ITEM 5.1_Truth in Taxation PresentationCITY OF sera ition Levy nput 0 December 12, 2016 Before We Start O Property Valuation Questions 9 That is not the focus of this meeting. The Board of Equalization meeting for those questions is held annually between April 1— May 31. Truth in Taxation o Required by Statute 275.065, subd. 7 O Purpose Discussion of 2017 Budgets Discussion of Levy for Taxes Payable in 2017 Public Input Budget Process — General Fund Staff prepare Proposed Budgets Proposed Budgets Reviewed • City Council & Staff • Occurs During Special City Council Meetings (open to public) Preliminary Tax Levy& Budget Certified September 26, 2016 Additional Budget Review Final Budget Adoption Truth in Taxation Public Input 1 Revenue Source Taxes Cable Franchise Fee Licenses & Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Investment Interest Miscellaneous Total Per Capita Pq �ZH ��Z 2016 2017 ($) 1 Budget Budget Chan $ 3,544,352 $ 3,763,273 $ 218,921 107,000 132,000 25,000 641,565 788,900 147,335 343,590 56,800 (286,790) 57,000 105,550 48,550 50,000 33,000 (17,000) 136,755 161,042 24,287 $ 4,880,262 $ 5,040,565 $ 160,303 $ 326 $ 326 2017 General Fund - Expenditures Parks & Recreation 11% Public Works 22% Other F'arKS & Other 5% General Recreation 2% 12% Government 26% Public Safety 36% Public Works 23% General Government 26% Public Safety 37% General Government City Council Administration Elections Assessing Finance Information Technology Legal Prairie Center City Hall & PW Building Old Town Hall Total 2016 2017 ($) Budget Budget Change Why? $ 116,276 $ 122,293 $ 6,017 469,467 457,164 (12,303) 291825 1,924 (27,901) No election in 2017 761941 81,623 4,682 2881531 318,400 29,869 Personnel (Step Increases +Insurance) 72,000 94,500 22,500 Increased Contract Hours +Computers 86,000 114,000 28,000 To reflect trends in prior year a ctua I s 33,877 32,149 (1,728) 82,351 109,656 27,305 Insurance+Copier Rental Reclassifications 500 2,640 2,140 $ 1,255,768 $ 1,334,349 $ 78,581 Per Capita $ 84 $ 86 11 Public Safety Pol ice Services Public Safety Commission Fire Protection Building Inspection Emergency Management Animal Control Total Per Capita 2016 2017 ($) Budget Budget Change Why? $ 978,200 $ 1,020,700 $ 42,500 Wright County Hourly Contract Rate (3.7% Increase) 2,850 2,850 - 497,462 539,094 41,632 Contract Basis Increase (Parcels +Tax Capacity) 250,588 287,174 36,586 Personnel (Steps) + Increase Metro West Hours 14,400 10,920 (3,480) 13,500 14,400 900 $ 1,757,000 $ 1,875,138 $ 118,138 $ 117 $ 121 11 2016 2017 ($) Budget Budget Change Why? Public Works Streets $ 689,681 $ 720,326 $ 30,645 Personnel (Step Increases +Workers Comp) Engi neeri ng 85,000 86,400 1,400 Street Lighting 115,968 117,000 1,032 FI eet Ma i ntena nce 208,303 213,002 4,699 Tota 1 $ 1,098,952 $ 1,136,728 $ 37,776 Per Capita $ 73 $ 73 11 Culture & Recreation Park Maintenance Recreation Heritage Preservation Commission Total 2016 Budget 2017 Budget $ 381,806 $ 390,811 151,396 191,229 2,450 2,450 ($) Chan W hv? $ 9,005 Personnel (Step Increases +Workers Comp) 39,833 Personnel (Pay Classification) + Prairie Festival $ 535,652 $ 584,490 $ 48,838 Per Capita $ 36 $ 38 11 Economic Development PlanningCommission Planning Economic Development Transfers Interfund Transfers Total 2016 2017 Wdget BudgE $ 3,000 $ 4,000 88,000 91,200 14,300 14,660 ($) Chan W hv? $ 1,000 Expect additional meetings 3,200 To reflect trends in prior year actuals 360 127,590 - (127,590) LGA Revenues -Allocated to Pavement Fund $ 232,890 $ 109,860 $ (123,030) Per Capita $ 16 $ 7 2017 Tax Levy - Factors Market Value Wright County is responsible for valuations Current environment has an increasing trend 2016 Assessment / 2017 Payable 11% Increase O Tax Capacity • No legislative changes in class rate system • Change dependent upon market value • New Construction Residential — 395 New Permits (2014 + 2015) Commercial & Industrial — Gateway North 2017 Tax Levy - Factors Tax Levy City Increase of $609,539 Growing City = Growing Needs (General Revenues) Planning for the Future (Capital Reserves) Debt Service Economic Development (Tax Abatements) o Other Districts • Wright County • School Districts o Elk River (#728), STMA (#885) & Monticello (#882) 2016 EM 2017 EMM ($) Levy Levy Change Components of Tax Levy General Revenue $ 3,529,352 $ 3,766,000 $ 236,648 Capital Reserves 762,040 1,127,360 365,320 Debt Service 640,000 655,000 15,000 Tax Abatements 88,814 81,385 (7,429) Tota 1 $ 5,020,206 $ 5,629,745 $ 609,539 Per Capita Comparisons City of Otsego $ 335 $ 364 8.49% Statewide $ 463 n/a Source = LMC Tax Rate Comparisons City of Otsego 37.921 37.879 -0.11% Statewide 46.520 n/a Source = LMC Region 7W 47.165 n/a