.00 8" Gate Valve And Box 0 EA $1,900.00 $ - 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 6 EA $2,500.00 $ 15,000.00 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 0 EA $3,000.00 $ - 6" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borin of 14" Steel Casing 0 LF $150.00 $ - 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 20" Steel Casing 70 LF $200.00 $ 14,000.00 16" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Boring of 24" Steel Casing 0 LF $233.00 $ - Watermain Fittings 4809 LBS 1 $4.50 $ 21,640.50 Testing Watermain 1 LS $1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 rotal - Option #1 -12" Trunk and Connect to (1) Existing 6" $292,475.25 OPTION #1 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $292,475 35% Administration, Legal, Engineering, & Contingency $43,871 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $336,346 Option #1 RIGHT-OF-WAY / EASEMENT Needed 1.35 Acres S:\MunicipaMOTSEGO\901\2016\DAYiON UTILITIES\Dayton Utilities EngEst.xlsx Page 1 of 4 Otsego/Dayton Watermain Connection ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE Option #2 -12" Trunk and Connect to (2) Existing 6" Item No. Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Extension Mobilization, Bonding & Insurance 5% 1 LS $15,341.00 $ 15,341.00 Bituminous Pavement Removal 424 SY $5.00 $ 2,120.00 Sawing Bit Pavement Full Depth) 26 LF $5.00 $ 130.00 Concrete Curb Removal 226 LF $5.00 $ 1,130.00 Concrete Curb B618 226 LF $15.00 $ 3,390.00 6" Watermain Removal 0 LF $5.00 $ - CI 5 Aggregate Base 153 Ton $15.00 $ 2,295.00 Cl 2 Aggregate Shouldering 5 Ton $50.00 $ 250.00 Mill Bituminous Surface 1.5" 13 SY $10.00 $ 130.00 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 20 GAL $3.00 $ 60.00 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture 2,C 36 TON $75.00 $ 2,700.00 Type SP 12.5 Non Wear Course Mixture 3,C 48 TON $80.00 $ 3,840.00 Traffic Control 1 LS $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Boulevard To soil Borrow 48 CY $56.00 $ 2,688.00 Erosion Control Blanket - Category 2 263 SY $3.25 $ 854.75 Turf Establishment 1 LS $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Connect To Existing Watermain 2 EA $1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Salvage And Reinstall Hydrant, 6" Pipe And 6" Gate Valve 1 LS $2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 Hydrant 5 EA $3,700.00 $ 18,500.00 6" Watermain PCV C900 445 LF $30.00 $ 13,350.00 8" Watermain PCV C900 32 LF $30.00 $ 960.00 12" Watermain PCV C900 4225 LF $40.00 $ 169,000.00 16" Watermain PCV C900 0 LF $60.00 $ - 6" Gate Valve And Box 6 EA $1,350.00 $ 8,100.00 8" Gate Valve And Box 0 EA $1,900.00 $ - 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 8 EA $2,500.00 $ 20,000.00 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 0 EA $3,000.00 $ - 6" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borin 70 LF $150.00 $ 10,500.00 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Bor 70 LF $200.00 $ 14,000.00 16" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borii 0 LF $233.00 $ - Watermain Fittings 5360 LBS $4.50 $ 24,120.00 Testing Watermain 1 LS $1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 total - Option #2 - 12" Trunk and Connect to (2) Existing 6" $322,158.75 OPTION #1 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $322,159 35% Administration, Legal, Engineering, & Contingency $48,324 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $370,483 Option #2 RIGHT-OF-WAY / EASEMENT Needed 1.44 Acres S:\MunicipaMOTSEGO\901\2016\DAYTON UTILITIES\Dayton Utilities EngEst.xlsx Page 2 of 4 Otsego/Dayton Watermain Connection ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE Option #3 -12" Trunk and Connect to Existing 10" Item No. Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Extension Mobilization, Bonding & Insurance 5% 1 LS $18,889.00 $ 18,889.00 Bituminous Pavement Removal 1652 SY $5.00 $ 8,260.00 Sawing Bit Pavement Full Depth) 26 LF $5.00 $ 130.00 Concrete Curb Removal 1206 LF $5.00 $ 6,030.00 Concrete Curb B618 1206 LF $15.00 $ 18,090.00 6" Watermain Removal 705 LF $5.00 $ 3,525.00 CI 5 Aggregate Base 621 Ton $15.00 $ 9,315.00 CI 2 Aggregate Shouldering 5 Ton $50.00 $ 250.00 Mill Bituminous Surface 1.5" 13 SY $10.00 $ 130.00 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 79 GAL $3.00 $ 237.00 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture 2,C 139 TON $65.00 $ 9,035.00 Type SP 12.5 Non Wear Course Mixture 3,C 186 TON $70.00 $ 13,020.00 Traffic Control 1 LS $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow 255 CY $56.00 $ 14,280.00 Erosion Control Blanket - Category 2 1404 SY $3.25 $ 4,563.00 Turf Establishment 1 LS $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Connect To Existing Watermain 2 EA $1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Salva e And Reinstall Hydrant, 6" Pipe And 6" Gate Valve 1 LS $2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 Hydrant 5 EA $3,700.00 $ 18,500.00 6" Watermain PCV C900 63 LF $30.00 $ 1,890.00 8" Watermain PCV C900 32 LF $30.00 $ 960.00 12" Watermain PCV C900 4824 LF $40.00 $ 192,960.00 16" Watermain PCV C900 0 LF $60.00 $ - 6" Gate Valve And Box 6 EA $1,350.00 $ 8,100.00 8" Gate Valve And Box 0 EA $1,900.00 $ - 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 7 EA $2,500.00 $ 17,500.00 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 0 EA $3,000.00 $ - 6" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borin 0 LF $150.00 $ - 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borit 70 LF $200.00 $ 14,000.00 16" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Bori 0 LF $233.00 $ - Watermain Fittings 6290 LBS $4.50 $ 28,305.00 Testing Watermain 1 LS $1,500.00 1 $ 1,500.00 Total - Option #3 - 12" Trunk and Connect to Existing 10" $396,669.00 OPTION #1 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $396,669 35% Administration, Legal, Engineering, & Contingency $59,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $456,169 Option #3 RIGHT-OF-WAY / EASEMENT Needed 1.35 Acres S:\MunicipaMOTSEGO\901\2016\DAYTON UTILITIES\Dayton Utilities EngEst.xlsx Page 3 of Otsego/Dayton Watermain Connection ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE Ontion #4 -16" Trunk and Connect to Existina 10" Item No. Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Total Estimated Extension Mobilization, Bonding & Insurance 5% 1 LS $24,927.00 $ 24,927.00 Bituminous Pavement Removal 1652 SY $5.00 $ 8,260.00 Sawing Bit Pavement Full Depth) 26 LF $5.00 $ 130.00 Concrete Curb Removal 1206 LF $5.00 $ 6,030.00 Concrete Curb B618 1206 LF $15.00 $ 18,090.00 6" Watermain Removal 705 LF $5.00 $ 3,525.00 CI 5 Aggregate Base 621 Ton $15.00 $ 9,315.00 CI 2 Aggregate Shouldering 5 Ton $50.00 $ 250.00 Mill Bituminous Surface 1.5" 13 SY $10.00 $ 130.00 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 79 GAL $3.00 $ 237.00 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture 2,C 139 TON $65.00 $ 9,035.00 Type SP 12.5 Non Wear Course Mixture 3,C 186 TON $70.00 $ 13,020.00 Traffic Control 1 LS $1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow 255 CY $56.00 $ 14,280.00 Erosion Control Blanket - Category 2 1404 SY $3.25 $ 4,563.00 Turf Establishment 1 LS $2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Connect To Existing Watermain 2 EA $1,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Salvage And Reinstall H drant, 6" Pipe And 6" Gate Valve 1 LS $2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 H drant 5 EA $3,700.00 $ 18,500.00 6" Watermain PCV C900 63 LF $30.00 $ 1,890.00 8" Watermain PCV C900 32 LF $30.00 $ 960.00 12" Watermain PCV C900 0 LF $40.00 $ - 16" Watermain PCV C900 4824 LF $60.00 $ 289,440.00 6" Gate Valve And Box 6 EA $1,350.00 $ 8,100.00 8" Gate Valve And Box 0 EA $1,900.00 $ - 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 0 EA $2,500.00 $ - 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 7 EA $3,000.00 $ 21,000.00 6" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borin 0 LF $150.00 $ - 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Borii 0 LF $200.00 $ - 16" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt./ Fast Grip Gasket, Installed by Jacking and Bori 70 LF $233.00 $ 16,310.00 Watermain Fittings 10395 LBS $4.50 $ 46,777.50 Testing Watermain 1 1 LS 1 $1,500.00 1 $ 1,500.00 Total - Option #4 -16" Trunk and Connect to Existing 10" $523,469.50 OPTION #1 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $523,470 35% Administration, Legal, Engineering, & Contingency $78,521 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $601,991 Option #4 RIGHT-OF-WAY / EASEMENT Needed 1.35 Acres S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\2016\DAYTON UTILITIES\Dayton Utilities EngEst.xlsx Page 4 of 4 (RIVER ROAD) SEC 36 0n T 1 21 N R23W �n G ALL OPTIONS - 70 LF SLEEVED BODING/JACKING 20' EASEMENT ;ADJACENT TO — CSAH 36 TO! BE OBTAINED OR COUNTY ROW PERMIT OPTION #2 + 70 LF SLEEVED BORING/JACKING I U- WATERMAIN ASEMENT TO BE OBTAINED WATERMAIN TO FOLLOW PROPERTY LINE �15' FROM FORCEMAIN 1 30' EXISTING EASEMENT FOR D YTON FORCEMAIN OPTIONS #1, 2,13 - 12" WATERMAIN OPTION #4 - 1 0" WATERMAIN 9TH STREET N.E, / Z SEC 1 `Pf ' T1 20N R23M- w I �. M/SS/SS/ PPI DAYTON RIVER RD 8 PVC WATERMA, N Z a F- a 3 U a Z - o OPTION #1 & 2 - EX. 6" WATERMAIN _F- OPTION #2 - 12" WATERMAIN o a OPTION 43 - 16" WATERMAIN D z Ld ° P a # ov BATES. N J a OPTION 42 6" WATERMAIN LOOP 20' EASEMENT TO BE OBTAINED z DATE Q RIVER U d CHURCH HYDRANTS 8" PVC WATERMAIN REVISION DEMO gy: BMLHakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 c�TT allBML 0 NINTA DPAr,N K. 0M 9f. RJW 8" PVC — WATERMAIN 100 0 100 200 SCALE IN FEET ............................................................................................................... OTSEGO/DAYTON SHEEP WATERMAIN CONNECTION I OF 1 2,/7/1 6 FILE NO. OT532 SHEETS " 1 1 Minnesota Department of Health Interconnection Policy Neighboring community public water systems (PWSs) often use interconnection as a water management strategy. While these strategies improve reliability and security, liability, costs, and unintended consequences are also important considerations. Physical, chemical, or hydraulic compatibilities are often forgotten elements when developing a water -sharing agreement. Minnesota Rules 4720.0040 requires the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) approve interconnection agreements between municipalities. This policy describes requirements for MDH approval of interconnections between distinct community PWSs. It includes a summary section which describes applicable durations, extensions, documentation, and required actions. Lastly, guidance section found at the end of this document may serve as a planning resource. Regulatory Compliance The activation of a physical interconnection causes changes to distributed water quality, including water compatibility and stability, some of which are directly related to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The most relevant example of applicable regulation is the Lead and Copper Rule Short - Term Revisions and Clarifications, Section 141.90(a)(3), which requires any PWS deemed to have optimized corrosion control to notify the MDH in writing, of any new source(s) or long-term change(s) in water treatment. It charges the primacy agencies and public water utilities to anticipate change and minimize impact when a "long-term" treatment or source change is made. MDH is expected to review and approve any "long-term" interconnection plans. However, further definition of "long-term" has not been provided in regulations, leaving that task to policy. Policy The MDH Drinking Water Protection Section (DWP) has defined interconnections based on active connection duration. Long-term interconnections have durations of at least six months and trigger regulatory requirements such as the CFR (Code of Federal Register) 141.90(a)(3) Lead and Copper Page 1 of 6 Rule Short -Term Revisions and Clarifications. Interim interconnections have durations between one and six months. Short-term interconnections must terminate within one month of activation. The MDH DWP may approve the extension of a short-term or interim interconnection, upon written request, for up to one or three months, respectively. Community PWSs participating in an approved interconnection must notify the MDH DWP within three days of activating the interconnection. Any two community PWSs with a physical interconnection between their distribution systems are expected to enter into a water -sharing agreement. Community PWSs should follow the included interconnection plan guidance in order to obtain MDH interim or long-term interconnection approval. Standan Short -Term Ini A short-term int( one month. It is in order to, meet food processing, PWSs must notif interconnection. Applicable emeri • Failure of • Catastrop • Contamir • CompletE • Reduced • Reduced Interim Intern luration of as long as emergency situation mtial or commercial use. Community 2d short-term An Interim Interconnection may last for up to six months. Its use is intended for: • Construction • Capacity management • Substantial modifications to a community PWS • Longer -term emergency situations (up to six months) Because water quality changes are expected following activation of an interim interconnection, the interconnection plan should include a discussion of water quality compatibility as well as Page 2 of 6 evaluations of lead and copper release, disinfection byproduct formation, taste and odor effects, and any other potential Safe Drinking Water Act regulatory compliance or aesthetic issues. The agreement must also describe any strategies to minimize adverse consequences to regulated contaminants. Community PWSs must notify the MDH DWP within three days of activation of any approved interim interconnection. The MDH DWP may include requirements for additional monitoring or adjustments of compliance schedules with approval of an interconnection plan. Such requirements will be intended to improve observation and evaluation of processes including but not limited to corrosion control treatment, disinfectant residual maintenance, and disinfection byproduct formation. Long -Term Interconnection A Loi Com Inter cons regu Bypr Beca the I evalt and; Inter is intended for: Long -Term sale or iltiple SDWA id Disinfection erconnection, is well as odor effects, issues. The aences to regulated contaminants. DWP may include requirements for additional monitoring or adjustments of SDWA compliance schedules with approval of an interconnection Plan. Such requirements are intended to improve observation and evaluation of processes, including but not limited to corrosion control treatment, disinfectant residual maintenance, and disinfection byproduct formation. The Categories document provides details for duration, extensions, documentation, and actions. Page 3 of 6 Procedure The MDH DWP expects water quality concerns to be addressed in all interconnection plans submitted for review. At a minimum, all water -sharing agreements should lay out a basic communication requirement between the buyer and seller that states when and how problems should be communicated. Given the variation in types of problem, the agreement may include different policies to address different types of problems. PWSs shall monitor for water quality problems that may develop within the distribution systems. Most agreements specify water will meet minimum criteria at the interconnection, yet the levels of many regulated contaminants may change as water travels to a consumer's tap. Furthermore, water purchasers or sellers may need to perform unanticipated actions over time in order to comply with changing regulations. Examples of possible necessary steps may be water main flushing, treatment facility construction, or booster station installation. The effectiveness of a water -sharing agreement ultimately depends on involved parties understanding, all possible implications. The interconnection plan guidance section provides specific examples for discussion. Summary Short -Term Interim Long -Term Interconnection Interconnection Interconnection Duration Up to 1 month 1 to 6 months At least 6 months Extension One month Three months Possibility (per MDH approval) (per MDH approval) • Water -sharing • Water -sharing • Water -sharing agreement agreement agreement Documentation . Hydraulic analysis • Hydraulic analysis • Hydraulic analysis • Interconnection plan • Interconnection plan • Notify the MDH • Submit an • Submit an DWP about need interconnection plan interconnection plan -or- to the MDH DWP at to the MDH DWP at • Notify MDH DWP least 3 months prior least 3 months prior at least 3 days prior to activation to activation Requirements* to activation • Notify the MDH DWP • Notify the MDH DWP within 3 days of within 3 days of activation activation Page 4 of 6 *Minnesota Rules 4720.0040 Municipality Approval of Water Supply Contracts Interconnection Plan Guidance A community PWS requesting interim or long-term (not short-term) interconnection approval should follow the guidance provided below. Questions or requests for technical assistance may be directed to the community PWS's MDH district engineer the MDH DWP central office, which may be reached by phone at 651-201-4700. Interim or Long -Term Interconnection Information Anticipated Start Date Expected End Date Expected Duration (months) Community Public Water System (PWS) Information Supplying CPWS Name Supplying CPWS ID Supplying Pressure Zones) Receiving CPWS Name Receiving CPWS ID Receiving Pressure Zone(s) Water -Sharing Agreement - Requirements Issue Consideration Example(s) Addressed (YIN) Finished water compatibility surface I ground I hardness Water age issues disinfectionbyproducts Water quality issues corrosion I iron I taste Disinfection compatibility chlorine. I chloramines Corrosion control compatibility lead I copper I phosphate Service area delineation current I future I growth Hydraulic analysis mixing I isolation valves I flushing Communication prior notice I complaints Water -Sharing Agreement - Recommendations Issue Consideration Example(s) Addressed (YIN) Agreement review process frequency I changes Agreement non-conformance SDWA compliance I penalties Water pressure limits max I min I mean Water flow daily mean max I min Service areas current future Production capacity seasonal I regional per interconnect Wholesale meter ownership responsible party Wholesale meter maintenance responsible party Costs, depreciation, and billing in agreement I separate document Service interruption management communication Conservation measures transfer I sharing I compatibility Non -revenue water accounting I cost I long-term issues Page 5 of 6 Page 6 of 6