ITEM 1 Feasibiltly Study/Kadler Aveou"'.1 o MINNESOTA V DEPARTMENT INFORMATION Request for City Council Action ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: REQUESTOR: MEETING DATE: Public Works City Engineer Wagner January 23, 2017 PRESENTER(s): REVIEWED BY: ITEM #: City Engineer Wagner Interim City Administrator 1.0 watermain, sanitary main and storm sewer, and are outlined in the attached feasibility report. Flaherty improvements. City staff will review each of these scenarios with the City Council. City Staff would be AGENDA ITEM DETAILS RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council review the feasibility report for the construction of Kadler Avenue from 70th Street to the north for Y2 mile. ARE YOU SEEKING APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT? IS A PUBLIC HEARING REQUIRED? No Not at this time. BACKGROUND/JUSTIFICATION: To facilitate the development of an industrial park proposed to be located on two 40 acre parcels directly north of the West 1-94 Industrial Park, public improvements must be constructed. The property owner petitioned the City Council and paid for a feasibility report which provides a preliminary examination of the public improvements necessary. These improvements include a typical industrial type street with watermain, sanitary main and storm sewer, and are outlined in the attached feasibility report. The feasibility report outlines three potential scenarios that would allocate the costs of the public improvements. City staff will review each of these scenarios with the City Council. City Staff would be seeking direction from the Council on the preferred cost allocation should the project move forward. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: x ATTACHED o NONE List: Feasibility Report (draft) POSSIBLE MOTION Please word motion as you would like it to appear in the minutes. No motion is needed as staff is looking for direction. A final feasibility report will be included on the February 13th City Council Meeting for acceptance by resolution. RLIDGET INFORMATION FUNDING: BUDGETED NO To be Determined CITY OF 0 Ot MINNESOTA FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PROPOSED PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR KADLER AVENUE FROM 70TH STREET TO % MILE NORTH CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA January 2017 Prepared by: Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone: 763-427-5860 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\397\Feasibility Report\ot397 Feasibility.doc 26052 i Rona'l`d"J�.`)IV�Ener Reg. No. Date / S:\Municipal\AOTSEGO\397\Feasibility Report\ot397 Feasibility.doc TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................... 1 II. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS................................................................ 1 A. Project Location................................................................................. 1 B. Existing Conditions............................................................................. 1 C. Proposed Improvements.................................................................... 2 III. INITIATION............................................................................................... 3 IV. FEASIBILITY.............................................................................................3 V. RIGHT-OF-WAY / EASEMENTS.............................................................. 3 VI. PERMITS.................................................................................................. 3 VII. COMPLETION.......................................................................................... 4 VIII. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE .................................................... 4 i. Table I — Project Schedule ................................................... 4 IX. PROPOSED FUNDING............................................................................ 5 A. Estimated Project Cost........................................................................ 5 ii. Table II — Summary of Project Cost ..................................... 5 B. Proposed Funding............................................................................... 5 C. Estimated Assessment........................................................................ 6 iii. Table III — Benefiting Property Assessment Summary......... 7 XII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .............................................. 7 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A - PROJECT LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT B - PROPOSED TYPICAL STREET SECTION EXHIBIT C - BENEFITING PROPERTIES EXHIBIT EXHIBIT D - ENGINEER'S COST ESTIMATE EXHIBIT E - ASSESSEMENT OPTIONS PROPOSED PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY FOR KADLER AVENUE FROM 70TH STREET TO % MILE NORTH CITY OF OTSEGO, MN I. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Feasibility Report is to present the City of Otsego with a preliminary examination of constructing public street utility improvements for Kadler Avenue NE from 70th Street NE to Y2 mile north in Otsego, Minnesota (see Exhibit A — Project Location Map). The report discusses the proposed scope of improvements, preliminary cost estimates and a project schedule. The report has been prepared in compliance with Minnesota State Statutes 429 for projects resulting in special assessments. II. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS A. Project Location The proposed project will reconstruct and widen the existing Kadler Avenue NE from 70th Street NE to 'h mile north. This section of Kadler Avenue NE is located along the South 1/2 of the section line between Section 26 and 27, Township 121N, Range 24W, in Otsego, Minnesota. The improvements will be located within the existing 33 -foot prescriptive right-of-way (ROW) along the east side of the Kadler Avenue NE and within the existing and proposed platted 75 -foot ROW along the west side of the street. B. Existing Conditions Kadler Avenue NE is a 24' wide gravel road with ditches and culverts typical of a rural road in Otsego, MN. The gravel section of road extends from 70th Street NE to 80th Street NE. The amount of existing gravel and soils have not been determined at this time as the ground has frozen solid and cannot be hand dug to check. No construction records existing for this gravel road. USDA soil maps indicate a mix of Angus -Cordova Complex (on higher areas/hills) and Cordova/Angus Loam (lower areas/d rainageways). There are a number of apparent wetlands adjacent to Kadler Avenue along the southern '/4 mile. Kadler Avenue appears to bisect one or two of these wetlands. We would assume that the road was "floated" over these wetlands. We recommend that soil borings be taken to better evaluate the subgrade conditions. An existing 16" watermain is located along the north side of 70th Street N. This line runs from Water Tower #3 to the Otsego 1-94 Industrial Park properties. An 8" gravity sanitary sewer main runs along the center of Kadler Avenue NE from the north property line of the Otsego 1-94 Industrial Park to a future connection of Kittredge Parkway NE. Both the watermain and gravity sanitary sewer were installed with a 2006 water and sewer project. Also in 2006, another project ran a 6" forcemain from Riverwood National lift station along the east ditch of Kadler Avenue NE to connect to this gravity sewer and the future connection of Kittredge Parkway NE. Storm water is currently routed through the ditches to a number of wetlands in south Y2 of the proposed project area. The north '/z of the project area appears to drain overland to the east, along the east side of the road or to sit in one of two low areas along the west side of the Kadler Avenue. There are no apparent culverts under Kadler Avenue to outlet for these low areas. Based on the aerial photos and topography it is assumed that these areas are being drained using drain tile to the Kadler Avenue ditch north of here and then to the Otsego Creek. The existing right -or -way consists of mainly 33' prescriptive ROW with 75 foot of ROW along west side of Kadler Avenue for southern % mile. C. Proposed Improvements This proposed improvement project involves the construction of an urban City street in conformance to City standards for a local industrial type street. The industrial street will be 46 foot back of curb to back of curb without sidewalk or bituminous trail. The street alignment is proposed to follow the approximate center of the proposed right-of-way. Per state statute the existing Kadler Avenue has a speed limit of 55 MPH. Therefore, the new street will also have a 55 MPH design speed. A 42 -foot clear zone from the traveled lane edge is required with a 55 MPH design speed. 100% of the trees will need to be cleared from the 108 feet of ROW to meet this requirement A 16" trunk watermain will be located within the street for the entire length of project. Stubs from the trunk main will be provided at strategic points to the east and west sides of Kadler Avenue for future connections. This watermain necessary to service the potential development of the properties on both sides of Kadler Avenue but is also required by a separate project with will take place in the future (possibly the same year) to extend City water to the Riverwood National development. The construction of this watermain should be included with this project but the cost has been separated from the other project costs as the funding is proposed to be from a different source. The funding will be discussed later in the report. The existing sanitary sewer will be stubbed to the ROW to service properties on both sides of Kadler Avenue. The storm water will be conveyed via curb and gutter and storm sewer pipe. The south approximate % mile is proposed to drain to the entire ROW to the existing storm water pond constructed by the Industrial Park. Further investigation as to if this pond can handle the additional drainage area or if some modifications are necessary for this pond to accommodate this extra storm water runoff. It was assumed that the proposed development west of Kadler Avenue and north of Otsego 1-94 Industrial Park will be required to dedicate the land necessary to construct these ponds as part of their plat. The ponds will be designed to handle the runoff the from fully developed land of the proposed development. The southern pond would drain to the large wetland complex on the east side of Kadler Avenue approximately % north of 70th Street. The 6 north pond would drain to the existing ditch on the east side of Kadler Avenue and flow to the Otsego Creek as it is assumed to do so now. An interim 100' diameter cul-de-sac may be constructed at the north end for vehicles to turn around. Communication with property owners along the 1 mile stretch from 70th Street to 80th Street to determine overall preference is warranted. III. INITIATION The feasibility report was initiated the property owner of PID's 118-800-274101 and 118-800-274100 and the potential developer of these properties. The property currently does not have the infrastructure to facilitate its planned zoning use thus causing the Otsego City Council to authorize the completion of this feasibility report for the infrastructure project. IV. FEASIBILITY From an engineering standpoint, the project is technically feasible and can be accomplished as proposed, and need not be constructed in conjunction with any other project. The City and the persons assessed should review the project for benefit to determine the economic feasibility of the proposed improvements. V. RIGHT-OF-WAY / EASEMENTS The proposed right-of-way will consist of the 33 feet of prescriptive ROW on the east side and 75 feet of platted ROW on the west side for a total of 108 feet wide. 75 feet of ROW was obtained along the west side of Kadler Avenue for southern % mile when Otsego 1-94 Industrial Park was platted. To avoid the need for obtaining ROW from the existing properties along the east side of Kadler Avenue NE it was assumed that the proposed development west of Kadler Avenue and north of Otsego 1-94 Industrial Park will be required to plat the next'/4 mile of 75 foot of ROW necessary to make the improvements mentioned in this report. The constructability of this project will be contingent on this potential development being platted as such. VI. PERMITS Wetland Conservation Act/BWSR permits will be required for the impact to the wetlands. There is potential that A Department of Natural Resources permit will be required if storm water is discharged towards the Otsego Creek. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency NPDES general construction permit will need to be obtained prior to construction starting. Typical MN Department of Health and MPCA permits required for the extension of municipal water and sewer lines will be obtained 3 VII. COMPLETION This project is proposed can be completed in a single construction season with the final lift of pavement being placed after one freeze/thaw cycle. It is assumed that the construction would take place during the 2017 construction season. VIII. PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE The schedule for this project will be affected by the date the City Council orders the preparation of plans and specifications. The schedule will also be contingent on the final platting or agreement with the property owner(s) of PID's 118-800-274101 and 118-800-274100. A more precise project schedule will be prepared by our office once the City Council has determined these dates. We have prepared a preliminary schedule shown in the following table. Table I City of Otsego Proposed Public Street and Utility For Kadler Avenue From 70th Street To % Mile North Preliminary Project Schedule 2017 1. City Council Receives Feasibility Report February 13 