Source = LMC Metro Cities (10-25k) 46.960 n/a Source = LMC Greater MN Cities (10-25k) 52.448 n/a Source = LMC City of Rogers 37.879 38.687 Source = County City of Elk River 46.170 46.070 Source = City City of St. Michael 37.772 37.484 Source = County City of Al bertvi I I e 52.370 51.566 Source = County 2017 Tax Levy — Tax Capac 16% ■ Residential ■ Commercial & Industrial ■ Agricultural Personal Property 18% Residential Commercial & Industrial Agricultural ity 2016 5% 2% 2017 4% 3% 77 % 75% Residential Commercial & Agricultural Personal Industrial Property Personal Property 2016 2017 N Levy Levy Change Comments Residential Median Sale Price $ 295,238 $ 310,000 Less: Market Value Exclusion (10,669) (9,340) Taxable Market Value 284,569 300,660 Class Rate 1.00% 1.00% Tax Capacity 2,846 3,007 City of Otsego - Tax Rate 37.921 37.879 City of Otsego - Estimated Taxes $ 1,079 $ 1,139 Commercial Arbitrary Example $ 700,000 $ 700,000 Tax Capacity 13,250 13,250 City of Otsego - Tax Rate 37.921 37.879 5.00% Source- Edina Realty (Value) / Increase % (County) Max Benefit = $30,400 / Phase Out = $413,778 Subtract MV Exclusion from Estimated MV Set by Legislature (Over $500k is 1.25%) Taxable MV Multiplied by Class Rate -0.11% Tax Levy Divided by Tax Capacity * 100 5.53% Tax Capacity Multiplied by Tax Rate 0.00% No change so that tax rate changes are evident Class Rates are 1.50% - 2.00% City of Otsego - Estimated Taxes $ 5,025 $ 5,019 -0.11% Tax Capacity Multiplied by Tax Rate D17 Tax Lpvv - D-I-qtr-IhHt-Ir Tax Rates City of Otsego Wright County School District School District- RMV Tota I Tax Rate Estimated Taxes of Median Sale Price City of Otsego Wright County School District School District- RMV Total Estimated Property Taxes 2016 Levy 1 2017 1 Levy M Change 37.921 37.879 -0.11% 39.970 39.604 -0.92% 39.266 37.197 -5.27% 19.441 19.367 -0.38% 136.598 134.047 -1.87% $ 1,079 $ 1,139 5.53% 1,137 1,191 4.69% 1,117 1,118 0.09% 574 600 4.53% $ 3,908 $ 4,048 3.58% Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) O 10 Year Plan (2017-2026) o The CIP does not provide final authority on City Council approves each item specifically before expenditures incurred (40 Estimated 2017 Investment = $513741250 9 Proposed items have feasible funding sources Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) O Significant 2017 Items Public Utility Systems Rehabilitation of Water Tower #1 - $446k Water Main Extension to Well #7 - $1.525M Streets Maintenance & Reconstruction - $1M o 85t" & Maciver Street Construction - $850k Parks - $760k o Norin Landing & Lefebvre Creek Greenway Vehicle Fleet - $399k uni L-J Sanitary Storm Water Sewer Water Public Utility Funds Operating $ 1,153,850 $ 1,598,576 $ 100,000 Non -Operating 168,588 - - Total Revenues 1,322,438 1,598,576 100,000 Personal Services 91,516 274,545 12,000 Supplies 212,486 164,703 22,500 Services & Other Charges 467,657 549,382 29,800 Capital Outlay 1,764,380 228,635 - Depreciation 510,000 925,000 23,000 Debt Servi ce 100,000 100,000 - Interfund Transfers 48,561 155,481 5,000 Total Expenses 3,194,600 2,397,746 92,300 Net Income / (Loss) $ (1,872,162) $ (799,170) $ 7,700 [)Pht Sprvicc- Des cri Pti on Revenues Taxes Special Assessments Utility Availability + Connection Charges Investment Earnings I nterfund Transfers Subtotal Expenditures Principal Interest Fiscal Agent Fee's Debt Service Amortizations Subtotal Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Actual Actual Year -to -Date Budget Budget 2014 2015 2016 2016 2017 $ 303,035 $ 610,000 $ 320,000 $ $ 655,000 682,089 539,160 568,177 438,681 2,402,922 1,760,425 3,226,881 1,726,000 145,095 47,219 - - - 154,000 50,000 49,000 3,533,142 3,110,804 4,165,058 2,868,681 6,575,000 1,130,000 3,210,000 3,160,000 1,368,571 1,263,180 1,239,608 1,172,859 2,866 4,630 2,475 4,750 - (78,882) - (78,882) 7,946,437 2,318,928 4,452,083 - 4,258,727 $ (4,413,295) $ 791,877 $ (287,025) $ $ (1,390,046) Alk -0 Description Alk Actual 2014 NFre Actual 2015 , Year -to -Date Budget 2016 2016 Budget 2017 Revenues _ Taxes $ 22,911 $ 23,000 $ 44,407 $ $ 81,385 Charges for Services 117,476 27,006 12,007 10,000 Investment Earnings ' 4,953 2,333 - - Miscellaneous - 26,371 - - Subtotal 145,339 78,710 56,414 91,385 Expenditures Services & Other Charges 50,612 59,060 48,426 91,385 Subtotal 50,612 59,060 48,426 91,385 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures $ 94,727 $ 19,651 $ 7,988 $ $ - Remaining Steps o City Council to take Public Input o Consideration of Resolutions Adopting the 2017 Annual Operating Budgets Setting the Final Tax Levy for Payable 2017 Adopting the 2017-2026 CI P Questions Adam Flaherty, Finance Director aflaherty@ci.otsego.mn.us (763) 441-4414