91-09RESOLUTION NO. 91-9 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING WRIGHT COUNTY'S PLANNING AND ZONING RECORDS REGARDING OTSEGO TO THE CITY OF OTSEGO WHEREAS, the County of Wright has been, up to recently, the jurisdiction controlling Planning and Zoning within the City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has permanently taken over all aspects of planning and zoning for the entire City of Otsego; and WHEREAS, the records regarding planning and zoning for the City of Otsego are currently in the possession of the Wright County Planning and Zoning Office. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the records in the Wright County Planning and Zoning Office regarding Otsego shall be hereby transferred to the City of Otsego. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall maintain these files permanently and safeguard said files. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Otsego will cooperate in providing copies of any information contained in the transferred files to the Wright County Planning and Zoning Office whenever the Wright County Planning and Zoning Office requires such information. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Otsego will comply with the Government Data Practices Act (Minn. Stat. Chapter 13) with regard to the handling of all transferred files. Motion for ado ' onof s lution made by and seconded by -2 - In Favor: Opposed: AZDate Mayor, City of Otsego