and Schedules Public Hearing 2. City Council Holds Public Hearing for Improvement Project Unless Waiver March 13 From Assessed Property is Obtained 3. Council Order Plans and Specs March 13 4. City Council Approves Plans and Specifications and City Council Approves May 22 and Authorizes to Advertise for Bid 5. Open Bids June 20 6. City Council Considers Award of June 26 Contract or Discontinues Process 7. If Awarded, Contractor Completes Substantial Completion: October 15 Construction Final wear course: June 2018 8. City Council Holds Assessment Hearing and Adopts Assessment Roll Unless June or July, 2018 Waiver From Assessed Property is Obtained 4 IX. PROPOSED FUNDING A. Estimated Project Cost Included in this report is a detailed estimate of construction costs for the proposed public street and utility improvements. The costs and quantities quoted herein are estimates only and are not guaranteed. The contractor will be paid only for work completed. The watermain has been separated out as the proposed funding is not proposed to be part of the assessment. A summary of the estimated cost is as follows: Table II City of Otsego Kadler Avenue Street and Utility Improvements Preliminary Cost Estimate - Rural Section ITEM ESTIMATED COST STREET $ 844,956.70 SANITARY SEWER $ 23,480.00 STORM SEWER $ 93,430.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 961,867.00 OVERHEAD 25% $ 240,467.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $ 1,202,334.00 A detailed cost estimate is located in Exhibit E. At this time, overhead consists of 15% for contract administration, survey and easement description, engineering, construction observation, legal and construction staking. 10% is for contingency, understanding that no soil boring has occurred and no detailed plans have been prepared. B. Proposed Funding The funding for this project is expected to be provided by two sources, the assessment of the benefiting property owners and the City of Otsego. The City of Otsego will likely have to initially fund the entire cost of the project and be reimbursed a portion of the costs through assessments and future street access fees. The most likely source of funding would be a General Obligation/Revenue Bonds. The City Council and the Finance Director will need to determine the best source of funding if the project moves forward. 5 The project costs could be assessed to the benefiting properties (see Exhibit D). The benefiting property owners are proposed to be assessed a portion of the $1,202,334.00 for the street, storm sewer and sanitary sewer improvements. The City of Otsego will fund the trunk watermain portion of the project using WAC fees. C. Estimated Assessment By dividing the total benefiting property assessment cost ($1,202,334.00) by the linear foot of property abutting the improvement, a cost per linear foot was determined to be approximately $230/If. The issue with assessing per linear foot or other methods based on area or per parcel is several properties adjacent to the project could claim zero or minimal benefit from the project based on existing access or current use of property. Assessment amounts by law must be equal to or less than the benefit the parcel received unless waived by formal agreement. Parcels 3 & 4 (see map Exbibit D for parcel #) have access to a street constructed for industrial type uses. Parcels 5 & 6 are currently being used as agricultural and their future land use are shown as office and commercial in the Comprehensive Plan. Development of that type may be years away. Therefore, the only viable assessment would be on Parcels 1 & 2, the petitioner's property. Three assessment options have been derived. Assessment Option 1 follows the assessment per linear foot fairly close and assigns 25% of the project cost as assessment on Parcels 1 & 2. This leaves over $900,000 to be paid by the City of Otsego. Assessment Option 2 determines the potential traffic that the petition's property would create and assesses based on street access fees that would be required to be paid by the developer if the proposed project were already in place. This option has the petitioner paying $870,754.50 on approximately 72.4% of the project cost. The City of Otsego estimated cost would be $331,579.50. At the time of future development of Parcels 5 & 6, the City would recoup some of those costs. The amount the City would recoup in the future would be at least $189,475.00. Assessment Option 3 deems that the petitioner pay 50% of the project costs based on Parcels 1 & 2 are the only benefitting property on the west side of the street. The City of Otsego would need to fund the remaining 50% or $601,167.00. As stated earlier in the report, funding of project would likely need to be by the City through a Go/Revenue Bond. Assessments would pay for a portion of this. L Table III Benefiting Property Assessment Summary for Proposed Public Street and Utility Improvements For Kadler Avenue From 70th Street To % Mile North PARCEL # PID# OWNER ASSESSMENT OPTIONS OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 1 118-800-274101 Signature Bank $150,291.75 $435,377.25 $300,583.50 2 118-800-274100 Signature Bank $150,291.75 $435,377.25 $300,583.50 3 118-238-002030 SHB Investors LLC 0 0 0 4 118-238-002040 SHB Investors LLC 0 0 0 5 118-800-263200 Kenneth & Margaret Zachman 0 0 0 6 1 118-800-263201 1 Michael Zachman 0 0 0 CITY $901,750.50 $331,579.50 $601,167.00 X. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This report analyzed the feasibility of constructing street and utility improvements along Kadler Avenue from 70th Street to Y2 mile north. The project can be accomplished as proposed, and need not be constructed in conjunction with any other project. The City and the persons assessed should review the project for benefit to determine the economic feasibility of the proposed improvements. The proposed improvements are necessary, cost effective and feasible from a technical and engineering standpoint, and benefits the properties shown on Table III and Exhibit D. 7 EXHIBIT A PROJECT LOCATION S 2 OF SECT 26, T121, R23 S ; OF SECT 27, T121, R23 otCITY OF se o MINNESOTA 1�Hakanson 111111Anderson 375 0 375 750 SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT A (1T-407 II II �I n W z I I n n n u II I� II I� II I� II n II ryn II II > a x J -_ -_ - _-- --- - 74TH yr SIL a - _ _ _____ KAHLER Cl CLE --- PROJECT LOCATION p Z W F s f N.E. 71t STREET w • h i w -- ----- F!:E. 70th STREET RURpNCTCN CITY OF ALBERTVILLE NpR��N 1�Hakanson 111111Anderson 375 0 375 750 SCALE IN FEET EXHIBIT A (1T-407 EXHIBIT B W z J I - Of W CL 0 0- TYPICAL SECTIONS 12' SHOULDER I THRU LANE B618 CONCRETE -j CURB & GUTTER PLACED ON APPROVED SUBGRADE r � otiTV 0r- fgo s.�INUESOT 12' THRU LANE SHOULDER SLOPE 1/4' PER FT. 2% MIS SLOPE A & B BITUMINOUS MAT L-- C CLASS 5 GRAVEL BASE (MODIFIED) 47' WIDTH D APPROVED SUBGRADE 48' WIDTH LEGEND AASHTP R VALUE SIGMA N18 BITUMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE WEAR NON -WEAR CLASS 5 OR 6 CLASS 3 OR 4 SUBGRADE 2350 2350 3138 3138 SOIL CLASS LVWE45030B LVNW35030B C* D* A-3 R-70 < 90,000 ** 2" ** 2 1/2" ** 5" - A-4 R-20 < 90,000 2" 2 1/2" 5" - A-6 R-15 <_ 90,000 2" 2 1/2" 5" 12" A-7 R-10 < 90,000 2" 2 1/2" 6" 18" R-5 <-90,000) 2" 2 1/2" 6" 24" * SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY QUALIFIED SOILS ENGINEER ** MINIMUM ALLOWABLE DESIGN THICKNESS NOTES: R VALUE IS A MEASURE OF EMBANKMENT SOIL RESISTANCE STRENGTH AS DETERMINED BY THE HVEEM STABILOMETER METHOD SIGMA N18 VALUE IS THE CUMULATIVE DAMAGE EFFECT OF VEHICLES DURING THE DESIGN LIFE OF A FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. LOCAL INDUSTRIAL URBAN STREET SECTION - 10 TON NO SCALE Hakanson Anderson 1EXHIBIT B OT397 EXHIBIT C 19625 0 Lo LO M BENEFITING PROPERTIES (6) ii 118-800-271400 ii 118-800-262301 II otCI` Y OF o MINNESOTA 71. \j 118-800-274101 7423 O I � ------ '--- 118-800-263201 118-800-274100 I X7326 ---- T02), om ;L, ----- -- o 0 0 �O' O °' i� 118-800-263200 5 40 0 N Ln 'k LEGEND ® PROPOSED ASSESSED PROPERTY Hakanson Anderson 00 0 0 N O F ALB ERTVI LLE K 375 0 375 750 EXHIBIT C SCALE IN FEET OT397 EXHIBIT D Ot�e TY OF o MINNESOTA Kadler Avenue Improvement Project (70th Street to 1/2 Mile North) Bid Schedule "A" - Streets Item Description Mobilization Estimated Quantity 1 Unit Type LS Cost per Unit $ 40,236.00 Extended Total Per Unit $ 40,236.00 Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 145 LF $ 4.00 $ 580.00 Bituminous Pavement Removal 277 SY $ 3.50 $ 969.50 Common Excavation (P) 29372 CY $ 4.50 $ 132,174.00 Subgrade Correction (EV) 12588 CY $ 6.00 $ 75,528.00 Common Borrow (LV) 14687 CY $ 4.50 $ 66,091.50 Salvaged Topsoil From Stockpile (LV) 1737 CY $ 3.50 $ 6,079.50 Aggregate Base Class 3 or 4 17989 TON $ 5.00 $ 89,945.00 Aggregate Base Class 5 Mod 6210 TON $ 13.00 $ 80,730.00 Mill Bituminous Surface (1.5") 26 SY $ 6.00 $ 156.00 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 666 GAL $ 3.00 $ 1,998.00 Type SP 9.5 Wearing Course Mixture (3,C) 1497 TON $ 68.00 $ 101,796.00 Type SP 12.5 Non Wear Course Mixture (3,C) 1871 TON $ 65.00 $ 121,615.00 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design 8618 5387 LF $ 14.00 $ 75,418.00 7" Concrete Valley Gutter 74 SY $ 75.00 $ 5,550.00 Traffic Control 1 LS $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Sign Panels, Type C 22 SF $ 32.00 $ 704.00 Silt Fence, Type MS 5595 LF $ 2.00 $ 11,190.00 Storm Drain Inlet Protection 16 EACH $ 75.00 $ 1,200.00 Stabilized Construction Exit 2 LS $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 Turf Establishment 7.8 ACRE $ 1,500.00 $ 11,700.00 Erosion Control Blanket - Category 2 4973 SY $ 2.50 $ 12,432.50 Pavement Message 3 EACH $ 75.00 $ 225.00 4" Double Solid Line Yellow - Paint 2797 LF $ 0.20 $ 559.40 4" Solid Line White - Paint 5793 LF $ 0.10 $ 579.30 Total - Bid Schedule "A" - Streets 644,utb. f u Bid Schedule "B" - Sanitary bower Estimated Description Quantity Connect to Existing Pipe 1 EA $ Cost per 1,500.00 Extended Total Per $ 1,500.00 Connect to Existing Manhole 1 EA $ 3,000.00 is 3,000.00 Casting Assembly 5 EA $ 2,500.00 $ 12,500.00 8" PVC SDR 26 Sanitary Sewer Pipe (0'-12' Depth) 78 LF $ 40.00 $ 3,120.00 12" PVC SDR 26 Sanitary Sewer Pipe (30'-32' Depth) 56 LF $ 60.00 $ 3,360.00 Total - Bid Schedule "B" - Sanitary Sewer 4i 23,480.00 Bid Schedule "C" - Storm Sewer Item Description 15" RC Pipe Apron Estimated 3 1 .- EACH Cost $ per Unit 500.00 Extended $ Total Per Unit 1,500.00 18" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $ 550.00 $ 550.00 21" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $ 600.00 $ 600.00 24" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $ 750.00 $ 750.00 30" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $ 750.00 $ 750.00 18" RC Pipe Culvert Design 3006 CL V (driveways) 144 LF $ 35.00 $ 5,040.00 21" RC Safety Apron 1 EACH $ 700.00 $ 700.00 Outlet Structure 2 EACH $ 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 Safety Guard for 21" Pipe Apron 1 EACH $ 1,250.00 $ 1,250.00 Trash Guard for 30" Pipe Apron 1 EACH $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 4" Perf PVC Pipe Drain 1133 LF $ 7.00 $ 7,931.00 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 662 LF $ 36.00 $ 23,832.00 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 131 LF $ 38.00 $ 4,978.00 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 147 LF $ 40.00 $ 5,880.00 24" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 160 LF $ 47.00 $ 7,520.00 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 157 LF $ 47.00 $ 7,379.00 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 54 LF $ 55.00 $ 2,970.00 Construct Drainage Structure Design 48-4020 3 EACH $ 650.00 $ 1,950.00 Construct Drainage Structure Design 72-4020 1 EACH $ 850.00 $ 850.00 Construct Drainage Structure Design 84-4020 1 EACH $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 Construct Drainage Structure Design 2'x3' 4 EACH $ 450.00 $ 1,800.00 Articulated Interlocking Block Open Cell, Type A 68 SY $ 125.00 $ 8,500.00 Total - Bid Schedule "C" - Storm Sewer yJ,4JV.VV EXHIBIT E V) E El 0 Z B Z D LL I-- V W i 0 w a J 1a- I-- a I O O T rn N T rn N coLO 00 C� O O I ,I. LO LO O co � , T T O M N O N • T (ii 69 (f} Et} Ki Ef3 09- ?U C) O o 0 a o ' Lq U� Fz . N N O T T �a E U) W L) E L Y -J -J U cQ N c COL. U6 c (B .i L -i L +� L Un > in > rn m N C2m m c c a� @ E Z (n 2M co 2 S 06 W U) C N 117, ooM�oo O O CD NCl) N W ® O O CO CO �+..� N N O O N N Z ' O � O 00 N 00 Cl) O O � wp 0�0 C? 00 T tb T 00 T 00 T 00 T 00 T r T T T T 4°- T N ch d' Lo CO Ui 0 Z B Z D LL I-- V W i 0 w a J 1a- I-- N C O rj Q O H C E LA IA ch ii N N 0 V CD LO p c ■� O • L a c U U L) N c ns n� M M O i N Iii Cl) to LO _ 0 Cl) co co ^, Z W` in U N 04 / C Oa) ■� Y Q 00 N 69-169 164 1 69- 1 (f) 16-1 1 <0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO11') Ln u) V) LO r r r r r r e), l EF} I E0- 1 EPr I H9 I EiT N I N I O I O co I O I O Ico T - T 0 Z B Z LL 1-- U W w a J Ia- O F- a) a) LL U (n a) U U Q a) W I I LL Q U) 7 7 E C E .E E O LL /^ /Q v/ LO 0 r C a) Q a) c m W F- C) W a`) Q F- C) 0 r C: m W C. C: a) a a) :E La LL a) c cn 0 a) U Q m 0- C) U W Cl) C O .O a) U co -0 U) a `- O (0 N � C C LO (B E U O (o 00 N �64 O O LL- LL U) in V c ■� O E L a c U U L) N c ns n� as O v O i N ai c a) c rn _ 0 c� ^, Z W` in U N / C Oa) ■� Y Q r O O O O co O d' O O r O ^+ r � C d r ti O N O O N O N M O N M (O OO O N N //.■■� 0 �L �4W O a0 o O 00 M m N 00 M N 0 O 0? 0 O 00 r r r r r ^L+ W M '.t Lo O N F- T - T 0 Z B Z LL 1-- U W w a J Ia- O F- a) a) LL U (n a) U U Q a) W I I LL Q U) 7 7 E C E .E E O LL /^ /Q v/ LO 0 r C a) Q a) c m W F- C) W a`) Q F- C) 0 r C: m W C. C: a) a a) :E La LL a) c cn 0 a) U Q m 0- C) U W Cl) C O .O a) U co -0 U) a `- O (0 N � C C LO (B E U O (o 00 N �64 O O LL- LL U) in cn il O O d' co c� N O N EA n U) 0 U U 0 0 (6 0 a N E coco w O LL 0 U _ I 0 LU z z z ml'�I_r_Q T 05:, L W (%j (w (n Z Q J Z LL Ow O • w 2 � H O •