06-21-16 Parks and Rec Minutes ITEM 3.1
June 21, 2016
7:00 PM
Call to Order.
Chair Angie Dehn called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Roll Call: Chair Angie Dehn; Commissioners: Jim Breitbach, Doug Cassady, Cara Husak,
Angela Hilde and Derrick Stark. Absent: Commissioner Corey Tanner.
City Council: Mayor Jessica Stockamp and City Council Member Doug Schroeder.
Staff: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director and Connie Schwecke, Recreation
Administrative Assistant.
1. Open Forum.
Jody and Julia Pobuda, PO Box 312, Elk River, presented a power point with
pictures of her 5K Run/Walk fundraiser which was held Saturday June 4 at Prairie
Park. Ms. Pobuda thanked the Commissioners for allowing her to host this 5K
where she raised $4,666 for Children Life Services at Children’s Hospital.
2. Consider agenda approval.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant requested to add 5.1a Norin Landing SRF Grant
Writing Proposal to the agenda.
Commissioner Cassady motioned to approve the amended agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner Stark. All in favor. Motion carried.
3. Consider Meeting Minutes.
3.1 May 17, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Commissioner Breitbach motioned to approve the Regular Minutes.
Seconded by Commissioner Husak. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Unfinished Business.
4.1 Review of Parks and Recreation Goals.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented and reviewed the 2016 Parks and
Recreation Goals. The Commissioners agreed to have a breakout work session to review
2016 Goals and begin to develop 2017 Parks and Recreation Goals after the July 19
Commission meeting.
5. New Business.
5.1 Review of Norin Landing Concept Plan.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented.
Commissioner Husak questioned if SRF Consultants would be available to answer
questions at the meeting for community input. Parks and Recreation Director Demant
stated that it was not likely but SRF Consultants would design the Park Concept Plan
and staff would be available to answer questions from the public. Chair Dehn suggested
that the City engineer be present at the public hearing to answer any engineering
ITEM 3.1
questions that might arise. Commissioner Husak agreed. Parks and Recreation Director
Demant stated that we could have a representative from Hakanson Anderson available.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant suggested that item 5.1 and 5.1a could be
combined and voted on together. Chair Dehn agreed to combine the two items.
5.1a Norin Landing SRF Grant Writing Proposal.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented.
Commissioner Breitbach questioned how many DNR grants had been secured and
accepted by SRF Consultants. Parks and Recreation Director Demant stated that he had
thought that SRF Consultants had secured two DNR grants in the past. Commissioner
Breitbach also questioned how many grants had been denied. Parks and Recreation
Director Demant stated he did not ask SRF Consultants that question but would bring
the information back to the commissioners at the July meeting.
Chair Dehn questioned what agencies SRF Consultants had worked with. Parks and
Recreation Director Demant stated the DNR.
Commissioner Cassady asked if staff had reviewed other grant writing companies that
had been more successful. Parks and Recreation Director Demant stated he could
review and bring back more proposals from other companies.
After discussion, the Commissioners requested Parks and Recreation Director Demant to
bring back some different proposals and the success/failure rates from other grant
writing companies to the July Commission meeting.
Chair Dehn motioned to table Items 5.1 and 5.1a and directed the Parks and
Recreation Director to bring proposals from other consulting companies
forward to the July meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Hilde. All in favor.
Motion carried.
5.2 Review of Park and Trail Map.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented. Demant requested the
Commissioners to review and make changes to the new Park and Trail map.
Commissioners provided feedback and corrections. Demant stated he would bring an
updated Map, with their suggestions, to the next meeting for more review.
6. Parks and Recreation Director Update.
Parks and Recreation Director Demant presented. Demant reviewed the Northwood
Park progress, new summer recreation programs and the Prairie Festival.
Chair Dehn requested that the City have the festival schedule available by texting a 5
digit number.
7. City Council Reports.
ITEM 3.1
City Council member Doug Schroeder gave an update.
8. Adjourn.
Commissioner Breitbach motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Chair Dehn.
All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:12P.M.
Written by Connie Schwecke. Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant