ITEM 5.1Item 5.1a I) 0 tseF CITY O MISOTA TO: Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission FROM: Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Director DATE: January 9, 2017 RE: Proposal for Professional Services for Park Development for Lefebvre Creek Greenway Background: Parks and Recreation Commissioners reviewed an initial concept plan for the Lefebvre Creek Greenway Park which is situated in the Boulder Creek Development at their August 12, 2016 meeting. That review included adding amenities and features to make the park safer and more natural. The developer was initially going to build the park in exchange for park dedication credit. After discussions between City staff and the developer, it was determined that the City would assume responsibility for any additional public park and trail improvements within Boulder Creek and Boulder Creek 2nd Addition. With the City taking the lead with the planning and construction of Lefebvre Creek Greenway Park, City staff is recommending to use SRF Consulting Group Inc. for professional planning services for the plan phase of the park construction. The City has relied on SRF's services for construction of Frankfort Park, Beaudry Meadows Park, Kitteredge Crossings Park, Zimmer Farm Park, and most recently Northwood Park. SRF is also currently working with the City to build Norin Landing; this relationship would be the same as the one being proposed for Lefebvre Creek Greenway Park. Some keys points of SRF's proposal: Meetings with the Commission, Council, and Staff Developing 2 conceptual designs Assisting in the facilitation of a neighborhood meeting Assists with the coordination of the pre -construction process Work directly with equipment vendors Assist with the oversight during the construction SRF's proposal amount is $24,500 to provide these services. Fess are only charged when services are rendered, so if part of service is scaled back or not needed then the amount of the contract will decrease. Conclusion: Staff is requesting that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the material included in this memo and provide a recommendation to the City Council to use SRF Consulting Group Inc. for professional services for park development for Lefebvre Creek Greenway Park. 2